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Business English

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business is an increasingly important activity throughout the world today.

So the opportunities for a business career have grown in variety and number.

originally the word 'carrer' meant 'road' or 'path'.

Today it means a 'progress through life' or a'job path'.

there are four broad fields or areas of business that offer exciting carrers: management ,marketing accounting,and finance.

Within each of these areas there are specific jobs in which one can specialise.

For example,withing the field of marketing one can specialise in market research,advertising ,buying , selling or distributing.

the table below shows general career opportunities that are available in the various fields of business.

In businee ,organization structure means the relationship between positions and people who hold the positions In any compony some people have moreauthority than others.

Organization structure is very importaant becouse it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Historically line structure is the oldest type of organization structure.It is also called hierarchical orp piramida with one person or a group of people at the top.and an increasing number of people below at each successive level.

Thus the main idea of it is direct vertical relationship between the positions and tasks of each level ,and thepositions and tasks above and below each level. All the people in the organization know who is their supervisor or boss and who aretheir immediate subordinates. It means that a worker in a line position receivesorder from his immediate superior and gives orders to his immediate subordinate. For example a sales manager may be i a line position between a Vice-President of Marketing and a vsalesman.

Thus a Vice-President of Marketing has direct authority over a sales manager.

A sales manager in his turn has direct authority over a salesman.

This chain of command simplifies the problems of giving and taking orders.

Jobs in businesses and offices rangefrom admistration to general paper work.

The tyop officers of the compony are called administrators.Thegroup below consists of the vice -presidents ,the heads majordepartments and production managers.

They are called executives.Each administrator or an executive has his or her span of control,i.e the number of people whom one manages directly manages the Vice-President of Production,the Vice of Marketing and the Comptroller.Thus his span of controlincludes three people.

An executive has a lot of important functions.He sets objective,coordinateswork,delegates authority,makes hiring,firing,evaluating and just general leading.

It is very important because making careful decisions is the basis of good management.

The activities of most componies are too complicated to be organized in a single hierachy.When a business grows in size and becomes more complex ,there is a nedd for specialists to do specific work.

These people are usualybusy with services and they couls do the same service for any company,for examle,accounting ,personnel ,credit and advertising.They are not tired in with thecompony product.Generally they donot constitute a level in thehiararchy.It means that a worker in a staff position reports directly to a line workerbut he neither receives nor gives orders to line workers.

But someone may have line authoriy over people in his department and not be considered a line administrator.It is possible when a whole in his department is a staff department.That's why the head of the credit department or the personnel department can hardly ever bepresident of the compony

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