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Кафедра іноземних мов

Тести для визначення мінімального рівня знань з англійської мови

Курс 1 модуль 2

The task of a surgeon is … a patient.

A. to kill

B. to operate on

C. to think about

D. to teach

E. to stop

The organ of speech is … .

A. Mouth

B. ear

C. eye

D. nose

E. throat

The university year is divided into … .

A. terms

B. faculties

C. classes

D. subjects

E. deans

The organ in the mouth is … .

A. liver

B. tongue

C. lung

D. kidney

E. brain

An injection is given with … .

A. a computer

B. a syringe

C. a stethoscope

D. a notebook

E. a mammograph

A microscope is … .

A. a new student in the group

B. a scientist studying bacteria

C. a teacher at the university

D. an instrument for injections

E. an apparatus to see small objects

To diagnose is… .

A. to discover the disease

B. to speak with a lazy student

C. to study ophthalmology

D. to operate on a patient

E. to treat a patient

People use their ears … .

A. to smell

B. to speak

C. to understand

D. to listen

E. to taste

A gland is … .

A. an apparatus

B. someone suffering from disability

C. a part of the endocrine system

D. an instrument used to take temperature

E. a scientist

The scientific study of the urinary system is … .

A. neurology

B. urology

C. cardiology

D. hepatology

E. gynecology

The system which is responsible for breathing is:

  1. respiratory

  2. digestive

  3. endocrine

  4. reproductive

  5. urinary

The …connect the urinary bladder and kidneys.

A. arm

B. ureters

C. chest

D. clavicle

E. shoulders

… is the study of microorganisms.

A. Nephrology

B. Microbiology

C. Hematology

D. Myology

E. Dentistry

Windpipe belongs to the … system

  1. musculoskeletal

  2. nervous

  3. respiratory

  4. urinary

  5. digestive

… is the specialist for urinary system diseases.

A. Surgeon

B. Neurologist

C. Urologist

D. Hepatologist

E. Internist

…are studied by pharmacology.

A. X-rays

B. Diseases

C. Drugs

D. Ears

E. Tumors

Each of the bronchi leads to a separate …

  1. mouth

  2. gallbladder

  3. nose

  4. lung

  5. muscle

Endocrinology studies ….

A. brain

B. mouth

C. hormones

D. stomach

E. hands

The kidneys are responsible for ….

A. urine production

B. hearing

C. tasting

D. seeing

E. thinking

The right lung consists of three

A. bones

B. tissue

C. nuclei

D. cells

E. lobes

If you are a student, you study at … .

A. home

B. university

C. hostel

D. library

E. hospital

Do you often have a …when you have bronchitis?

A. secretion

B. ill

C. cough

D. rash

E. inflammation

Delivery is giving …to a child.

A. presence

B. death

C. vitality

D. absence

E. birth

How do you …when you have the flu?

A. make

B. feel

C. go

D. get

E. treat

Pulmono- is the combing form for

  1. small

  2. lung

  3. blood

  4. throat

  5. ear

… is the place where ill people are treated.

A. Home

B. University

C. Department

D. Hospital

E. Appartment

What is the … between bacterium and virus?

A. age

B. difference

C. looks

D. in

E. at

Pharyngitis is inflammation … .

A. throat

B. ears

C. cases

D. sounds

E. smells

An adult person has about 5 or 6 liters of … .

A. water

B. mouth

C. blood

D. eye

E. age

Kidneys are two organs that … urine.

A. finish

B. produce

C. leave

D. test

E. fix

Peter...as a doctor since 1991

A. is worked

B. has worked

C. work

D. working

E. like worked

Have you ever...an operation?

A. have

B. had

C. do you have

D. is have

E. has

The doctor has already... all the patients.

A. is examining

B. had examined

C. examined

D. examines

E. examine

He feels much better. He…a little this morning.

A. eat

B. has eaten

C. eating

D. eated

E. had eating

The blood pressure of this patient...this evening.

A. rised

B. has risen

C. rosed

D. are rising

E. rise

Tom has just...his driving test.

A. passed

B. passing

C. pass

D. am passing

E. passes

...you already consulted your doctor about your illness?

A. Have

B. Does

C. Consulted

D. Are

E. Consult

I have never ......to England.

A. be

B. was

C. am

D. been

E. being

They have...a new hospital this year.


B. built

C. builds

D. are building

E. had built

The doctor ... already examined the patient.

A. did

B. has

C. is

D. to be

E. does

Andrew ... not finished his work yet.

