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into the palace and dressed him in beautiful clothes, and set the crown upon his head, and the sceptre in his hand. Over the city that stood by the river he ruled, and was its lord. Much justice and mercy he did show to all. The evil Magician he drove away, and to the Woodcutter and his wife he sent many rich gifts, and to their children he gave high honour. He was not cruel to birds or beasts, but taught love and kindness, and charity. To the poor he gave bread, and to the naked he gave clothes. There was peace and plenty in the land.30

Yet ruled he not long, so great had been his suffering, and so bitter the fire of his testing,31 for after the space of three years he died. And he who came after him ruled evilly.


1 And upon the branches of the trees the frost kept snapping the little twigs on either side — Маленькие обледеневшие веточки обламы­ вались с обеих сторон

2 Their pink feet were quite frost-bitten. — Их маленькие розовые ножки совершенно окоченели от холода.

3I don't care an atomic theory for explanations. — Я не нуждаюсь в физических законах для объяснения явлений.

4They rolled their eyes and called out to each other across the forest. —

Они таращили свои огромные желтые глаза и перекликались друг с другом через весь лес.

5 On and on went the two Woodcutters — А двое лесорубов все шли и шли через бор

6 They came out as white as millers are, when they stand at grindstones. —

Они вылезли оттуда похожими на мукомолов, когда те стоят у крутящихся жерновов.

7 who watches over all travellers — который покровительствует всем путешественникам

8 Не was white and delicate as sawn ivory. — У него лицо было белое и нежное, словно выточенное из слоновой кости.

9 His curls were like the rings of the daffodils. — Золотые кудри его были как лепестки нарцисса.

10 being sprung from a Star — происходит от звезды 11 fell down in a faint— упала без чувств


12shut the doors of his heart against her — он наглухо затворил свое сердце

13You are as ugly as the toad, and as disgusting as the adder. — Да

ведь ты мерзок, как жаба, и отвратителен, как гадюка.

14The peasants would not allow him even to sleep in the byres, fearing he might bring mildew on the stored corn. — И крестьяне не позво­ ляли ему даже соснуть в амбаре, боясь, что от него может сесть плесень на зерно.

15But the soldiers who stood on guard dropped their halberds across the entrance— Но воины, стоявшие у ворот на страже, скрестили алебарды

16 one,

whose armour was inlaid with

gilt flowers, and on



couched a lion that had wings —

некто в кольчуге,


рашенной золотыми цветами, и в шлеме с гребнем в виде крылатого льва

17They went down five steps of brass into a garden filled with black poppies and green jars of burnt clay. — И они спустились по пяти бронзовым ступеням в сад, где цвели черные маки и стояли зеленые глиняные кувшины.

18a scarf of figured silk — узорчатый шелковый шарф

19in a dungeon, that was lit by a lantern of horn — в темнице, которая освещалась фонарем, повешенным на крюк

20mouldy bread — заплесневелый хлеб

21brackish water — солоноватая вода

22it shall go ill with you — худо тебе будет

23harsh briars and thorns shot up — колючий кустарник, полный

острых шипов, поднимался перед ним

24evil nettles stung him — злая крапива обжигала его ноги

25the thistle pierced him with her daggers — чертополох колол его острыми, как кинжал, колючками

26Over his face hung a cowl of grey linen, and through the eyelet his

eyes gleamed like red coals. — Лицо его скрывал серый холщовый капюшон, и глаза его горели в прорезях, словно угли.


Your need is greater than mine. — Твоя

нужда больше моей.


It was prophesied of old — Было давнее


29a cry of joy broke from his lips — крик радости сорвался с его уст

30There was peace and plenty in the land. — В стране его всегда царили мир и благоденствие.

31so bitter the fire of his testing — слишком тяжкому подвергся он испытанию



Reading Comprehension

1Are the following statements about the tale true or false4! If there is not enough information, write don't know.

1)The Woodcutters were frightened when they found out they had lost their way.

2)The Woodcutters found the Star-Child under the tree in the forest.

3)The Woodcutter's wife was happy to see that her husband had returned safe to her.

4)The Star-Child was an exceptionally handsome boy and a good son.

5)The Woodcutter and his wife disliked the way the boy treated a poor beggar-woman.

6)The Star-Child was glad to find his mother.

7)When the Star-Child passed through the villages the children mocked at him.

8)The Magician bought the boy for a bowl of sweet wine.

9)The Magician had learned his art in the tombs of Nile.

10)The Star-Child had pity on the Hare and released it from the trap.

11)The Star-Child did not have pity on the leper and didn't give him any money.

12) His parents rejected him and he died of suffering.

2 Read the tale again and complete the following sentences.

1)The mountain torrent was hanging motionless in the air,




2)They were terribly frightened because they knew that

3)Though I am as poor as you are and have many mouths to

feed, yet



4)When his wife saw that her husband had returned safe,







5) Yet,

his beauty did work evil, because




6) And Ms companions followed him because



7)I have denied my mother, I have been cruel to her.




8)The old man took from his turban a scarf of figure silk,




9)Today you shall bring me the piece of white gold. If you


don't bring, I











But when he reached the edge of the wood, he heard from


a thicket














And how

can you say that

I am beautiful,



It was prophesied of old that







I must wander again over the world, and may not stay


here, though yet










He was not cruel to birds or beasts, but



Yet ruled

he not long,








3Answer the following questions.

