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теор.грамматика / Возможные вопросы на экзамен

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Список теоретичних питань для семестрового іспиту

  1. Types of grammatical description of the English language (= varieties of Grammar).

  2. Morphology and syntax as parts of grammar.

  3. Theoretical grammar of English as a branch linguistics

  4. Typological classification of languages. Synthetic and analytic grammatical means.

  5. Language system and language structure.

  6. Methods of grammatical analysis.

  7. Parts of speech in English: criteria.

  8. Limitations to the traditional classification of the parts of speech in English

  9. Alternative approaches to the traditional classification of the parts of speech

  10. Categorial meaning of English nouns. Their lexical / grammatical subclasses and morphemic structure.

  11. Morphological categories of English nouns; the problematic status of gender

  12. Syntactic functions of the English noun.

  13. The category of case of English nouns. Meaning of case (R.Quirk et al). The six cases of nouns(Charles Fillmore).

  14. Categorial status of English articles.

  15. Categorial meaning of English adjectives. Their lexical / grammatical subclasses and morphemic structure.

  16. Categorial status of a-adjectives in English.

  17. Limit and scale adjectives. Elative superlative.

  18. Syntactic functions of English adjectives.

  19. The Pronoun as a part of speech.

  20. The Numeral as a part of speech.

  21. Theory of three ranks.

  22. Categorial meaning of English verbs, their lexical / grammatical subclasses and morphemic structure.

  23. Morphological categories of English verbs.

  24. Status of future tense in English.

  25. Hybrid nature of English verbids.

  26. Syntactic functions of English verbs. Types of predicates.

  27. Syntagmatic / paradigmatic relations. Types of syntagms.

  28. Syntagmatic / paradigmatic relations. Types of paradigmatic relations.

  29. Oppositions in grammar. Binary privative opposition.

  30. Oppositional reduction, Oppositional substitution.

  31. History of syntactic studies. Ancient times.

  32. History of syntactic studies. Middle ages and XIX c.

  33. Approaches to and achievements in syntactic studies in XX c.

  34. The phrase. Structural classification of English phrases

  35. The definition of the sentence. Distinctive features of English sentences.

  36. Structural classification of English sentences.

  37. Structural types of simple sentences.   

  38. IC method. Types of immediate constituents.

  39. Compound sentences. Types of connections ((a)syndetic)

  40. Complex sentences. Noun clauses.

  41. Complex sentences. Adjective clauses.

  42. Complex sentences. Adverbial clauses.

  43. Basic notions of pragmatics. Locution, illocution, perlocution. Types of addressees.

  44. Speech acts classification (John Searle)

  45. Speech acts classification (Pocheptsov G.G., Shevchenko I.S.)

  46. Pragmatic transposition.

  47. Text and discourse (approaches to distinguishing)

  48. Seven principles of textuality (R de Beaugrande)

  49.  Grammatical and lexical cohesion of the text (M.A.K. Halliday, R.Hasan). Types of cohesive devices.

  50.  Coherence :: cohesion of the text. Types of relations of coherence.

Зразки практичних завдань для семестрового іспиту

Пояснення і рекомендації Пріоритет при розподілі балів за екзаменаційну відповідь зроблено для практичного завдання. Тобто, два теоретичних питання оцінюються максимально по 10 балів кожне. Практичне завдання оцінюється у 20 балів. Тож уважно читайте умову. Нижче подаються типові екзаменаційні завдання та зразок їх виконання (ВІДПОВІДЬ) з рекомендаціями (за необхідності).

  1. Divide the sentences into syntagms: Our Earth is always slowly changing: ВІДПОВІДЬ:Attributive syntagmOur Earth  Predicative syntagm: Earth is changing.Adverbial syntagm:always changingAdverbial syntagm:slowly changing.

  2. Define the part of speech of the words in bold and comment on your decision.Recommendation: comment on the approach that helps you identify the part of speech. 1.  Would you like to drive2. We enjoyed the drive very much. ВІДПОВІДЬ: In the firatsentence the word in bold (to drive) is a verb. In the second example it is a noun. (Functional and distributional approach) 

  3. Identify the structural types of the sentences given. Recommendations: 1) count [NP][VP]'s. This will show the number of simple sentences. 2) Then look how the sentences are connected syndetically or asyndetically. 3) Then identify the conjunction type (coordinative / subordinative). 4) This will lead you to the next stage - identifying whether the sentence in question is complex or compound. 5) If the sentence is complex - identify MC and DC 6) And finally identify the type of the DC: Her head was buzzing with questions, but her voice was even and welcoming when she spoke again. ВІДПОВІДЬThere are three [NP][VP]''s which signals about three sentences:1) [NP Her head] [VP was buzzing with questions], but 2) [NP her voice] [VP was even and welcoming] when 3) [NP she] [VPspoke again]. Then the sentence can be presented as: S1 but S2 when S3. Sentences S1 but S2 are compound, whereas S3 is a temporal DC (dependent). Conclusion: the sentence is compound-complex, joined syndetically with the help of coordinative conjunction but and  when joins the adverbial temporal clause.

  4. Identify the language units making the textuality of the excerpt given below. Recommendations: Seven principles of textuality will do. ВІДПОВІДЬ: This (cohesion, anaphoric reference) was actually much more exciting than it (cohesion, anaphoric referencesounds because(coherence, reason / cause) the (cohesion, anaphoric reference) director of the company(cohesion, anaphoric reference and lexical substitution) was to be the (cohesion,cataphoric referencewonderful Joan Knight, a quite extraordinary woman (cohesion, substitution). We (cohesion, anaphoric reference) first met at Perth Theatre where she(cohesion, anaphoric reference) was, at that time (cohesion, anaphoric reference, lexical substitution)stage manager, and this (cohesion, lexical substitution)was to be her(cohesion, anaphoric referencefirst attempt (cohesion, lexical substitution) at directing.

  5. Identify the type of  IC: He stormed at my mother: ВІДПОВІДЬ: [NP [PRON he]] [VP [V stormed] [PP [P at [NP [DET my [N mother]]]]].

  6. Find out the language means making the text cohesive and coherent (see # 4).

  7. Using prof. G.G. Pocheptsov's classification define the types of speech act(s): Can you help me?ВІДПОВІДЬFormally it is a question, but actually it is a request. So this is the case of pragmatic transposition.

  8. Spot the language units that may be referred to as principles of textuality (see # 4)

  9. Identify the structural type of the sentences using R.Quirk's at al's classification. ВІДПОВІДЬ:Alan looked at her with admiration.SVOA


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