A. has

B. does

C. do

D. are

E. have

How many English books have you.......this month?

A. did

B. reads

C. read

D. reading

E. to read

...you ever had any serious injuries?

A. Did

B. Have

C. Do

D. Had

E. Has

I ... not taken the medication yet.

A. have

B. to be

C. do

D. did

E. am

...you already had your operation?

A. have

B. did

C. do

D. had

E. has

We have not ... to the hospital for a year.

A. be

B. were

C. are

D. been

E. being

They have already... the old hospitals.

A. rebuilt

B. has rebuilt

C. rebuilts

D. to rebuild

E. rebuild

The patient ...got up yet, and it`s 11 o`clock!

A. is not

B. not have

C. has not

D. does not

E. gets

These drugs have been ... for twenty years.

A. used

B. to using

C. to use

D. to used

E. is used

I ... seen you for ages.

A. have not

B. to be

C. do not

D. did not

E. has not

I … a student in 2009.

A. was

B. has

C. are

D. is

E. were

The organ which secretes urine is ...

  1. live

  2. mouth

  3. kidney

  4. nose

  5. leg

She … English very well when she was a child.

A. spoke

B. spoken

C. speaking

D. speaked

E. speak

There … five desks in the classroom last year.

A. being

B. is

C. were

D. be

E. was

The heart … located in the chest cavity.

A. is

B. were

C. have

D. are

E. does

He wanted to … a cardiologist.

A. was

B. being

C. been

D. be

E. are

He … bad so we went to the hospital.

A. felt

B. is felt

C. are feeling

D. feeling

E. are felt

When … you get up in the morning last winter?

A. are

B. do

C. did

D. is

E. done

All students … three classes a day last year.

A. has had

B. has

C. having

D. had

E. are had

Did you … the symptoms?

A. understand

B. understands

C. understanding

D. have understand

E. understood

… there anything else you feel when you were ill?

A. Has

B. Are

C. Were

D. Was

E. Had

My brother … as a dentist three years ago.

A. working

B. worked

C. work

D. have worked

E. is work

We … eyes for seeing.

A. used

B. use

C. using

D. is use

E. are used

What do salivary glands …?

A. produced

B. producing

C. produce

D. have produced

E. is produced

She … miss classes last year.

A. didn’t

B. hadn't

C. have did

D. don't

E. haven't

… she cook well?

A. Have

B. Can

C. Did

D. Doing

E. Done

Where … they from?

A. are

B. is

C. do

D. did

E. was

How much money … you pay for the pills?

A. does

B. doing

C. did

D. is

E. done

Peter never … TV when he was a student.

A. watching

B. watch

C. watched

D. watching

E. is watching

How long … it take you to get to the University yesterday?

A. do

B. did

C. does

D. doing

E. done

The doctor … examining the patient at the moment.

A. were

B. are

C. has

D. was

E. is

Two patients … talking to a doctor now.

A. was

B. is

C. are

D. have

E. were

The cardiologist … listening to the patient's heart now.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. was

E. will

Mike … buying sleeping pills at the moment.

A. am

B. are

C. will

D. is

E. has

The surgeon … performing an operation now.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. was

E. were

The patient complains … headache.

A. of

B. from

C. around

D. into

E. up

The doctors … discussing the digestive system now.

A. has

B. is

C. were

D. are

E. was

The nurse … dressing the patient's wound at the moment.

A. is

B. have

C. was

D. are

E. was

Doctor Smith ... putting the stitches on Peter's wound now.

A. has

B. are

C. were

D. is

E. was

The nurse wrote … the patient's name.

A. from

B. at

C. down

D. across

E. up

Neuro- means … .

A. liver

B. nerve

C. stomach

D. lung

E. head

Thrombocytes are responsible … blood coagulation.

A. within

B. at

C. from

D. for

E. up

The doctor … watching how the blood circulates the body now.

A. is

B. was

C. have

D. am

E. are

The nurse … taking a blood sample at the moment.

A. is

B. were

C. has

D. are

E. was

Fungi can cause diseases … animals.

A. inside

B. from

C. across

D. of

E. up

The endocrine system is composed … glands.

A. through

B. in

C. of

D. among

E. up

Nephro- means … .

A. spine

B. hand

C. heart

D. liver

E. kidney

The pediatrician … asking the child about his health now.

A. has

B. are

C. were

D. is

E. were

Spleno- means … .

A. heart

B. leg

C. spleen

D. muscle

E. eye

Laryngo- means … .

