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English 1 Introduction (Icourse I term).docx
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I am a student Lesson 3

  1. Eton College is the top public school for boys in the United Kingdom. The term ‘public’ means exactly the opposite of what it says, for most children cannot go to this type of school. The fees for public schools are so high that only very few people can afford send their children there.

    Read the text and explain the words in bold.

A schoolboy at Eton

‘I know I should feel privileged being here at Eton.

It’s costing my father a fortune in fees, as he keeps

telling me. But actually, I think it can be a handicap

in life to go to school like Eton. People think we’re

arrogant and snobbish, with no brains or talent.’

‘All in all, so I’m not particularly brainy. I’m not the

academic type. I don’t want to go to University.

I want to be a musician. At the moment I’m making a ‘demo’ tape to send round to record companies and it’s really annoying my old man. ’

Nick Harrington is eighteen and in his final year at Eton College. He’s taking three ‘A’ levels this summer in Maths, Physics, and Computer Studies. However, his teachers are not happy with his work. They think he’s spending too much time playing his guitar and reading music magazines.

Nick has his own room at Eton where he sleeps and studies. He goes home for the weekend twice a term.

We’re allowed to go into town in the afternoons but we’re not supposed to go into pubs. And we’re certainly not allowed out of school after six o’clock in the evening. Last term the headmaster sent two boys home for a week because they met some girls in the pub. I think that’s ridiculous. Anyway, I don’t really care anymore. I’m leaving school at the end of term and then I can do what I like.

  1. Answer the questions. 3. Underline the correct word the sentences.

1. Why should Nick feel privileged being at Eton? 1. Nick is not particularly silly/brainy/arrogant.

2. What does Nick think about his studies at Eton? 2. He’s making a ‘demo’ tape to send to a record

3. What kind of boy is Nick? company/post office.

4. What is really annoying his father according to Nick? 3. Nick’s playing the guitar is really fussing/annoying

5. Why are Nick’s teachers not pleased with him? his old man.

6. What are the students at Eton allowed to and 4. Missing classes without any excuse reason can be

supposed to do? a chance/handicap in taking exams at the end of term.

4. Sue’s brother, David, is in his first term at university. Read his account of being a student.

‘At the moment it’s bit hard because I’m not used to living away from home. I have to do everything myself, like cooking, washing and ironing. Mum used to do all that. Studying here is very different from school. We have to attend various lectures and plan our own timetable. At school they used to tell you what to do and when to do it, but here we have more freedom. I’m not used to that so I often leave my essays to the last minute. Then I have to work right through the night, which is something I’ve never done before.’


Used to+infinitive’ - a past habit, ‘Be used to’ – a present habit, custom,

for something which regularly happened means to be accustomed to smth.

in the past, no longer occurs now. +ing form e.g.: I’m not used to getting so early.

e.g.: At school I used to wear long hair. Be used to

Now I’ve got a short haircut. +a noun e.g.: I’m used to coffee without sugar.

  1. Make up the sentences with the phrases below, using ‘used to’ and ‘be used to’.

Past habits Present habits

  1. played computer games a lot 1. go on holiday with my friends

  2. ate white bread with everything 2. live without parents

  3. went on holiday with my family 3. eat less cakes and sweets

  4. got bad marks in Physics at school 4. long walks in open air

  5. watched TV till late at night 5. start a day with morning exercises

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