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Экзаменационный тест по грамматике английского языка (часть “A”)

(1) Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в нужную форму активного или пассивного залога. Неправильные глаголы даны в трех формах:

  1. Attend

  2. Are taking

  3. Have invented

  4. Has been taking

  5. Will be live

  6. Will be visiting

  7. Am playing

  8. Arrive

  9. Will have finished

  10. Will have been serving

  11. Brought

  12. Had gone

  13. Prepared

  14. Was founded

  15. Is well known

(2) Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, исходя из предложенных предложений:

to sendsentsent

  1. Have sent

  2. Will send

  3. Has been sent

  4. Will be sent

  5. Will have been sent

  6. Are sent

read – read - read

  1. Is reading

  2. Have read

  3. Shall read

  4. Has been read

  5. Was read

  6. Will have been read

  7. Is being read

to finish – finished – finished

  1. Will have finished

  2. Was finished

  3. Will have been finished

  4. Have finished

  5. Had been finished


Экзаменационный тест по грамматике английского языка (часть “В”)

(3) Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

  1. He said that he lived

  2. Sister says that she will come next day

  3. My friend decided that he translated

  4. Brother told him that he would send him

  5. She considers that he is writing

  6. I thought that I would do it

  7. We decided that he translated

  8. She said that he would have

  9. I think that she is…

  10. We know that our father had been..

  11. She told that her friend had made a wrong decision

  12. We said that your (his) mother would have a good job soon.

  13. I think that he is writing a lest now.

  14. Tom made a conclusion that he had read a very interesting book

  15. He said that Mary would be singing this song at the next day concert.

  16. We know that they were doing this job when we came here.

  17. I say that you (he, she) looks very good today.

  18. She said that Kate was writing a letter

(4) Поставьте по три вопроса к каждому из приведенных ниже предложений - общий вопрос, специальный и вопрос к подлежащему:

  1. Has he decided?

When has he decided…

Who has decided

  1. Did we see…

When did we see…?

Who saw…?

  1. Is she writing…?

When is she writing…?

Who is writing…?

  1. Does my mother make…?

What does she make?

Who makes…?

  1. Did they finish…?

When did they finish…?

Who finished…?

  1. Will I read…?

What will I read…?

Who will read…?

  1. Do my friends often write…?

Where do my friends write me from…?

Who writes me…?

  1. Are people walking…?

Where are people walking…?

Who is walking…?

  1. Will her husband have been working…?

When will her husband…?

Who has been working…?

  1. Was I writing…?

When was I writing…?

Who was writing…?

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