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Образ жизни аспиранта

В 2004 году я поступил в университет Belorassian Государство транспорта на "Управление процессами перевозок" факультета. Я окончил университет в 2009г.

Моя главная кафедра "Управление грузовой и коммерческой работой на железнодорожном транспорте".

Сейчас я учусь в магистратуре на тему "Управление грузовой и коммерческой работы". Мой научный руководитель является доктор economicss, профессор Иван Александрович Elovoj.

Мои одноклассники сейчас работают на железнодорожных ведомств, железнодорожных вокзалах, в области логистики и на таможне. В настоящее время надо в ногу со временем. Существует большое разнообразие тем и проблем, которые необходимо решать при управлении процессами перевозок в целом и особенно грузовой и коммерческой работой на железнодорожном транспорте. Вот почему я решил иметь углубленное изучение своей специальности. Во многих аспектах жизни аспирантуре не отличается от обычной жизни человека. Он имеет много общего как в его собственной работе и в своей повседневной жизни. Многие молодые аспиранты занимаются не только в своей основной работе, но в научной работе, а также. Чтобы быть успешным в работе аспирантуры должны держать баланс между-: работа и отдых. С моей точки зрения он также поднять (InReach) интеллектуального и культурного уровня. На мой взгляд, каждый молодой ученый должен быть ответственным, трудолюбивым, усердным (усидчивый), коммуникативным, старательный, трудолюбивый.

Каждый аспирант имеет свою повседневную, но это абсолютно необходимо, чтобы найти время не только для научной работы, но и для общения с друзьями, для спорта, активного отдыха и другие развлечения, и т.д.

From the history of your profession

The history of rail transport dates back near ly 500 years and includes systems with man or horse power and rails of wood or stone. Modern rail transport systems first appeared in England in the 1820s. These systems, which made use of the steam locomotive, were the first practical forms of mechanized land transport, and they remained the primary form of mechanized land transport for the next 100 years.

In September, 1825, the Stockton & Darlington Railroad Company began as the first railroad to carry both goods and passengers on regular schedules using locomotives designed by English inventor, George Stephenson. Stephenson's locomotive pulled six loaded coal cars and 21 passenger cars with 450 passengers over 9 miles in about one hour.

Railways quickly became essential to the swift movement of goods and labour that was needed for industrialization. In the beginning, canals were in competition with the railroads, but the railroads quickly gained ground as steam and rail technology improved, and railroads were built in places where canals were not practical.

The first public railway was opened in America in 1830, after which rapid development tookplace. A famous 4-2-0 locomotive called the Pioneer first ran from Chicago in 1848, and that city became one of the largest rail centres in the world.

In England train control began in 1909 on the Midland Railway, particularly to expedite the movement of coal trains and to see that guards and enginemen were relieved at the end of their shift and were not called upon to.work excessive overtime.

As railways became more complicated in their system layouts in the nineteenth century, the scope and volume of necessary sorting became greater, and means of reducing the time and labour involved were sought.

Starting with the opening of the first Shinkansen line between Tokyo and Osaka in 1964, high-speed rail transport, functioning at speeds up and above 300 km/h, has been built in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Scandinavia, Belgium and the Netherlands.

In 1809 the Petersburg Institute of water and land disclosure was founded in Russia. In 1838 the first traffic between St. Petersburg and Tsarscoe selo was established.

The first railway line Brest-Warshawa began to operate in 1861.

In early fifteenth of the XX-century the pressing need of preparing specialists in railway operating increased very quickly. So, the Belorassian State University of transport was found in 1953 in Gomel and nowadays it prepares highly-qualified specialists for railway roads not only in our country but also abroad.

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