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  1. In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages:

  • Universals

  1. Under the Renaissance man was considered as:

  • creator, artist.

  1. Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy:

  • Science centrism.

  1. Where did Descartes eventually settle?

  • The Netherlands

  1. Which of the following is fundamental according to Hume?

  • Simple impressions.

  1. Representative of the New Time Philosophy who said "I think, therefore I am"

  • Descartes

  1. Searching individuality is the peculiar feature of Philosophy...

  • Renaissance

  1. The translation of the word “philosophy”:

  • Love wisdom

  1. The most characteristic feature of the New Time Philosophy:

  • Knowledge centrism.

  1. A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries:

  • Kalam

  1. Branch of philosophy that studies historical knowledge and interpretation of historical process:

  • Philosophy of history

  1. Whose does Socrates claim he is a disciple of?

  • Prodicus’s

  1. What does Kant claim as the purpose of the Critique of Practical Reason?

  • To show that pure practical reason is valid

  1. In modern society, who owns the means of production, according to Marx?

  • The capitalists

  1. Sh.Valikhanov’s work is

  • “On Islam in the Steppe”

  1. The definition of public economic formation was firs developed by:

  • Marx

  1. The concept of social structure has a long history including Karl Marx who gave the …. analysis

  • Class difference

  1. A policy that immigrants and others should preserve their cultures with the different cultures interacting peacefully within one nation.

  • Multiculturism

  1. The Socratic ‘elencus’ eventually gave rise to

  • Dialectic

  1. According to Aristotle, what is the best form of friendship based upon?

  • Equality

  1. The object of knowledge according to Nicholas of Cuza is:

  • A pantheistic god in unity with the perceived nature

  1. According to Augustine, time is always tending toward:

  • Non-being

  1. According to Marx, mode of production includes:

  • Relations if production

  1. According to Kierkegaard, in order to overcome despair, individuals must from a relationship with which of the following people or things?

  • The power that established them

  1. According to Hegel, which of the following is the prerequisite for the emergence of philosophy?

  • Culture in general

  1. He distinguished between conscious and unconscious

  • Freud

  1. Pre-socratic Heraclitus posited agon (strife of opposites)as the ontological basis of all reality in terms of this endless transformative conflict. Later Aristotle called this category…

  • Becoming

  1. Falsification principle is based on

  • Opportunity to disprove a scientific theory

  1. British scientist Tylor writing from the perspective of social anthropology described culture as …., taken in its wide ethnographic sense, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”

  • civilization

  1. Aralassu” category of Kazakh philosophy means:

  • Ability to live peacefully with both compatriots and other peoples.

  1. The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, is to determine:

  • How are synthetic a priori judgements possible?

  1. What do pictures and facts have in common?

  • They share a logical form.

  1. Bourdieu did not have a very different position from that of Weber’s, but he stressed that a leader has charisma only if other people ……… that s/he has it. Bourdieu argued that charisma usually depends on an “inaugural act” such as a decisive battle or moving speech after which the charismatic person will be regarded as such.

  • Accept

  1. The agents of socialization are :

  • Family, school, peer groups, mass media

  1. Aesthetical values are:

  • Beauty, art, harmony, style

  1. Miletus school was named after

  • Name of the city

  1. The most famous of the cynics is:

  • Diogenus

  1. Primordial substance of the nature according to Heraclitus is:

  • Fire.

  1. Expression «You can't enter the same water twice» belongs to:

  • Heraclitus.

  1. One of the representatives of the stoics was

  • Seneca

  1. What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period:

  • Cosmos and its origin.

  1. Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?

  • Thales.

  1. Philosopher who considered "Four roots" as the middle stage, but atoms were the beginning of everything:

  • Democrits.

  1. One of the prominent representatives of the older sophists was:

  • Protagoras.

  1. Statement «Man is the measure of all things» belongs to:

  • Protagoras

  1. He was a student at the Sophists school first, and then became their opponent:

  • Socrates

  1. The word "Sophist" is translated from Greek as:

  • Wise man

  1. Socrates in the dialogue Protagoras argues that it is impossible to be overcome by pleasure. What is his reason?

  • He can think of no cases in history where this has happened

  1. Why do people behave badly according to Socrates?

  • They are ignorant

  1. According to Socrates, what should be tested in a discussion besides the truth?

  • The speakers

  1. Why does Socrates claim he can learn more from Protagoras than from Pericles?

Protagoras can both give a long speech and answer question about it afterwards.

  1. Who does Socrates claim he is a disciple of?

  • Prodicus.

  1. The most prominent student of Plato’s Academy:

  • Aristotle.

  1. Plato founded the school of Philosophy called:

  • Academy

  1. Which of the following classes of society populates the first city?

  • Producers.

  1. Which of the following is not considered an aspect of the soul by Plato?

  • The emotive part.

  1. What is the role of women in the city?

  • Women occupy all of the same roles that men occupy

  1. What is the difference between thought and understanding, according to Plato

  • Thought makes ude of images and hypothesis as crutches whereas understanding does not

  1. What does Socrates mean to illustrate with the allegory of the cave?

  • The effects of education on the soul

  1. How do we know that the philosopher’s pleasure is the greatest possible pleasure, according to Plato?

  • Because only he is an a position to judge his says so