1)What did the Woodcutters come across in the forest and what did they do with it?

2)Why was the Woodcutter's wife angry with her husband?

3)Where was the Star-Child brought up and in what way was he different from other children in the village?

4)Whom did the Star-Child see under a chestnut-tree and how did he treat her?

5)What did the beggar-woman learn from the talk between the Woodcutter and the Star-Child?

6)How did the Star-Child behave when he learned the news?

7)Why did the Star-Child decide to wander through the world and how long had the boy wandered?

8)Whom did the Star-Child meet at the gate of the city and where was he led by him?

9)What did the Magician ask the Star-Child to bring first?

10)Where did the Star-Child search for it and who helped him?

11)Whom did the boy meet on his way to the city and what was he asked? Did the boy give it to him?

12)What was the result of the Star-Child's pity on the leper?


13)How was the Star-Child met in the city and what surprised him?

14)Whom did the Star-Child see in the crowd and how did they receive the boy?

Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks

1Find in the text the English for:

пробираться; придерживаться романтического взгляда; обладать очень трезвым умом; никогда не лезть за словом в карман в споре; что касается меня; быть прирожденным философом; добраться до опушки леса; содержать боль­ шую семью; не переступить порога; приносить счастье (несчастье); быть исполненным удивления (радости); быть благородного происхождения; происходить от Звезды; стать жестокосердным; быть в лохмотьях; родить кого-либо; спра­ шивать (наводить справки); яшмовый перстень; протянуть руки; тяжелые испытания

Look at the list of adjectives from the tale and divide them into three groups: positive, negative and either, according to their meanings.

bitter, frightened, happy, terrible, practical, hard, cruel, beautiful, evil, tender, foolish, curious, proud, cruel, selfish, scornful, angry, ugly, disgusting, kind


3In the list of words from the tale below, some of the verbs have to do with sound and some with movement. Put them in the appropriate column.







blow, slip, cry,








4Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions.

1)Two poor Woodcutters were making their way home

agreat pine-forest.

2)The Turtledoves felt that it was their duty to take a



romantic view


the situation.



The Wolf had a thoroughly practical mind, and was never




a loss

a good argument.










At last they reached the edge


the forest.











5)It was a cloak of golden tissue, curiously wrought stars.

6) Do not sparrow die


the winter?






7)He said that they were common, while he was

noble birth, being sprung

a Star.




8)The poor beggar-woman was _ _ _ _ _ rags, and her feet

were bleeding


the rough road.










9) Surely this has come



me _ _ _ _ _ reason

my sin.







10) I have bought you



the price of a bowl

sweet wine.








5 Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.


The snow


thick upon the ground, (lie)








Their faggots


out of their bundles, (fall)

























up with the children of



Woodcutter, (bring)




















Often the old priest














for him and







































him the love of living things,






Whenever the Star-Child














his companions,







































stones at the leper, they
















































also, (throw; laugh)













the woman



















these words,















a loud cry and








down in





































a faint, (hear;


























The woman













on her knees and































out her arms to him. (fall; hold)






























the child from his mother

















him to die. (steal; leave)



10) When the sun

















, he


























to sleep on a bed of leaves, (set; lie)


















the eyes of the

Star-Child with



scarf of figured





































there a little Hare



































a trap, (see;

































up from his feet, and



























at them, (rise; look)




















The priest and the high officers of the city





to meet him, and they











down before him.


































6Translate the following sentences into English.

1)Они очень обрадовались, когда выбрались наконец из леса.

2)Прекрасная, необычайно яркая звезда упала с неба.

3)Его товарищ очень удивился про себя такой его глупо­ сти и мягкосердечию.

4)Но красота принесла ему только зло, ибо он вырос себялюбивым, гордым и жестоким.

5)«Воистину у тебя каменное сердце, и жалость тебе неведома», — сказал лесоруб.

6)Мальчик, исполненный радости и изумления, вбе­ жал в дом.

7)И он бросился ничком на траву и заплакал.

8)Но когда он подходил к опушке леса, из чащи до него долетел крик — казалось, кто-то взывает о по­ мощи.

9)Он был справедлив и милосерден ко всем.

10)Он кормил голодных и сирых и одевал нагих.

11)А преемник его был тираном.

Discussion Tasks

1Discuss the following.

1)Give as much information as possible to prove that it was really terribly cold when the Woodcutters were returning home from the pine forest.

2)Find some facts in the text which show that the Woodcutter was a kind-hearted man.

3)Describe the Star-Child's appearance and prove that it contrasted his behaviour.

4)Agree or disagree with the author's statement: "For the space of three years he wandered over the world, and in the world there was neither love nor charity for him. But it was just such a world as he had made for himself in the days of his great pride."

5)Find examples in the text which show that the Magician was an evil man.

6)Agree or disagree with the following proverb: "One good turn deserves another." (Долг платежом красен.)

7)Speak about the Star-Child and prove the following statement from the tale: "so great had been his suffering, and so bitter the fire of his testing".

8)Discuss the moral of the tale.

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