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My Research Work

Prepare a talk on the topic by answering the following questions and using the outline below:

  1. What do you do for your living? What is your job?

  2. When and what university did you graduate from?

  3. What was your major at the University?

  4. What area of science is your research concerned with?

  5. What problem are you investigating?

  6. Why have you chosen this particular problem?

  7. What objectives have you set in your research? :

  8. What results are you planning to obtain?

  9. How long have you been working at this problem? 10. How much have you done in your research so far?

11. Have you studied the literature available on your problem?

  1. Is it well covered in literature published in this country and abroad?

  2. What methods do you apply in your work?

  3. Have you collected any empirical data yet?

  4. Who is your scientific supervisor?

  5. What is his/her contribution to science?

  6. Have you published any of your research results so far?

  7. Have you presented any papers at scientific conferences?

  8. When are you planning to complete your research?

20. What practical significance will your research findings have for the nation?

21. What difficulties do you face in your work?


  1. Your educational background.

  2. Area of science in which you are doing your research.

  3. Subject of your research.

  4. Significance of your problem.

  5. Theories and concepts used.

  6. Methods of research.

  7. Material collection and treatment.

  8. Research supervision.

  9. Evaluation of your results.

10. Experience in presenting your research findings.