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Topics_A_ATC (1).docx
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International Standards and Recommended Practices (sarPs)

and approves

Procedures for Air Navigation Services (pans)


  1. What is the Constitution of ICAO?

  2. What is the Organization made up?

  3. What are the chief officers of the Council?

  4. What is the Assembly?

  5. How often does the Assembly meet?

  6. How many States are there in the Council?

  7. What is the Council assisted by?

  8. How many divisions is the Secretariat divided into?

  9. Does ICAO work in close co-operation with other members?

  10. Why is a common understanding between the countries absolutely necessary?

  11. What does the ICAO Council adopt?

Airport jobs

Aviation jobs are very necessary and important. They are: pilots, co-pilots, flight-engineers, flight-attendants, air traffic controllers, airport directors and many other professions.

Pilots and co-pilots are skilled and highly trained professionals who have been carefully selected for their ability to fly safely. They transport passengers and cargo. The pilot is in charge of the aeroplane and supervises all other crew members. The co-pilot assists the captain in air-to-ground communications, monitoring flight and engine equipment, and in operating the aeroplane’s.

Flight engineers are members of flight crews who make sure the mechanical and electrical devices aboard aeroplanes work properly. They assist the pilot and co-pilot in making pre-flight checks of instruments and equipment. Flight engineers watch instruments in the air and operate controls to regulate the performance of the engines, air conditioning and other equipment. The also keep records of engine performance and fuel consumption.

Flight attendants (also called stewardesses and stewards) are always on board the planes. They help to make the passengers’ flights safe, comfortable and enjoyable. They are responsible to the captain like other members of the crew. As passengers come aboard, they greet them, check their tickets and assist them with their coats and small luggage. Flight attendants use the public address system to instruct passengers in the use of emergency equipment. They are ready to answer any passengers questions and serve cocktails and precooked meals.

Air traffic controllers are the guardians of the airways. They coordinate flights to prevent accidents and minimize delays in take-offs and landings. Some regulate airport traffic, other regulate flights between airports. ATC controllers give the pilots the instructions to taxi, take off, climb, descend, land and soon. Route controllers communicate with pilots by radio and use radar and other electronic equipment to help keep aerodromes on course. They also warn pilots about nearly aircraft and other possible hazards.

Airports are usually operated by a director or manager responsible either to the owners of the airport or to the local government authorities.

He has been described as a ‘mixture of aviation expert, real estate operator, construction engineer, electronic wizard, management genius and politician’. He is involved in such activities as the following: making and enforcing airport rules and regulations; planning and supervising maintenance programmes; negotiating leases with airport tenants, such as aircraft repair stations, terminal concessionaires and airlines; surveying future needs of the airport and making recommendations; keeping records and making required reports; setting up the airport budget; training and supervising the employees.


  1. What professions in aviation do you know?

  2. What are pilots and co-pilots responsible for?

  3. What do flight engineers do aboard the planes?

  4. What are flight attendants responsible for?

  5. Who are co-pilots, flight engineers and flight attendants responsible to?

  6. What are air traffic controllers responsible for?

  7. What is an airport director responsible for?

  8. Who is an airport director responsible to?

  9. Why are aviation professions very important?

10 Why have you chosen a profession of a controller?

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