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к экзамену / ask in the way

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Ask in the way

  • Excuse me….. Hello! I want to get to the “Central Hotel”. Can you help me?

  • Hello! Yes I can. First, you must go to the bus stop. It’s located near with exit of railway station.

  • You mean I must go straight?

  • Yes go straight to the bus stop. Then you must take the number 68 bus.

  • Ok, but I haven’t Russian money…. How much is the fare?

  • Don’t worry. This is not problem. I help you and give you some money. It’s enough for fare.

  • Oh, thank you, you very kind.

  • You are welcome. Take 68 bus and go 4 stops and get off the 5th stop.

  • I’m understood. Where should I go next?

  • Turn right, then go straight to crossroad. Turn left on crossroad and cross the street. You will see tram stop. Take the number 8 tram and get off at the next stop. Besides you can see many buildings, which has great historical value, This may be very interesting for you.

  • Ok! This is very interesting info for me.

  • When you stand at the train stop, turn right and then you will see title “Central Hotel”. This is you finish.

  • Oh. Thank you sir.

  • Good bye. I’m happy practical on my English.

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