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5. Проблема наступності між дошкільним та початковим етапами освіти (The problem of continuity between pre-school and primary levels of education)

The start of primary schooling has been perceived as one of the most important transitions in a child’s life and a major challenge of early childhood.

The gap between preschool and primary school is one that all children have to get over, because it moves them into the childhood portion of their lives. There are several ways that teachers and parents alike can help bridge the gap to make sure that children are successful in the future in school. Following some easy steps help children and families cope with the changing times and move forward in educational opportunities.

Talk to children about what happens after preschool, once they’ve settled into the preschool year. Explain that primary school is a lot different, but also a lot of fun. You can begin to prepare them right away during preschool, so that they always know what’s coming up next. Teachers can provide these discussions in preschool settings, and parents can talk to their children at home. Parents might find that their children are more willing to ask questions while they are at home in a safe environment, but teachers might also find that some children prefer to discuss school matters in a school setting.

Take preschool children on a tour of a primary school about halfway through their preschool year. Show them what a school looks like and what children there are doing. Answer their questions. Allow them to explore things such as the playground and other areas around the school so they feel comfortable. Preschool teachers can set up a tour where the entire class goes to the primary school, which allows all of the children to experience it together. Parents can also set up individual tours, so that children can be in a more personal and private setting, along with a parent, for their tour.

Go on another tour at the end of preschool, before the summer break or before the transition to primary school. This time, have children meet their teacher, explore their cubbies, and sit in on a lesson such as a reading lesson. Also have children meet with primary students in the year above them so they can ask questions about what school is really like. Teachers can collaborate with primary school teachers to have these meetings, and if you are a parent, you can simply contact the primary school and ask for a meeting time with a primary class for your child.

Host an evening where parents can come to your preschool and you can talk to them about the transition. Give parents a sheet of paper with tips such as how to talk to their children about primary school, which things will be different about primary school, and where to go if they need information or support. Parents and children can mingle together and talk about the adventure that is coming up. Teachers should provide this time for parents, and parents must do their part by actually showing up and bringing their children with them.