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Экзаменационный тест по грамматике английского языка

(1) Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в нужную форму активного или пассивного залога. Неправильные глаголы даны в трех формах:

  1. About 85% of American students (attend) public schools which are supported by local taxes.

  2. I know you (take, took, taken) an advanced English course now.

  3. BBC experts (invent) a new system that lets the deaf understand television programmers.

  4. My brother (take, took, taken) music lessons for 3 years now.

  5. In future people (live) on the sea, away from the noisy cities.

  6. I (visit) my friends at this time (from 5-7) tomorrow.

  7. On Monday I (play) football with my friends.

  8. The train (arrive) tomorrow at 6 o’clock.

  9. I (finish) the translation of this article by 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  10. My friend (serve) on this ship for 15 years by next year.

  11. In 1620, a ship named the “Mayflower” (bring, brought, brought) 120 Englishmen to the rocky coast of America.

  12. When we came to the bus stop, our bus №41 (go, went, gone) already.

  13. Last Sunday most students (prepare) to go skiing on “Bartalamey” competition.

  14. First American college, Harvard (found) in Massachusetts in 1636.

  15. This story well (know, knew, known) among the Americans.

(2) Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, исходя из предложенных предложений:

to sendsentsent

  1. Я только что послал телеграмму.

  2. Я пошлю телеграмму завтра.

  3. Телеграмму уже послали.

  4. Телеграмму пошлют завтра.

  5. Телеграмма будет послана завтра к 5 часам.

  6. Телеграммы посылают каждый день.

read – read - read

  1. Он читает книгу сейчас.

  2. Я уже прочитала эту книгу.

  3. Я буду читать газету завтра.

  4. Книгу уже прочитали в три часа.

  5. Книга была прочитана в прошлом году.

  6. Книгу прочитают к концу следующей недели

  7. Книгу читают сейчас.

to finish – finished – finished

  1. Он закончит работу к 5 часам.

  2. Работу закончили вчера.

  3. Работа будет закончена к 5 часам завтра.

  4. Я уже закончил работу.

  5. Эта работа была закончена до того, как вы пришли.

Экзаменационный тест по грамматике английского языка

(3) Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

  1. He said: I live in Moscow.

  2. Sister says: I will come tomorrow.

  3. My friend decided: I have finished the work.

  4. Brother told him: I will send you this project.

  5. She considers: I am writing too fast now.

  6. I thought: you will do it for me soon.

  7. We decided: he translates very slowly. Пример:

  8. She said: he will have translated the text by 5 o`clock tomorrow.

    • Boris said: I am a student. =>

    Boris said that he was a student.

    • She says: he is my friend =>

    She says that he is her friend.

  9. I think: she is such a nice girl.

  10. We knew: our father was a good engineer.

  11. She told: her friend has made a wrong decision.

  12. We said: your mother will have a good job soon.

  13. I think: he is writing a test now.

  14. Tom made a conclusion: he has read a very interesting book.

  15. He said: Mary will be singing this song at tomorrow concert.

  16. We know: they were doing this job when we came here.

  17. I say: you look very good today.

  18. She said: Kate is writing a letter now.

(4) Поставьте по три вопроса к каждому из приведенных ниже предложений - общий вопрос, специальный и вопрос к подлежащему:

  1. He has decided to fond the material in the book tomorrow.

  2. We saw a wonderful bird in the zoo last morning.

  3. She is writing a letter to me in the room now.

  4. My mother makes very tasty cakes every holiday.

  5. They finished our University last year.

  6. I will read a very interesting book tomorrow evening.

  7. My friends often write me from Moscow.

  8. People are walking along the streets because the weather is good.

  9. Her husband will have been working at the office for 10 years by next year.

  10. I was writing a letter to my friend when you came to visit me.

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