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  1. Business etiquette

Business Entertaining. ‘Going for a pint’ after work is common in Britain. It’s a good place to make friends and get to know the Brits, and you don’t have to drink alcohol. Despite their reputation for reserve, the British are quite quick to invite visitors to their homes for dinner or for lunch at the weekend. If you are asked, don’t arrive more than 15 minutes late, or you risk disrupting the hosts’ timing. The evening will probably finish by 10pm or 11pm. If you are the guest, you must initiate your departure, as your hosts will not indicate that they wish the evening to come to an end.

Business breakfasts in hotels are becoming more common and are changing to a more Continental style - from the very large traditional breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausage, kippers, etc. Lunch is generally between noon and 2:00 p.m. A business lunch will often be conducted in a pub and will be a light meal.

Legislation to ban smoking in English pubs and private clubs was passed in 2006! A similar vote passed in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. That the traditional thick layer of smoke in pubs is now just one more English tradition left by the wayside.

With senior executives, lunch will be eaten in the best restaurants or in the executive dining room. Dinner is generally from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. in most restaurants. When you go out after working hours, do not bring up the subject of work unless your British associates do—otherwise, you will be considered a bore. Do not invite a business associate out until you know him or her fairly well. When inviting the English out, it is best to include people of the same background and professional level in the invitation.

The English hold their forks in their left hands and their knives in the right. When passing items around the table, always pass them to the left. Always keep your hands above the table (but no elbows on the table!). The knife above your plate is used for butter. When dining out, it is not considered polite to inquire about the food you see around you. In general, maintain very proper manners.

Animals are usually a good topic of conversation. Do not make jokes about the royal family. It is not good form to discuss one's genealogy. The English are only beginning to be concerned about diet and health; don't press your views on this matter. However, vegetarianism is popular, especially among women.

  1. Protocol

Greetings. A handshake is standard for business occasions and when visiting a home. Women do not always shake hands. When introduced, say "How do you do?" instead of "Nice to meet you." The question is rhetorical. It’s polite to shake hands at the beginning and end of meetings. However, if you’re a frequent visitor to a company, you will not be expected to shake hands with everyone in the office, only with those with whom you’re dealing directly. You’ll receive a limp, tenuous handshake from a surprising number of Britons: it’s their nervousness at confronting someone new, combined with the British reluctance to reveal too much emotion too soon.

Titles/forms of address. Business titles are not used in conversation. Find out the honorary titles of anyone you will be in contact with, and use them no matter how familiar you are with the person. Doctors, clergy, and so forth are addressed by title plus last name; however, surgeons are addressed as "Mr.," "Mrs.," or "Miss." Rather than "sir," you should use the title of the person you are addressing (i.e., "Yes, Minister," and not "Yes, sir"). The use of first names is becoming more common. However, you should follow the ini­tiative of your host. Avoid repeating the other person's name often during the conversation. This is generally viewed as an inane sales technique.

Gestures. It is considered impolite to talk with your hands in your pockets. The British often do not look at the other person while they talk. Don't point with your fingers, but instead indicate something with your head. Sitting with your ankle resting on your knee may be seen as impolite. If you give the "victory" sign (a V with two fingers), do so with the palm facing outward. If the reversed (palm inwards) can be vulgar and offensive. Tapping your nose means confidentiality, or a secret. It is inappropriate to touch others in public; even backslapping or putting an arm around the shoulders of another can make the English uncomfortable. In addition, the English maintain a wide physical space between conversation partners. Avoid excessive hand gestures when speaking.

Gifts. Gifts are not part of doing business in England. Rather than giving gifts, it is preferable to invite your hosts out for a meal or a show. When you are invited to an English home, you may bring flowers (not white lilies, which signify death), liquor or champagne, and chocolates. Send a brief, handwritten thank-you note promptly afterward, preferably by mail or e-mail—not by messenger. Great gifts: Wine, chocolate, a souvenir from your own country. Avoid giving: Most presents are acceptable.

Dress. Conservative dress is very important. Men in executive positions still generally wear laced shoes, not loafers. Men's shirts should not have pockets; if they do, the pockets should be empty. Men should not wear striped ties; the British "regimentals" are striped, and yours may look like an imitation. Men's clothes should be of excellent quality, but they do not necessarily have to look new. Women should also dress conservatively.

Five Ways to Succeed

Five Ways to Fail

Deliver on time, without drama

Boast about your achievements

Arrive at meetings punctually

Talk for an hour in a presentation

If you’re having difficulties, ask advice immediately rather than risk missing a deadline

Phone people in the evening about work

Check at the end of a meeting exactly what the Brits expect of you

Let a colleague down once he or she believes they can depend on you

Join them for a beer after work, or in the gym (many Brits now avoid alcohol)

Be patronizing to women

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