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18.Strong verbs in oe,theit further development

They were divided depending on the type of vowel change.For ex:1-i-a-i-i(writan-wratan-writon-writen);2-io-ea-u-o(ciosan-ceas-curon-coren).In late ME a very significant change took place:the 2 different root vowels in the past singular feet away together into one,because sing.Was used more often+process of anology with weak verbs.The best preserved classes in ModEngl are to rise,to ride,to shine;3a to drink,to speak,to sing;6 to take,to shake.Some of the strong verbs transformed into weak verbs(help-helped)

19.Weak verbs

Class 2 deserves our special attencion(lician-licode-licod(like)).The significant element-o-preceeding the dental suffixes -d&-t in the past and participle 2.The further development of non-root part of the verbs was from the –ode to the –d/t,the vowel –e supposingly comes from thet origin form.Number of irregular verbs grow in number.

20.Preterite-present verbs.

It were past-present verbs.In OE there were 12 such verbs,6 of them survived in ModEngl(owe,ought,can,dare,shall,may,must).Most the preterite verbs didn’t indicate actions,but express a kind of attitude to an action denoted by another verb.Also used like a modal verb&eventually developed into modern modal verbs.Originally the present tense forms were past forms.Later this forms acquired a present meaning,but preserved many formal feature of the past tense.

21.The rise of the perfect forms.

Developed from free syntactic combinations habban+ pat.2 agree in number & case nominative.Part.2 lost its inflections & position became fixed. The auxileries

lost their lexical meaning & became empty words.The verb –to be stopped to be used for perfect meaning.The evolution of the verbs shows the same tendencies as of the noun: gradual greater regularity & simplification.The English verb system has become more complex,both formally & functionally.3 new gramatic categories came into existence: voice,aspect & order.

22.The rise of the passive forms.

OE didn’t posses the category of voice outside the part.2(was found in non-contact

position). As the result of the phonetic reduction( beon- be) & part.2 lost its inflexion to zero.The contact position of part.2 with the auxiliary preceding & - was- becoming more & more common in the 15th century. In the 15th century

passive constructions could be already used.

23.The oe vocabulary.

Voc-y was almost Germanic,except for a small number of borrowings.The 3 main layers in the native OE words are:

-common IE words

-common Germanic words

-specifically OE words.

Words belonging to the common IE layer – the oldest part of eng. voc-y.We find

names of plants, animals, agriculture, parts of the body. Common Germanic words

originated in the common period of Germanic history, when Teutonic tribes lived

together.This words connected with nature, the sea & everyday life. The 3rd etymological layer of the native words can be defined as specially OE, words which don’t occur in other Germanic lang-ge.These words are few OE –brid- NE-bird.

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