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1. Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences below.

  1. This year the river is flowing wide / widely.

  2. Professor Peyton is wide / widely known in scientific circles.

  3. The wind is blowing hard / hardly now.

  4. The wind is hardly / hard blowing today.

  5. Why did you come so late / lately?

  6. What have you been doing late / lately?

  7. The birds are flying high / highly.

  8. He is always high / highly spoken about.

  9. I live close / closely to my school.

  10. Why are you looking at me so close / closely?

  11. The oil deposit is deep / deeply touched by his words.

  12. The library is near / nearly the cathedral.

  13. It’s near / nearly midnight. It’s time to go to bed.

2. Use the adverbs given in brackets in the comparative or superlative form.

1. Who can do it ____________ (fast) than you?

2. Hanry works on his English _________ (hard) of all.

3. Could you come a little bit __________ (early) tomorrow?

4. The sun is shining ____________ (brightly) today than yesterday.

5. I would be glad if you spoke _____________ (loudly).

6. Which of you lives __________ (far) from the office?

7. She did the translation __________ (well) of all.

8. I don’t understand you, speak ____________ (distinctly).

9. Claudia studies at the library __________ (often) of all

10. I know where to buy this laptop _____________ (cheaply).

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences below.

1. I like people who always look happy/happily.

2. The mother looked happy/happily at her newborn son.

3. The radiator feels warm/warmly.

4. The doctor was feeling the patient’s injured leg cautious/cautiously.

5. The dog smells the food suspicious/suspiciously.

6. I refuse to eat this meat, it smells suspicious/suspiciously.

7. Your remarks sound rude/rudely/

8. What are you listening to so careful/carefully?

9 .The cake tastes delicious/deliciously.

10. The kid tasted the porridge unwilling/unwillingly.

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. All the buses are ______ today. I wonder why.

  1. late

  2. lately

  3. the latest

  4. late

2. Sam ______ had any time to eat anything before they called him.

  1. the hardest

  2. hardly

  3. harder

  4. hard

3. Top footballers are usually ______ trained.

  1. high

  2. higher

  3. the highest

  4. highly

4. He drives ________ that’s why he had an accident yesterday.

  1. carefully

  2. carelessly

  3. care

  4. careless

5. I _______ fainted when I saw a snake on the floor.

  1. nearer

  2. near

  3. nearly

  4. the nearest

6. Andy was ________ upset when Sarah met him.

  1. terribly

  2. terror

  3. more terribly

  4. terrible

7. _________ we were at home when the accident happened.

  1. Lucky

  2. Luck

  3. Luckier

  4. Luckily

8. It was a _______ climb but the alpinists made it.

  1. hardly

  2. hard

  3. the hardest

  4. harder

9. Sheila walked _______ into the room.

  1. more silently

  2. silence

  3. silencer

  4. silently

10. The newspapers are delivered ________ at 9a.m.

  1. hour

  2. daily

  3. date

  4. day

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