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Тема 5. Покупки Shopping

  1. When did you last go shopping?

  2. On what days do you usually go shopping?

  3. What goods do you usually buy at department stores?

  4. Who helps you to choose the thing you'd like to buy?

  5. Is the suit you are wearing a ready-made one?

  6. Why do people try on ready-made suits?

  7. What departments are there in a department store?

  8. What is usually on sale at a ready-made clothes (footwear, perfumery) department?

  9. What do you usually say to your friend if he (she) is wearing a nice suit (dress)?

  10. What kind of shoes would you choose to match you nice black dress (suit)?

Тема 6. Спорт


  1. What sport do you go in for?

  2. What kinds of sport do you know?

  3. Why do you like (dislike) watching sport events on TV?

  4. Which of the games did you play?

  5. What famous sportsmen (champions) do you know?

  6. Do you like P.T. lessons? Why (not)?

  7. Did you ever take part in sports competitions?

  8. What is your favourite sport?

  9. Have you ever been to a football match of the “Dynamo” team? What was the score?

  10. What do you know about the history of the Olympic Games?

2 курс 3 семестр

Вопросы к зачёту

Тема 1. Средства массовой информации

Mass Media

  1. What kinds of Mass Media do you know?

  2. Why is TV popular with people of different walks of life?

  3. Will computers replace books? Why?

  4. When is radio preferable to TV?

  5. What does advertising refer to?

  6. What media are available for advertising?

  7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of every type?

TV in Great Britain

1.When did the first television in Great Britain appear?

2.What television company in Great Britain was the first to provide a public service?

3.When were the transmissions stopped?

4.When were the TV programmes resumed?

5.What TV programmes can the British people see?

6.What role does TV advertising play?

7.What do many viewers criticize?

8.What role does TV play in your life?

9.Why do some people think that TV begins to dominate our lives?

The British Press

1.What kind of newspapers are there in Britain?

2.Where are national papers published?

3.What are the types of national papers?

4.What are popular papers?

5.What kind of information do they publish?

6.What “quality” papers are published in Britain? Who reads them?

7.In what way are Sunday papers different from the dailies?

8.Where are regional and local papers published?

Тема 2. Жизнь в 3 тысячелетии

Ecological Problems

1.For thousands of years people lived in harmony with nature, didn’t they?

2.Has man’s interference in nature increased with the development of civilization?

3.What are people all over the world worried about?

4.Why did some species of animals, birds, plants disappear from the Earth?

5.When and where was “Green Peace” organization founded?

6.Is international cooperation necessary to create a system of ecological security?

7.Has anything been done to solve ecological problems?

8.What do you know about the Chernobyl ecological disaster?

9.Speak on the ecological situation in Belarus.

10.What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?

11.What ecological problems of big cities exist?

12.What does a term “urban climate” mean?

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