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Министерство образования Российской Федерации

Пермский государственный технический университет

Березниковский филиал

Кафедра общенаучных дисциплин



для студентов I курса всех специальностей

дневной формы обучения

Пермь 2001

Составители: старшие преподаватели Ивонина Л.К.,

Кучина Е.Б.,

Чайникова Г.Р.

В предлагаемом пособии содержятся тексты для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. В основе построения пособия – принцип интенсивного обучения. Каждый из предложенных текстов включает в себя основной словарь – минимум, грамматические упражнения и творческие задания для ознакомительного чтения, обсуждения и развития навыков разговорной речи.

Пособие предназначегно для студентов Iкурса всех специальностей дневной формы обучения и тематически связано с разговорными темами, предлагаемыми наI-м курсе.

Пособие снабжено приложениями для чтения с информацией об англоязычных странах.

© Пермский государственный технический университет, 2001

3 Learning foreign languages

“He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one”.


  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Is it necessary to learn English?

  2. What kind of foreign languages do you know?

  3. Is it difficult for you to learn foreign languages?

  4. Where do you learn foreign lan­guages?

  5. Whom do you learn English with?

  6. Who teaches you English?

  7. Do you use your knowledge of foreign languages in your life?

  8. Where do you use your knowledge of foreign languages?

  9. Do you like to learn it?

  10. How long does it take you to do your English homework carefully?

  11. How many foreign languages do you know?

  12. What other languages besides English would you like to learn?

  1. Read the dialogue and express the opinion “why do you learn foreign language?”

Why Do You Learn Foreign Language?

Is it easy for you to learn foreign language?

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.

Why do you learn foreign language?

— Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign language. Some people learn language, because they need it for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying language is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign language can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.

Why do you. learn exactly English?

— Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

Do many people in the world speak English as a mother language (tongue)?

— Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations.

What language is used by scientists?


— Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

  • Do you like English?

  • English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.

  • Do you know how to learn English better?

  • Yes, there are some rules of memory. It is necessary to repeat the material you've learnt every three days. If you don't repeat the material within three days most of the information vanishes as if you never learnt it. It is better to memorize material before you go to bed. You'll memorize it more quickly. It's very useful to listen to the material you are learning to memorize the pronunciation. One should also know that we get 90% of information by teaching others, only 20% by listening and 30% by seeing.

  1. Translate these sentences into English.

1). Великий немецкий поэт Гёте однажды сказал: «Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает и своего собственного».

2). Изучение иностранных языков особенно важно сегодня.

3). Некоторые люди изучают языки, потому что они нужны им в работе, другие путешествуют за границу, для третьих изучение иностранных языков — хобби.

4). Каждый год тысячи людей из России едут в разные страны как туристы или работать.

5). Они не могут обойтись без знания языка страны, в которую они едут.

6). Современный инженер и даже рабочий не смогут работать с импортным станком или машиной, если он не в состоянии прочитать инструкцию, как это сделать.

7). Ученый, историк, дипломат являются, как правило, полиглотами, потому что иностранные языки нужны им в их работе.

  1. The great German poet Goethe said, "He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one." That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages. What do you think about Goether’s words?

  1. Make up you own dialogue about learning foreign languages.

  1. Now you begin an institute course of English. It is very important to know what you think about it. Is it necessary for a future economist (engineer) to study a foreign language?

  1. Read pros and cons given below. Think of some more which are important in your opinion.




1. I can read scientific journals in English as soon as they are published.

2. I can speak to foreign colleagues if necessary.

3. I can read English books.

4. I can find out more about the world.

1. It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language.

2. It is impossible to learn a foreign language.

3. I can read interesting articles when they are translated into Russian.

4. I think it is very difficult to learn a foreign language.

2) Discuss the problem in groups of 3-5 students. You may find the following expressions helpful: