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S: ____ man has his faults. -: both

-: both of +: every

-: everybody


S: What _____ have you seen at the museum? -: still

-: already +: else

-: everything


S: Tom has finished _____ work. -: her

-: hers +: his

-: himself


S: Ann has already started _____ work. +: her

-: hers -: his

-: herself

V1: Глагол в страдательном залоге


S: Over 57 million students _______ in American schools which range from kindergartens to high schools.

+: were enrolled -: are enrolled

-: has been enrolled -: will be enrolled


S: America’s first college, Harvard, ______ in Massachusetts in 1636. -: is being founded

-: has been founded +: was founded

-: have been founded


S: The story of the first Thanksgiving feast _______ among the Americans. +: is well-known

-: have been well-known

-: would have been well-known -: will be well-known


S: The students ______ on the Industrial Revolution at the end of the term. +: will be tested

-: are being tested

-: will have been tested -: would have been tested


S: Now London’s councilmen _______ to approve the erection of a life-size statue of Charlie Chaplin in the costume that the British-born Comedian made famous in his films.

+: are being asked -: being asked

-: asked

-: will be asked


S: Mr.N. was sure that the prisoners of conscience ______ in at least 70 countries. +: are being held

-: were being held -: being held

-: is being held


S: In more than 200 years the USA Constitution ______ 26 times. -: is amended

-: is being amended +: has been amended -: will be amended


S: The bridge ______ by tomorrow morning. +: will have been reconstructed

-: is being reconstructed -: will be reconstructed -: is reconstructed


S: It was announced that the international treaty against weather warfare ____ and had gone into effect.

-: would have been ratified -: is ratified

+: had been ratified -: is ratified

V1: Фразовые глаголы


S: Are you ______ working for us? -: interested at

-: interested with +: interested in -: interested on


S: She wanted to _______ work after the baby was born. -: give in

-: give on

-: give around +: give up


S: Mike _______ all his ideas of becoming a lawyer. +: put away

-: put on -: put up

-: put across


S: Sarah _______ jogging in order to lose weight. +: took up

-: took over -: took off

-: took down


S: The bus had _______ so all the passengers had to get off and wait for another one to come.

+: broke down -: broke up

-: broke off

-: broke out


S: Заполните пропуск

Chris is trying to ______ smoking. +: give up

-: give from -: give out -: give down


S: Заполните пропуск

I’m writing to _______ the job you advertised in last Tuesday’s “Daily News”. -: apply from

-: apply to +: apply for -: apply at


S: Заполните пропуск

Mike _______ all his ideas of becoming a lawyer. +: put away

-: put on -: put up

-: put across


S: Заполните пропуск

Sam _______ so fast. I think he's going to be a tall guy. -: is growing from

-: is growing out -: is growing over +: is growing up


S: Заполните пропуск

Sarah _______ jogging in order to lose weight. +: took up

-: took over -: took off

-: took down


S: Заполните пропуск

I asked the receptionist to _____ me _____ to the manager.

-: put away +: put through -: put with

-: put from


S: Заполните пропуск

Where is Jane? I am ______ waiting? -: tired to

-: tired about +: tired of

-: tired with


S: Заполните пропуск

All our plans _______. -: broke in

+: broke down -: broke through -: broke to


S: Заполните пропуск

He was forced to _______ his country. -: give up

-: give on -: give over +: give in


S: He is ______ the blackboard. -: looking on

-: looking through -: looking up

+: looking at


S: Заполните пропуск

I will not _______ any more of your time. -: take about

-: take from +: take up -: take back


S: Заполните пропуск

He is _______ a job now. -: looking after

-: looking through +: looking for

-: looking at

V1: Термины и дефиниции


S: _____ is the business of drawing public attention to goods and services. -: Marketing mix

-: Strategic marketing -: Competition

+: Advertising


S: _____ is a summary of your academic and work history. -: Academic record

+: Resume

-: Recommendations -: References


S: ______ is a formal permission to sell a company’s goods in a particular area. +: Franchising

-: Billing

-: Invoicing

-: Grading


S: _______ is a system of purchasing goods or services and paying for them later. -: Сommission

+: Сredit -: Taxation -: Rent


S: _______ is an official document showing permission has been given to use the company’s logo.

-: Invoice

-: Cheque

-: Licence

+: Permission


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is the rise in the general level of prices caused by an excess of demand over supply.

-: Deflation

-: Gold standard +: Inflation

-: Cost


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ department is responsible for hiring, training and placing employees. +: Personnel

-: Personal

-: Private

-: Public Relations


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is a team of office workers who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task.

-: Colleagues

-: Co-workers -: Stuff

+: Staff


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically.

-: Board

-: Committee -: Council

+: Organization


S: Заполните пропуск

_______ is an official document showing permission has been given to use the company’s logo.

-: Invoice

-: Cheque

-: Licence

+: Permission


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is a fee charged by a government on a product, income, or activity. -: Levy

-: Duty

-: Rent +: Tax


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is the rise in the general level of prices caused by an excess of demand over supply.

-: Deflation

-: Gold standard +: Inflation

-: Cost


S: Заполните пропуск

_____ is various transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services).

+: Commerce -: Promotion -: Bargain

-: Competition


S: Заполните пропуск

To _______ means to allow somebody to use something for a fixed period of time. +: lend

-: buy -: sell

-: recruit


S: Заполните пропуск

A _______ is the second important person in an organization. +: deputy

-: buyer -: seller -: recruit

V1: Социально-деловая сфера


S: BosS: “Do you see what I mean?”

Employee: “____________________________” -: I don’t think so.

-: Yes, do, please.

-: Yes, and I don’t agree with you.

+: Yes, but I’m not sure I quite agree.


S: Director: “Do you get the idea?” Vice-Director: “________________” -+ Sorry, I’m not sure, I do.

-: Yes, do, please. -: No, I don’t.

-: I don’t agree with it.


S: Manager: “His results are of no practical import ance.” Subordinate: “________________________”

-: You are quite right. I agree with you.

+: You see, we don’t need to carry out any tests of practical importance. -: Really?

-: His results are the best.


S: Receptionist: “Welcome to the equipment exhibiti on. Where are you from?” Participant: “______________________”

-: Thank you for invitation.

-: Thank you. The exhibition was useful. I’ve made a lot of contracts. +: Thank you, I am from France.

-: The equipment is from Moscow.


S: Employee: “As far as I understand, it’s almost i mpossible to operate the production line so quickly.”

Manager: “___________________________” -: I think you should give up this idea.

-: Yes, I get the ideal decision.

-: You have no right to get on with this job.

+: Well, you are quite right, but we are to do our best.


S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Waiter: “Would you like something to drink?” Customer: “_______________”

-: I wonder if I could have a cup of coffee, please. -: You must bring me a cup of coffee.

+: Can I have a cup of coffee, please? -: Give me coffee.


S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Employee: “As far as I understand, it’s almost impo ssible to operate the production line so quickly.”

Manager: “___________________________” -: I think you should give up this idea.

-: Yes, I get the ideal decision.

-: You have no right to get on with this job.

+: Well, you are quite right, but we are to do our best.


S: Заполните пропуск

Nurse: Health Helpline, how can I help you? Patient: __________________

-: Look here! I need some help. -: Help!

-: I don’t know it for sure.

+: I’m not feeling very well. I wonder if you might be able to help me.


S: Заполните пропуск

Visitor: _________________

Clerk: Sure, we can change it for you here. -: I want to change some money.

+: Excuse me, is there somewhere around where I can change money? -: Change it into dollars.

-: Where can I change money?


S: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Hotel receptionist: “How can I help you?” Employee: “_______________”

-: I have a reservation.

+: Hello, I have a reservation in my company’s name. -: Hello. Do you have any vacancies?