A. muscle

B. brain

C. larynx

D. leg

E. tooth

The patient … drinking milk now to get more calcium now.

A. am

B. are

C. is

D. was

E. has

Neurology Department is … the first floor.

A. for

B. on

C. across

D. onto

E. from

Testo- means … .

A. leg

B. chest

C. testis

D. finger

E. head

The ophthalmologist … checking my eyesight now.

A. are

B. was

C. am

D. is

E. has

Uro- means … .

A. heart

B. urinary system

C. nerve

D. lung

E. ear

Arterio- means … .

A. artery

B. leg

C. urethra

D. brain

E. hand

The doctor … feeling the patient's pulse now.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. was

E. were

Kate … sleeping after the operation.

A. is

B. am

C. was

D. were

E. has

The ovaries are located … the lower abdominal region.

A. in

B. up

C. down

D. past

E. from

Embryo- means … .

A. vertebra

B. eye

C. embryo

D. hand

E. leg

The doctor … consulting the patient now.

A. is

B. has

C. am

D. were

E. was

Urethra is a canal leading … the bladder.

A. across

B. at

C. from

D. aside

E. up

The nurse … making an injection now.

A. am

B. was

C. is

D. has

E. were

The gynecologist … examining a woman at the moment.

A. was

B. was

C. am

D. has

E. is

Ovario- means … .

A. ovary

B. leg

C. heart

D. muscle

E. eye

The endocrinologists … measuring the insulin level now.

A. are

B. was

C. is

D. am

E. has

Encephalo- means … .

A. brain

B. liver

C. skin

D. muscle

E. tooth

The surgeon … palpating the patient's abdomen now.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. has

E. were

Viro- means … .

A. head

B. virus

C. eye

D. hand

E. tooth

The brain is protected by ...

A. skull

B. cell

C. system

D. hand

E. lungs

Alex … from the University a year ago.

A. graduated

B. had graduated

C. has graduated

D. graduates

E. graduate

Ann and Mario … doctors.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

E. be

They … not interested in medicine.

A. was

B. were

C. are

D. is

E. do

Diane and I first met … 1987.

A. over

B. on

C. in

D. since

E. of

The weather is fine today, but it … bad yesterday.

A. does

B. is

C. was

D. be

E. are

The disease was caused … virus.

A. by

B. bad

C. ill

D. cold

E. among

… they in Berlin last year?

A. were

B. is

C. has been

D. are

E. was

His disease … several years ago.

A. beginned

B. begin

C. began

D. begun

E. begins

He … not have enough money to buy something to eat.

A. was

B. has

C. did

D. is

E. are

You need 13 years to become a doctor … the USA.

A. with

B. in

C. one

D. after

E. before

My mother … a headache last night.

A. had

B. have

C. is

D. has got

E. does

The pain does not affect … your sleep.

A. -

B. under

C. below

D. at

E. against

He … operated on last Monday.

A. are

B. does

C. was

D. has been

E. did

Last night she did not … because of a toothache.

A. sleeping

B. slept

C. sleep

D. sleeps

E. has slept

… you go for a walk last Saturday?

A. do

B. did

C. were

D. has

E. are

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

A. through

B. for

C. in

D. up

E. without

Do you work … Saturday?

A. on

B. down

C. by

D. to

E. around

This time last year I … living in France.

A. has been

B. is

C. am

D. was

E. did

Do you … a toothache?

A. got

B. has

C. have

D. had

E. having

She … examined by the ophthalmologist three months ago.

A. does

B. has been

C. is

D. were

E. was

Yesterday the doctor … him some drugs.

A. is prescribing

B. has prescribed

C. prescribes

D. prescribed

E. had prescribed

Bile is produced by … .

A. head

B. ovary

C. pancreas

D. liver

E. nerve

Are you good … chemistry?

A. at

B. ago

C. up

D. into

E. because

The brain is located in the … .

A. skull

B. lumbar region

C. pelvic cavity

D. chest

E. abdomen

A doctor who treats your teeth is … .

A. a general practitioner

B. a dentist

C. neurologist

D. gynecologist

E. cardiologist

Mycology is the study of … .

A. fungi

B. ear

C. skin

D. heart

E. bones

… is not a gland.

A. pancreas

B. thyroid gland

C. adrenal gland

D. heart

E. thymus gland

Utero- means … .

A. breast

B. egg

C. uterus

D. testis

E. sperm

Hepato- means … .

