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Patterns of translation.

1 .To understand this phenomen is to understand the work of masers and lasers. (Подлежащее)

2.To understand the action of the device he read the instruction very carefully. (Обстоятельство)

3.There is a difference to be understood between the weight of an object and its inertia.

Понять это явление - значит работу лазеров и мазеров. Чтобы понять действие прибора он очень внимательно прочитал инструкцию.

Существует разница между весом тела и его инерцией, которую следует понять.

Exercise I. Translate the given sentences into Russian. l.The purpose of this report is collect and summarize the results obtained in the laboratory. 2.The two methods described above were used to determine the average polarization. З.То ехаmine the accuracy of this approximation, we have also applied the same technique. 4.This is the device to be used in our experiment. 5.Petroff was the first scientist to study the electrification of metals by rubbing them! 6. To make experiments with atmospheric electricity was dangerous at that time. 7.To launch a space rocket was Tsiolkovsky's life-dream. 8.To launch a space rocket a new type of fuel was needed. 9. The purpose of neutron theory was to determine neutron characteristics. lO.To obtain the desirable characteristics in metals was possible by mixing them with other substances. 1 l.To obtain desirable characteristics in metals we mix them with other substances. 12.To drive machines requires power.

Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them.

To consist (v); degree (n); device (n); to develop (n); to employ (v); to graduate (v); to freeze (v); to -indicate (v); to invent (v); Liquid (n); to mark (v); mercury (n); point (n); purpose (n); scale (n).

Exercise III. Read the text and translate it.

History of the Thermometers.

The very first step in the development of heat engineering made it necessary to find a device to indicate temperature and to measure its changes. As is well known the thermometer is the very instrument to serve this purpose. The word comes from two Greek words, namely "thermos" meaning "warm" and "measure" meaning "meter", that is a measuring instrument. As earlier as 1602 Galileo invented an air thermometer. It consisted of a glass bulb containing air and connected to a glass tube; the latter being immersed into a colored liquid. Gallileo's air thermometer was not sensitive to all changes of atmospheric pressure. The type of thermometer familiar to everyone at present was first put into general use as early as 1654. To make these first instruments was not an easy thing at all. The most difficult problem of all was to mark the degrees on the thermometer that is to graduate the scale. At last it was decided to take two fixed points and to divide the interval between them into the same number of degrees. In 1701 Isaak Newton, the famous British scientist, constructed a scale in which the freezing point of water was taken as zero and the temperature of the human body as 12'. Some time later the German physicist Fahrenheit proved that the temperature of boiling water was always the same at the same atmospheric pressure. It might therefore be used as a second fixed point instead of the temperature of the human body . As for the liquid used it was mercury which has been mostly employed since that time.

On the Fahrenheit scale the boiling point of water is taken as 212' and the freezing point as 32'. This scale is mainly used in English-speaking countries. In Europe the Centigrade scale is most popular.

* Centigrade scale - шкала Цельсия;

Work on the text:

Exercise IV. Write out international words.

Exercise V. Write out scientific terms.

Exercise VI. Read the text once more and name the scientists

mentioned in the text. Using the text speak about their role, in

constructing thermometers.

Exercise VII. Find in the text the answers to the following


1. What is the thermometer used for?

2. Who invented the first air thermometer?

3. Was it sensitive to all changes in atmospheric pressure?

4. When did the first thermometer appear?

5. What was the most difficult thing to do?

6. Who constructed the'first scale?

7. What liquid is used in thermometers?

8. Which scale is used in English-speaking countries?

9. Which scale is used in Europe?

Revision exercise.

Translate the following sentences using the pattern.

The greater the number of free electrons in a substance, the better that substance conducts electricity.

Чем больше число свободных электронов в веществе, тем лучше вещество проводит


l.The faster the molecules of a substance move, the higher is the temperature of the substance. 2.The larger the water pipe, the more water passes through it. 3. The more we read, the more we learn. 4.The shorter the wire, the less i its resistance to current flow.


Grammar: Infinitival Constructions

(Complex Subject, Complex Object)

Revision: "that" functions Theme Cooperation in Space

Grammar study:

В английском языке существует два инфинитивных оборота:

субъектный (Complex Subject) и объектный (Complex Object).

Оба переводятся придаточными предложениями.

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот имеет следующую конструкцию:

Существительное без предлога или личное местоимение.

Глагол в личной форме (чаще в форме Passive).

Одна из форм инфинитива.

Алгоритм перевода: 1.Переводим глагол в личной форме

неопределенно-личным предложением. 2.Вводим союз "что".

3.Переводим подлежащее предложения.

4.Переводим инфинитив глаголом.


1.Radium is known to be radioactive.

2.The programmer is supposed to be processing the new data.

3.Scientists are sure to find new ways for getting electricity.

