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Юсуф Пайгамбар

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History Yusuf according to the Qur'an

As a child, Yusuf had a prophetic dream, which, Yakub, his father talked to him like this:


And your Lord shall choose you, teach you how to interpret dreams, and will grant you the grace of a perfect race and Jacob.

Yusuf 12: 6 "

Reverent attitude to the father Yusuf caused jealousy and hatred of his older sons from another wife, and, by agreement, they decided to kill him, but changed his mind and dropped Yusuf in the well to a passing caravan took him away from home. And my father said that his wolf devoured.

The boy pulled the caravan, which went to Egypt, where he sold it to one of the nobles of Pharaoh for a small price.

When Yusuf has matured, it has become a beauty craze leading women of the city, including the wife of the nobles, in whose house he lived. Refusing to share her bed, Yusuf soon after her slander was imprisoned in a dungeon. There he began to call people to monotheism, and explained to dreams of two men who got him into prison, one of them foretold the freedom, and the second - penalty.

Yusuf sat in prison for several years, until one day Pharaoh dreamed that seven lean cows devoured seven fat and seven green ears of corn, and seven withered. Yusuf interpreted this dream:


Seven years in a row you will diligently sow. What you reap, leave in ears, except for a small amount that you eat. Then came the heavy seven years, which will eat what you have prepared for them, except for a small amount that you keep strong. After them will come a year when people will be heavy rains and squeeze the fruit.

Beauty Yusuf

Prophet Yusuf, like all the prophets, different from other people and the extraordinary beauty, if a woman spoke to Yusuf requested, he covered the face that she did not fall into temptation. The collection of hadith is Muslim Hadith Anas ibn Malik about the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven, and it is reported, the Prophet Yusuf was granted half of beauty. According to Abu al-Qasim al-Suhail, "beauty is half the beauty of Yusuf Adam, because Allah created Adam with His hand, and gave him the most perfect and most beautiful form. None of his descendants can not be compared with him in beauty, and Yusuf was given half of his beauty "Outstanding Islamic interpreter of the Qur'an, hadith collector, jurist and historian Ibn Qutaiba, commenting on the hadith about the Mi'raj he suggested that" Almighty Allah has set for Beauty certain limit and gave [such beauty] those creations that wished either angels or houris. Yusuf was granted half of the beauty, and he was very handsome face. And they are mistaken who thinks he's got half the beauty, and the other half went to the rest of the people "