- •Part I east or west – home is best
- •Part II where we live
- •1. What kind of house do you live in?
- •8. What is there around your house?
- •9. What are the other parts of the house worth mentioning?
- •10. What can you see in the premises?
- •Places to live
- •Home is where you make it!
- •Dwell upon the following:
- •Tires are hub of new walls
- •Part III furniture
- •Hall (Entrance Hall)
- •Parts of a house
- •Living room
- •25 Feet long by 15 feet wide
- •Our sitting room
- •Exercise 5
- •Bedroom (Bedchamber)
- •My bedroom
- •Bathroom and toilet
- •Exercise 14
- •Kitchen
- •Speaking
- •Fill in the necessary words.
- •Give the English equivalents:
- •Exercise 19 Choose the most suitable word for each space. Part a. Furniture and fittings.
- •Part c. What do you have at home? Discuss it with your partner.
- •Speaking
- •Listening Moving in
- •My favourite room
- •Inside Homes Around the World
- •The use of walls and doors
- •A special kind of wall
- •Furniture
- •Exercise 1
- •Exercise 2 Fill in the missing words.
- •Lucky Houses
- •My house
- •What is student accommodation like in Great Britain?
- •Part IV housekeeping
- •A very dangerous invention
- •Exercise 4
- •Housekeeping
- •Speaking
- •Keeping your room tidy
- •It takes me ...... Minutes/ hours to do the room
- •Exercise 8 Translate the following sentences into English.
- •Arranging the house
- •Техніка у нас вдома
- •1001 Household hints
- •Speaking
- •Як ми робимо генеральне прибирання
- •The family who turned back the clock
- •Part V househunting
- •Buying a house
- •A new house
- •Just what we’re looking for!
- •Group Discussion: Finding a Flat or House
- •Community Activity: Looking at Ads in the Newspaper
- •Listening
- •Speaking Partners’ Interview: Your Landlord
- •Group Problem Solving: Problems with Your Landlord
- •Part VI a house of my dream
- •Dome sweet dome!
- •Designing a dream home
- •Expressing need
- •Revision topics
Bedroom (Bedchamber)
a night table
a bed
a bedside cabinet
a reading lamp
a bedside lamp
a spotlight
a bedside mat
an alarm clock
a cot / a carrycot / a cradle
bedding / bedlinen
a bedspread / bedcover
a pillow
a pillowcase / pillow slip
a sheet / linen
a blanket
an eiderdown
a quilt
a duvet
a blanket cover / a blanket slip
a roll-away bed
a footboard
a headboard
a dressing table mirror
Read the text and be ready to describe your own bedroom in the same way.
My bedroom
At night when I feel tired and sleepy, I go up to my bedroom and switch on the electric light. I take off my slippers, undress and put on my pyjamas. Then I get into bed and switch off the light.
After a few minutes I fall asleep. I sleep the whole night through. Punctually at seven-thirty in the morning, the alarm clock rings and wakes me up. I get out of bed, put on my dressing-gown and slippers and go into the bathroom, where I turn on the hot and cold taps. While the water is running into the bath, I wash my face and neck, clean my teeth and comb my hair. Then I turn off the taps and have my bath. Sometimes I have a shower. When I've dried myself with a towel, I get dressed.
On the dressing table in front of the looking glass, you'll see a hairbrush and a comb, a hand mirror, a bottle of scent and a powder-box. These are my wife's possessions. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen such as shirts, handkerchiefs, socks and ties. In the wardrobe I keep my suits and other clothes, which I hang on coat hangers.
Exercise 7
Write the words that fit the following definitions:
1. things to sleep between___________________
2. things to keep you warm in bed_____________________
3. things to stop people peeping through the windows at you______________
4. something to put your head on when you sleep_______________________
5. something to keep your clothes in_________________________________
6. something to place a blanket in___________________________________
7. something to place a pillow in____________________________________
8. something to cover the bed with___________________________________
What have you got in your bedroom? Discuss it with your partner.
a bed |
a bookcase |
a chair |
a carpet |
a wardrobe |
some cushions |
an armchair |
some posters |
a cupboard |
a bedside table |
a television |
some photographs |
a desk |
a lamp |
a cassette player |
a window |
Give the English equivalents:
матрац, лампа для читання, нічний столик, килимове покриття, будильник, тумбочка біля ліжка, двохспальне ліжко, туалетний столик, стьобана ковдра, дитяче ліжко, постільна білизна, простирадло, колиска, приліжкова тумбочка.
at the picture of the bedroom, compare it to your own one. Put the
corresponding words next to the numbers below.
Exercise 8
How do you make a bed? Put the sentences in the correct order.
____________ Then put the sheet on the bed.
____________ Put the bedspread on top of the blanket.
______1_____ Take off the dirty sheets.
____________ Place the pillows in the pillowcases.
____________ Put the blanket on the bed.
____________ Put the pillows on the bed.
____________ Place the blanket in the blanket cover.
Exercise 9
Fill in the blanks with prepositions where required.
Randy and Norma Chiu decided to redecorate their bedroom. The curtains and bedspread used to be yellow; now they are blue. They decided to take ___ the blinds and put ___ new curtains. They chose light green sheets and pillowcases to go ___ the blue bedspread. They replaced the double bed ___ a king-sized bed and threw ___ the headboard and footboard. Their bureau and chest __ drawers used to be ___ dark wood, but yesterday they bought new ones, painted ___ black. Last winter, Norma made a lovely dark green comforter, but they put it ___ because the weather was too warm ___ it then. They’ll probably take it ___ ___ a week or so. Finally, Randy wants to call the telephone company tomorrow to order a blue phone ___ the bedroom. The jack is already there, so there’s nothing to do but plug ___ the cord. They're sure they'll enjoy the new look ___ their bedroom.
Exercise 10
Translate these sentences into English:
Спальня - це місце не тільки для фізичного, а і морального відпочинку, тому шпалери мають бути приємного кольору.
На стінах можна повісити підібрані за стилем і смаком гравюри чи репродукції.
Можна придбати двохспальне чи односпальне ліжко або ліжко-нари.
Спочатку ми хотіли покласти килимове покриття, а потім передумали і зупинилися на звичайному килимові.
Найкращу люстру ми, звісно, повісили у вітальні. У спальні ж ми прилаштували симпатичнe бра - це зручно.