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Статьи 6 семестр / Работы / In what way will wireless systems influence human communication 2

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We have already travelled the way the man-ape got rid of his tail as the rudimentary organ. The world is rapidly discharged from the wires. Today the scientific technological advances led people to this choice one more time: the world today without regret parts with the wires – the mainly atavism or the past.

The question "Why being without wires?" no longer is on the agenda. Mainly because "no wires" are not only convenient, but also beneficial because it allows you to have access to necessary information anytime and anywhere using a compact device. Today all analysts agree in one point: the market of mobile wireless devices is waiting for rapid development, which has already started.

The key challenge of the developers of high-tech equipment was the direct interaction between computing and communication devices in any place and at any time. We have the increasing popularity of the Internet, encouraging integration of computing and communication technologies. All we need is communication of all the computers with each other through the Internet, and performing of all the communication devices (mobile phone in the first place) computing tasks.

One of the developers’ concepts is the idea of "smart home" (digital home) finds more and more practical applications everywhere each day. The idea is clever building will be equipped with a simplified sharing of digital information between the PC and consumer electronics that will open up more functional and convenient possibilities to use multimedia.

Choosing this way the developers don’t forget about pocket-sized wireless devices – the so-called "PDAs". Wireless PDAs devices via modern cellular communication networks are connected to home PCs and corporate networks for viewing videos, photos, and listening MP3s, stored on a PC or corporate server.

One of the key challenges for developers is still a compromise between device performance and the time of their work on the autonomous power source (batteries) without recharging. As a means to address the "perennial problem" developers offer a technology of producing a unified body for a few chips and enhanced integration. The most prominent example of this approach is a technology named "wireless Internet on a chip", where the functions of computing, communications and memory are realized, on a single chip.

Another important side of "mobilization" is the widespread penetration of wireless LANs – WLAN. Users of wireless local access networks have a truly enviable abundance of opportunities for their professional and personal life. Since a network standard 802.11 was launched in 2002 in San Francisco, Munich and other cities every major event in Europe used it for its’ requirements.

What should be the perfect laptop? Definitely – mobilel. Devices based on new wireless technologies are characterized by long-term standalone work without recharging the battery, unbeaten performance, new design, slight dimensions and weight, as well as the ease of setup and operation of integrated wireless communication means.

Among the advantages of the new wireless technology simplicity of using in couple with efficient means of wireless connectivity, as well as a wide choice of stylish designs should be mentioned. First, all the features of new products on market aimed at reducing energy consumption with high performance. Secondly, the problem of interaction of all components of the platform is directed at ensuring the quality of wireless mobile PCs. The third is concern about the security of wireless connectivity and ease of operation of the system as a unit, are represented by developers of modern technologies.

Wireless terminals will play a leading role in the development of e-business, the first signs of that are for instance, the mobile payment service providers. Let us consider, for example, travelling, which is leading industry leading in internet e-commerce in Europe. According to analysts, wireless tourist business is going to be the in the lead in mobile commerce.

The concept of mobile computing in any location at any time is being embodied be developers, whose latest developments in the field of architecture allow manufacturers of pocket PC (PDAs) and smartphones to provide the necessary functionality for multimedia applications at very low energy consumption.