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Participle 1.doc
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The participle і (дієприкметник, Kobrina) not corrected

Definition: it is a non-finite form of the verb with some adjectival and adverbial features

Formation: __________________________________________________________ ; can form adverbs with the suffix –LY // admiringly


  • noun / pronoun/ (in)direct or prepositional object;

          • Adverb or a prep. Phrase as an adverbial modifier; when they lose their verbal character, participles can be modified by adverbs of degree used with adjectives (very, too, so) // greatly (exceedingly) amusing; like an adj. P.1 forms adverbs with the suffix –LY // feelingly, jokingly.

          • A noun or adjective as a predicative.

NB. (informal) The pronoun in the objective case and a noun in the common case denote the doer of the action expressed by the gerund with reference to living beings too. // They were all in favour of Tommy playing the main part.

Morphological characteristics. It has the categories of:

  1. Voice (transitive verbs): active – passive.

Active Participle І

Active Participle І (of transitive verbs)





Perfect (is rarely used)

Running, taking

Having run, having taken

---, being taken

---, having been taken


It points out that the action is directed from the subject

It indicates that the action is directed towards the subject

  1. Correlation: perfect (= adjectives if they lose their verbal character, can be modified by adverbs of degree //too amusing – non-perfect.

Non-perfect Active Participle І

Perfect Active Participle І






Running, taking

---, being taken

Having run, having taken

---, having been taken


1. It denotes an action simultaneous with that expressed by the finite verb.

// Reading a book he did not say a word

does not…

will not…

2. It may denote a posterior action, immediately following the first action=succeeding actions //John fell, hurting his knee.

3. It can denote immediate priority to denote an instantaneous action if it is formed from terminative verbs:

  1. Verbs of motion //come, enter, arrive, turn, leave // Arriving at the station, he found out that…;

  2. Verbs of sense and mental perception, emotions//see, hear, find, be, have, hope, fear, remember, realize, expect, know, sense, discover, catch, spot // Hearing a noise in the garden, I…;

  3. Of certain specific action associated with motion//put, put on, take, take off, seize, grasp, open, leave, keep // Taking off his shoes he…

NB. Perfect participle is also possible to emphasize priority.

1. It denotes an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb, when there is a lapse of time between the two actions.

// Having learnt it by heart I can…


will be able to…

Syntactical functions (4)

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