A. llimb

B. insulin

C. liver

D. brain

E. virus

A specialist in the study of viruses … .

A. pediatrician

B. endocrinologist

C. virologist

D. anaesthetist

E. surgeon

Male sex cell is a … .

A. spermatozoon

B. follicle

C. testis

D. ovum

E. gland

The endocrine system consists of … .

A. ovaries

B. fungi

C. glands

D. testes

E. bacteria

Embryo grows in the … .

A. uterus

B. stomach

C. kidney

D. cortex

E. fallopian tube

… are not microorganisms.

A. glands

B. protozoa

C. fungi

D. bacteria

E. viruses

Thyroxin is secreted by the … .

A. thyroid gland

B. parathyroid gland

C. ovary

D. pancreas

E. hypophysis

Micro- means … .

A. small

B. gland

C. ill

D. virus

E. half

People are protected from many diseases by the … system.

A. immune

B. male reproductive

C. nervous

D. digestive

E. female reproductive

A milk-secreting organ of a woman is … .

A. breast

B. cell

C. tube

D. embryo

E. brain

Virology is the study of … .

A. cells

B. bacteria

C. viruses

D. bones

E. heart

… is an ability of an organism to resist disease.

A. immunity

B. medicine

C. inflammation

D. infection

E. virus

I … a student.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. do

E. does

My sister … a nurse.

A. are

B. am

C. do

D. is

E. did

My brother … a good tennis player.

A. isn’t

B. aren’t

C. don’t

D. doesn’t

E. didn’t

… Paris the capital of France?

A. is

B. are

C. does

D. do

E. am

The shops … open today.

A. do

B. am

C. are

D. is

E. does

The examination … difficult.

A. is

B. am

C. does

D. be

E. did

Her son … six years old.

A. be is

B. are

C. be

D. am

E. does

My father … a doctor.

A. is

B. does

C. are

D. do

E. am

It … hot today.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

E. does

… you at home now?

A. did

B. is

C. do

D. are

E. am

We … good friends.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. does

E. do

… you married?

A. be

B. do

C. are

D. does

E. is

It … sunny.

A. am

B. be

C. do

D. is

E. are

Where … he from?

A. is

B. are

C. does

D. did

E. be

… they interested in art?

A. does

B. am

C. did

D. are

E. is

His wife … a teacher.

A. did

B. are

C. do

D. am

E. is

He … Italian.

A. do

B. is

C. am

D. are

E. will

These books … very interesting.

A. aren’t

B. isn’t

C. won’t

D. don’t

E. doesn’t

He … single.

A. is

B. did

C. am

D. do

E. are

She … hungry.

A. didn’t

B. aren’t

C. won’t

D. isn’t

E. doesn’t

People are treated in the … .

A. shops

B. universities

C. hospitals

D. libraries

E. banks

A subdivision of the university is called a … .

A. faculty

B. side

C. room

D. part

E. library

A doctor prescribes his patient a suitable course of … .

A. eating

B. treatment

C. studying

D. running

E. sleeping

A subdivision of the hospital is called … .

A. department

B. floor

C. room

D. field

E. step

The study of the eye and its diseases is called a… .

A. ophthalmology

B. obstetrics

C. cardiology

D. dentistry

E. pediatrics

A therapeutist listens to the heart with a … .

A. stethoscope

B. microscope

C. barometer

D. thermometer

E. X-ray

A person who assists in childbirth is an … .

A. obstetrician

B. psychologist

C. ophthalmologist

D. dentist

E. cardiologist

The main organ of the nervous system is the … .

A. lungs

B. heart

C. brain

D. liver

E. stomach

The stomach is a part of the … system.

A. urinary

B. digestive

C. nervous

D. respiratory

E. cardiovascular

Erythrocytes, thrombocytes and leukocytes are types of … .

A. blood cells

B. skin layers

C. heart layers

D. body tissues

E. hospital departments

Hypertension … be the result of a kidney disease.

A. should

B. must

C. can

D. have to

E. need

I was tired but I … sleep.

A. couldn’t

B. may not

C. must

D. had to

E. can’t

If you need to check your heart you go to a…

A. cardiologist

B. dentist

C. neurologist

D. ophthalmologist

E. gastroenterologist

You should go to a dentist if you have a…

A. toothache

B. headache

C. stomachache

D. backache

E. earache

Surgery … be indicated in this case.

