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Variant 1 english in use Part 3

For questions 1-15 read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space.

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson is one of Britain’s most respected and enduring authors but his wife was less than (0) impressed with his literary talents.

After reading the first draft of his most famous book, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Fanny Stevenson (1)…..it was such ‘utter nonsense’ that she (2)…..fire to it. This shameful ending to the first draft of the novel has been (3)…..in a letter to the poet WE Hanley. It lay (4)…..in the attic of Mr Hanley’s (5)…..for 115 years.

Mrs Stevenson, who was (6)…..of her sick husband but also his fiercest (7)….., wrote in 1885: “He wrote pages and pages of complete nonsense. (8)….. , he has

forgotten all about it now, and I shall burn it after I show it to you. He said it was his greatest (9)….. .

The letter is (10)…..to fetch up to £1,500 when it is (11)…..at Phillips, in London, on 17 November. Liz Merry, the head of the book (12)….. , said : ‘This should end (13)…..about what happened to the first draft of Dr Jekyll – it seems clear she burned it.’

But the discovery of the letter (14)…..another mystery . Was Stevenson’s first attempt at his most successful novel (15)….. ‘nonsense’?

0 A impressed B attracted C excited D influenced

1 A judged B decided C examined D described

2 A put B lit C threw D set

3 A informed B revealed C expressed D shown

4 A forgotten B unaware C ignorant D absent

5 A survivors B generations C descendants D ancestors

6 A sympathetic B protective C defensive D preserving

7 A referee B judge C observer D critic

8 A Fortunately B Properly C Favourably D Occasionally

9 A job B composition C labour D work

10 A intended B expected C hoped D guessed

11 A traded B exchanged C auctioned D bid

12 A department B part C class D zone

13 A opinion B assumption C imagination D speculation

14 A creates B makes C produces D causes

15 A exactly B quite C indeed D rightly

Variant 1 listening Part 1

You will hear different people talking about New Year’s Resolutions they have made. You will hear the piece twice.

For the questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the resolutions


A stop drinking alcohol B give to charity C use public transport more often

D lose weight

E get a better job

F get a driver’s licence

G stop smoking

H keep in touch with someone






For the questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the resolutions

A-H below. Which speaker:

A can’t understand why others have found it so difficult B feels too blame for what happened C found his/her attitude had changed

D felt she/he was setting a bad example

E believes his/her job contributed to the problem

F agreed with someone else that a change was necessary

G is reacting against other people’s behaviour

H doesn’t believe she/he will succeed






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