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Travelling by Railway.rtf
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Travelling by Railway.

Although we all agree that the future belongs to air transport the railways today is still one of the most popular means of transport and, besides, it is one of the cheapest.

Let’s have a look at the railway station. The trains come in and go out. We can see a train standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. It’s a long-distance train. It has got a lot of carriages, among them we can see a dining car and a luggage van.

Some of the passengers are looking out of the windows watching the late-comers who are hurrying along the platform to their carriages. Some people are standing on the platform near the train. They have come to see their friends and relatives off. We can hear them saying “Good-bye” to each other. The porters are very busy carrying the passengers’ luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking trunks and suitcases to the luggage van.

On the other platform the train has just come in. The passengers are getting out. Some of them are met by their friends and relatives. This train has made a long journey. There are sleeping carriages at the front part of the train. It’s a slow train, not an express. It stops at many stations.

That train at the third platform is not a long-distance train; it’s a local (suburban) train. There is no dining car in it. There are no sleeping carriages in them too; instead we can see an open carriage with rows of upholstered seats. You can see many people with hand luggage on that platform. At the carriages one can see inspectors checking up the tickets. The guards of the carriage help passengers to find their seats and compartments.

The man standing near the bookstall is a station master. His office is next to the booking office.

People are hurrying in all directions. We see those who haven’t booked their tickets beforehand waiting in queues the booking office. Further along there are refreshment-rooms crowded with people. You can see them having a nasty meal. Those who have to wait for their train are sitting in the waiting-hall. Some people are standing near the left-luggage office. They want to leave their luggage until the certain time.


belong - принадлежать

means of transport - транспортное средство

railway station - ж/д. вокзал

junction - транспортный узел

platform - платформа

come in - подходить (к перрону)

go out / leave - отходить

be ready to leave -быть готовым отправляться

train - поезд

long-distance train - поезд дальнего следования

local train - местный поезд

suburban train - пригородный поезд

slow train - обычный почтово-пассажирский

through train - прямой поезл

express train - экспресс

fast train - скорый поезд

train to - поезд до

passenger - пассажир

passenger for - пассажир, отправляющийся в

carriage - вагон

sleeping carriage - спальный вагон

open carriage - вагон не разделенный на купе

rows of upholstered seats - ряды мягких кресел

dining car - вагон -ресторан

luggage van - багажный вагон

~ for non-smokers - вагон для некурящих

rack - багажная полка в вагоне

seat - место

corner seat - угловое место

seat facing to the engine - место, походу поезда

look out of the window - смотреть в окно

see their friends and relatives off. - провожать родственников и друзей

porter - носильщик

luggage / baggage - багаж

hand luggage - ручной багаж

trunk - большой чемодан, баул

suitcase - чемодан

register the luggage - сдать вещи в багажный вагон

carry - нести

push the luggage on the truck - толкать багаж на тележке

inspector / ticket collector - контролер

guard / conductor - проводник (в вагоне)

compartment - купе

station master - начальник станции

booking office - билетная касса

book tickets for a train - взять (заказать) билет на поезд

single ticket - билет в один конец

return /roundabout ticket - билет в оба конца

reserve tickets - бронировать билеты

ticket for a train to … - билет на поезд до…

beforehand - заранее

line / queue - очередь

to wait in a ~ - стоять в очереди

refreshment-room - буфет

restaurant - ресторан

be crowded with - быть заполненным

have a nasty meal - торопливо есть

waiting-hall - зал ожидания

left-luggage office - камера хранения

bookstall - книжный киоск

trip - путешествие, поездка (короткая)

business trip - командировка

travel - путешествие, путешествовать

journey - путешествие (по суше)

voyage - путешествие (по воде)

time-table schedule - расписание

arrival / departure - прибытие / отправление

souvenirs - сувениры

first aid service - скорая помощь

first-class carriage -международный вагон (1 класс)

second-class carriage - мягкий вагон (2 класс)

third-class carriage - жесткий вагон (3 класс)

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