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  1. In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages:

  • Universals

  1. Which form of organization of people Confucius compared the state

  • conflict

  1. Augustine holds that God’s creation of the universe takes place:

  • Eternally

  1. Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy:

  • Science centrism.

  1. Which schools are unorthodox schools of ancient India

  • Buddhism

  1. School of Aristotle called

  • Lyceum

  1. A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries:

  • Kalam

  1. What is the logic of the schools developed in ancient India

  • Yoga

  1. Defining characteristic of the religious outlook is:

  • Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events

  1. One of the characteristics of the Renaissance is:

  • Antropocentrism

  1. Searching individuality is the peculiar feature of Philosophy...

  • Renaissance

  1. Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition

  • Jordano Bruno.

  1. Outlook is:

  • set of views, evaluations, and emotions that characterize the relationship of man to the world and to himself

  1. A characteristic feature of the Philosophy of the Renaissance is:

  • Antropocentrism

  1. Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance:

  • Thomas Moor

  1. Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:

  • Philosophy

  1. The main principle of Taoism

  • Way

  1. One of the representatives of the stoics was

  • Seneca

  1. Primordial Being in Hinduism is termed:

  • Brahma

  1. The lowest caste in India

  • Untouchable

  1. Expression «You can't enter the same water twice» belongs to:

  • Heraclitus

  1. Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?

  • Thales

  1. Teachings of Aristotle called

  • Peripatetizm

  1. The founder of monadology theory is…

  • G. Leibniz

  1. Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying:

  • Philosophy

  1. The founder of social agreement theory is…

  • T. Hobbes

  1. Outlook is:

  • set of views, evaluations, and emotions that characterize the relationship of man to the world and to himself

  1. A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:

  • Thomas Aquinas.

  1. Defining characteristic of the religious worldview is:

  • Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events

  1. The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:

  • Al-Kindi

  1. What was Antique philosophy almost?

  • entirely Greek

  1. Who were the greatest philosophers of the ancient world?

  • Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

  1. Where did Socrates teach?

  • In the streets, market place, and gymnasiums

  1. Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance:

  • Thomas Moor

  1. Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition

  • Jordano Bruno.

  1. The main postulate of empirism

  • All knowledge is based on experience.