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1. The socioeconomic changes encountered by Ukraine in the late 1980s to 1990s;

2. The Main Directions of Reforming Educational System of Ukraine;

3. My opinion of the educational reforming system of Ukraine.

2.Історія Кіровограда(про саме місто)

1. Kirovograd is located on the coast of Ingul river;

2. Different names of the town;

3. The town has many wonderful sightseeing. Their names.

3. Основні історичні памятки своєї Батьківщини

1. Our country has rich historical monuments in Ukraine;

2. Names of famous historical monuments.

  1. Видатні місця Великобританії

1. Great Britain has rich historical monuments;

2. Names of famous places of Great Britain.

5 . Актуальні проблеми молоді України та Великобританії/США.

1. Youth has always felt somewhat exasperated with age, and age always been suspicious of youth;

2. It is not that only the younger generation is feeling restless. As a matter of fact, human society itself is in a state of flux.

6. Програми освітянського та наукового співробітництва між Україною та англомовними країнами.

7. Творчадіяльність та життєвий шлях відомих науковців України та Великобританії/США.

1. There is a short information about famous Ukrainian figure Сергій Корольов.

2. One more short information about great English scientist Isaac Newton.

8. Професії вчителя у сучасному світі

1. A teacher is a very important person for every family, where the schoolchildren live.

2. In addition to providing students with learning opportunities to meet curriculum outcomes, teaching emphasizes the development of values and guides students in their social relationships.

9. Необхідність вивчення іноземних мов у сучасному світі

1. OVER THE PAST TWO DECADES, COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD have become more and more interdependent, and new technologies have erased many existing borders.

2. Learning at least one foreign language is a must in most countries of the world.

3. Learning a foreign language is educational as it helps develop the human brain.

10. свої плани на майбутнє, про тему наукового пошуку, яким би ви хотіли займатися під час навчання у магістратурі

1. During the last semester of a program, every student deals with lots of assignments and projects. 

2. College was a place that taught me arts and techniques about analytics but now I am looking for a place that will provide me a field where I can demonstrate my knowledge and gain greater hold on them by constant application.

3. I am looking for an opportunity that will give me practical exposure of subject and also give me scope where I can better the situations by applying my analytical skills.

4. I am glad about the fact that after the program, until I start my job, I will have more time on my hands to volunteer.