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6.4. Materials for methods of self-contained students in appropriate guidance to students 6 courses for self-preparation for practical classes in the subject.

VII. Literature

7.1. Summary:

1)   B ondar G. B., B and itenko. C., P opovych Oh. Yu P aliatyvna medical care

The manual for students of V - VI courses, medical interns and family physicians., D onetsk 2004.

2)               Bilynsky BT Oncology, Lviv, 1998.

3)               Bilynsky BT Oncology, Lviv, 1992.

4)               Peterson BE CANCER, M.: Medicine, 1980

5)               Slynchak SM - CANCER, M.: Medicine, 1981.

6)               Trapeznikov NN CANCER, M.: Medicine, 1981.

7)               Lecture material.

7.2. MORE:

Clinical CANCER. Moscow: Medicine, 1971. - Vol.1. - 440 p.

The total CANCER. Guide for doctors. L.: Medicine, 1989. - 646 p.

CANCER. Dictionary-Handbook. Y.V.Kasyanenko, V.H.Pynchuk, D.V.Myasoedov and others Kiev.: Naukova Dumka, 1992.

Tumors: carcinogenesis, tumor classification, general principles of diagnosis and treatment (Methodological development for students). Lviv, 1993. - 13 p.

Peterson BE General Principles of diagnosis zlokachestvennыh tumors. Moscow: Medicine, 1968.


Methodological development was       by                                    MD, Associate Professor GV Trunov

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