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теор.фонетика / English Sounds.ppt
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a consonant is a speech sound used with a vowel or diphthong to constitute a syllable


Voiced sounds are pronounced with the vibration of the vocal cords

Voiceless sounds pronounced without the vibration of the vocal cords

POINT OF ARTICULATION – refers to the upper parts of the mouth which the lowers parts (articulators) come in contact with the production of the consonant sound

BILABIAL – when the lower lip touches the upper lip to produce the consonant

Sound /p/, /b/, /m/ & /w/

LABIO-DENTAL – when the lower lip comes in contact with the upper front teeth

/f/ & /v/

DENTAL – when the lower teeth approach the upper teeth /θ/ & /ð/

ALVEOLAR – when the tip of the tongue is raised close to the toothridge or the back of the upper front teeth /t/ & /d/

POST ALVEOLAR – when the tip of the tongue is articulated against the back part of the alveolar ridge /r/

PALATAL – when the tongue is arched towards the hard palate /∫/

VELARS – when the back of the tongue closes against the velum or soft palate /k/

GLOTTAL – when friction is produced by the air passing through the glottis /h/

1.STOPS – are produced by stopping the passage of the breath stream with a build up of pressure behind the closure before releasing the breath






Bilabial stops





Alveolar stops





Velar stops





2. FRICATIVES – are continuants produced when the air stream is not completely stopped but passes through with friction or a hissing sound





Labiodental fricatives




Dental fricatives




Alveolar fricatives /s/




Post alveolar fricatives




Palatal fricatives




Glottal fricatives




3. AFFRICATES – are produced when a stop combines with a fricative. Like fricatives, they are also continuants. They may be prolonged as long as the speaker wishes.

Alveolar affricates

/t∫/ & /dz/

4. NASALS – are produced with the air stream passing through the nose rather than the mouth

Bilabial nasal


Alveolar nasal


Velar nasal


5. LATERAL – is produced when the air stream is stopped in the center by the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge, while the air passes along one or both sides of the tongue

Alveolar lateral /l/

6. SEMI-VOWELS – in their production, there is lack of friction and the sounds are vowel-like in their voicing but they function as consonants

Bilabial /w/ - wear, win /wh/ - why

Palatal /y/ - new, view

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