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Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions can also have an effect on world climate. Erupting volcanoes, although not a frequent occurrence, can emit huge quantities of gases and fine debris into the atmosphere causing shorts-term effects on the weather. For instance, the erruption in June 1991 of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines caused average temperatures worldwide to fall by 1°F (0.6°C) over a 12-month period. Another effect is in the orange and red colours of a sunrise or sunset. The colours are intensified by the smoke and ash of an erupting volcano.

Natural catastrophes, being great tragedies, teach us to be merciful to the other people and to our planet - the Earth.


Why do we have to be careful about nature?

Do countries help each other in case of any catastrophe? How?

Thunderstorm. What is it?

Are tornadoes very dangerous?

What do you think about typhoons?

What can you say about precipitations?

Can volcanic erruptions have an effect on world climate?

Why is information about weather very important to airmen?

How do you understand a proverb: “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.”

English as means of international communication

English is the most universal language in the world. In my opinion it is impossible to do without foreign languages because of expanding economic and cultural ties of Ukraine with other countries of the world. It is official language in over 40 countries. A truly educated man should know at least one foreign language, read books in the original, use personal computers, take part in cultural and educational exchanges with over countries.

English is everywhere. It is on signs, clothing, soft drinks and other goods around the world. Approximately 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue and nearly twice as many use it as a second language. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. You will hardly be able to find a good job unless you master the English language.

Knowledge of foreign languages helps to promote cultural educational and technical co-operation among nations. That is why one of the characteristic features of life in our country today is a great interest in the study of foreign languages - chiefly English. The use of English in diplomacy, commerce and science is evidence of it's importance.

The statistics of the world's mail, its telexes and cables are in English. So are more than half of the world's technical and scientific periodicals. It is the language of sports and glamour: the official language of the Olympics and the Miss Universe Competition. English is the official voice of the air and the sea, and of Christianity: it is the ecumenical language of the World Council of Churches. Five of the broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBS, ABC, BBC, and CBC) transmit in English to audiences that regularly exceed one hundred million.

English is one of the ICAO languages. It is very necessary to have a good command of it because we are going to work for the Air Companies and at the big cities. We have to know not only General English perfectly well, but English phraseology as well. We will communicate with the foreign crews, understand them and give them the instructions.

Of course my English is still rather far from being perfect. But I know that everything depends on myself and I will do my best to know it well. I read a lot of literature in English, especially the literature, concerning my professional interests and knowledge, some magazines with interesting and amazing facts and so on.

English has no equals!


1. Why is knowledge of English very important today?

2. Why should an educated person know at least one foreign language?

3. Why have you chosen English to study?

4. Do you agree that English is the world's most important language in politics, science and culture?

5. What do you like most about English?

6. Why is English the official voice of the air and the sea?

7. Are you satisfied with your knowledge of the English language?

8. Are you going to continue learning English in future?

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