Известно, что радий радиоактивен. Полагают, что программист сейчас обрабатывает новые данные. Несомненно, что ученые найдут новые способы получения электричества.

Объектный инфинитивный оборот представляет собой сочетание дополнения и одной из форм инфинитива (сложное дополнение). Предложение с объектным инфинитивным оборотом имеет следующую структуру:

Подлежащее сказуемое сложное дополнение

/ \

/ \

Существительное toVo


Переводится придаточным предложением с союзом «чтобы» или «что».

Pattern N2.

We know heat to be a form of energy.

Newton considered light to consist of very tiny particles.

Мы знаем, что тепло — это форма энергии.

Ньютон считал, что свет состоит из крошечных частиц.

Exercise 1. Translate the given sentences into Russian.

1.The oscillator was found to have good wave form and stability. 2.The engineer watched the plastic become soft when heated. 3.We know solid semiconductors to be employed in all modern transistors. 4.Lightnmg was proved to be a discharge of electricity. 5.We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive one. 6.This scientist is said to have been working at the problem of splitting atoms. 7.Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel. 8.We know many articles to have already been written on that subject. 9. The students are certain to know that alternating voltage can be increased and decreased. 10.A modern steam power station is known to consist of four compounds. 11.This type of engine is said to have many disadvantages. 12.We expect most bodies to expand when heated. 13.Laboratory testing is assumed to be proceeded. 14.The scientists expected the discovery to have produced great changes. 15.The technique to be used in the experiment proves to have been worked out only some time before. 16.Tests have shown the thermometer to be very sensitive.

Exercise II. Read the words to the text and translate them:

To achieve (v); achievement (n); crew (n); to devote (v); to exercise (v); exercise (n); forecast (v,n); to imagine (v); imagination (n); mutual (adj); to participate (v); to realize (v); realization (n); science-fiction (n).

Exercise Ш. Read and translate the text.

Cooperation in Space.

A little over 70 years ago, when the idea of space flights was considered to be the product of imagination, the great Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky published his book "Outside the Earth". It was supposed to be only a science-fiction novel written by someone who lived and taught in a small provincial town of Kaluga. Nobody believed the ideas described in the book to be realized in future. Ears passed and Tsiolkovsky's ideas proved to have been used in studying space and constructing rockets Many pages of his book were devoted to mternationalism. His imaginary spaceship described in the book was inhabited by scientists from all over the world. Each one of them appeared to be highly competent in the particular field, and all of them taken together formed a friendly crew. Now the time has come when this dream was realized. The cosmonauts of different countries exercise mutual scientific programmes in space. Ten countries are known to have been participating in intercosmos programmes. This is really a wide scale cooperation when the scientists want their individual programmes to serve the world science. More than 20 satellites of the Intercosmos series and a dozen of high-altitude rockets of the "Vertical" type were equipped with instrumentation for scientific research designed in different countries. With the help of Russian sputniks other countries develop weather forecasting, telecommunications and television transmissions. Space research is reported to have provided findings in the study of natural resources. The achievements in space efforts are also connected with manned flights. We know citizens of nine countries to have participated in space missions. The international crews organize real scientific laboratories on board the spaceships for making research in astrophysics, medicine, geology and technology.

Work on the text.

Exercise IV. Write out international words and translate them. Exercise V. Find in the text theJnformation about: l)Tsiblkovskyrs book; 2) wide-scale cooperation in space.

Exercise VI. Read the text once more and find which of the following statements are false for the text. Correct them l.Tsiolkovsky lived and worked in Kaluga. 2.He was a teacher there. 3.His book contained the information about a scientist who worked in space. 4.ffis book remained only a science-fiction. 5.More than 20 countries participate in manned flights. 6.Rockets of the "Vertical" type were equipped with Russian instrumentation, 7.Scientific laboratories on board the spaceships will soon appear.

Exercise VII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the text.

l.Tsiolkovsky______his book more than 70 years ago. 2.It was a ______, but it contained the ideas of future spaceships. 3.The heroes of his book_______ a ______ crew 4.His dreams ___________ and now we can see international crews in space. 5.Ten countries ______ in intercosmos programmes. 6.The_____ in space are great. 7.1nteraational crews_____in many fields of science.

(science-fiction; formed; were realized; achievements; make research; published; friendly; participate; )

Exercise VIII. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to 'that" function. See the pattern of translation.

Pattern N1.

Atomic energy that is used for peaceful is of tremendous importance for national economy.

Атомная энергия, которая используется в мирных целях, представляет огромную важность для народного хозяйства.

Pattern 2.

Everybody knows that the

Earth is round.

Всем известно, что земля круглая.

Pattern 3:

That Tsiolkovsky's book was recently been translated into many languages shows world interest in space.

То, что книга Циолковского была недавно переведена на многие языки, свидетельствует об интересе к космосу в мире.

Pattern 4.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]