A. may

B. have

C. be

D. are

E. was

You are feverish. Your … is 38°C

A. temperature

B. weight

C. height

D. size

E. chill

Cardiology, Surgery, Urology, Neurology are the … of the hospital

A. departments

B. levels

C. faculties


E. rooms

Your disease … be caused by a virus.

A. can

B. needs

C. should

D. would

E. have to

… you open the door, please?

A. Should

B. Must

C. Have to

D. Can

E. Need

You … clean your teeth after every meal.

A. should


C. may

D. would

E. does

Andrew … late for school yesterday.

A. was

B. were

C. am

D. is

E. are

Anna … the test before.

A. did

B. was

C. does

D. being

E. is

The combining form for bacteria is … .

A. bacterio-

B. viro-

C. gastro-

D. bio-

E. dermato-

Audio- is the combining form for…

A. writing

B. walking

C. hearing

D. reading

E. asking

If your child is ill you have to take him to a …

A. pediatrician

B. orthodontist

C. biologist

D. geneticist

E. beautician

Someone who treats people is a… .

A. teacher

B. doctor

C. student

D. writer

E. scientist

The scientific study of the structure of human and animal bodies is called… .

A. biology

B. chemistry

C. psychology

D. anatomy

E. physics

… is the study of skin diseases.

A. Hematology

B. Oncology

C. Dermatology

D. Herpetology

E. Gastroenterology

The departments of the university are in different … .

A. buildings

B. countries

C. campuses

D. libraries

E. hostels

The students from other regions can live in the students’… .

A. compartment

B. building

C. department

D. hostel

E. faculty

… is the study of the mouth.

A. surgery

B. oncology

C. stomatology

D. therapy

E. endocrinology

Yesterday I … at hospital.

A. was

B. will be

C. is

D. are

E. were

He … a student now.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

E. will be

They … in London in 1998.

A. am

B. are

C. were

D. is

E. was

It … Monday today.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

E. will be

The brain ... the main part of the central nervous system.

A. is

B. were

C. does

D. can

E. are

She … taken to the hospital long time ago.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. am

E. were

He… operated on last Saturday

A. am

B. is

C. was

D. were

E. are

Mary… at school now.

A. are

B. was

C. were

D. am

E. is

Chris…in France in summer.

A. was

B. is

C. am

D. are

E. were

It… cold yesterday.

A. was

B. is

C. am

D. were

E. are

The coffee… too sweet.

A. is

B. am

C. did

D. are

E. were

We… at a school in the morning.

A. were

B. am

C. is

D. does

E. was

They … students now.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. am

E. was

The… is the head of the faculty.

A. dean

B. intern

C. teacher

D. doctor

E. general practitioner

After the graduation medical students undergo… .

A. application

B. supervision

C. internship

D. campus

E. curriculum

The specialist who performs surgical procedures is a… .

A. surgeon

B. internist

C. intern

D. resident

E. subspecialist

The books… not expensive.

A. were

B. can

C. am

D. is

E. was

His disease… caused by smoking.

A. are

B. were

C. was

D. does

E. did

She … ill with pneumonia.

A. is

B. were

C. should

D. might

E. am

In Ukraine medical education … for six years.

A. lasts

B. sings

C. lasting

D. hurts

E. likes

... she in Rome last year?

A. Is

B. Visited

C. Was

D. Were

E. Are

The patient … not prescribed antibiotics.

A. were

B. are

C. was

D. did

E. take

… is a female sex cell.

A. ovum

B. spermatozoon

C. sperm

D. ovulation

E. gonad

The… glands secrete hormones into the blood.

A. endocrine

B. exocrine

C. digestive

D. reproductive

E. musculoskeletal

…is an organ of the female reproductive system

A. kidneys

B. vagina

C. lungs

D. seminal vesicle

E. testes

Pancreo- is the combining form for…

A. pancreas

B. kidney

C. tooth

D. brain

E. mouth

The immune system protects us from various … .

A. diseases

B. allergies

C. injures

D. inflammation

E. activities

… is an organ of the male reproductive system.

A. testis

B. insulin

C. epinephrine

D. progesterone

E. thyroxin

… you ready?

A. being

B. is

C. am

D. be

E. are

Yesterday the patient … understand what the doctor said.

A. has not

B. is not

C. did not

D. have not

E. will not

In 1992 Kharkiv University … not have the status of national university.

A. is

B. be

C. did

D. has

E. had

This medicine ... discovered in 1994

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. have

E. will

I ... the university in 2001

A. is

B. to enter

C. was

D. were

E. entered

The medicine was prescribed ... .