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The System of Tenses. Passive Voice.

Ex. 1 Find 5-7 examples of Passive tense forms in the texts of Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Copy out the sentences.

Ex.2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct voice form.

  1. The first Russian Customs Statute (to hand) down in 1667.

  2. A distinction (to make) between commercial and industrial free zones.

  3. The passenger’s luggage (to check) by the customs officer now.

  4. Quantitative restrictions or other forms of import control (to adopt) in many countries.

  5. More detector dogs (to train) at the canine enforcement centers by the next year.

  6. After unloading the cargo (to store) at the bonded warehouse awaiting release from customs control.

  7. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (to sign) in Geneva in 1947.

  8. Brokers (to require) to maintain strict confidence about business and transaction.

  9. An interesting case (to investigate) by the customs investigation union now.

Ex. 3 Translate the sentences into English.

1. Для какой цели создаются зоны свободной торговли?

2. Какие нарушения рассматриваются таможней?

3. Груз был задержан, так как документы были оформлены неправильно.

4. Завтра на встрече будут обсуждаться условия платежей.

5. Нам предложили пройти в зал досмотра.

6. Эти цифры в товарной накладной были изменены.

7. Расходы при хранении товаров на СВХ (склад временного хранения) оплачиваются импортером.

8. Эти собаки специально подготовлены для работы среди пассажиров.

9. В отношении этих товаров предоставляется освобождение от уплаты ввозных пошлин.

Mass media materials

Cops Decry Barriers In War With Pirates

The Interior Ministry and its Economic Security Department are being hindered in their efforts to clampdown on counterfeiters in part due to a lack of cooperation from the West.

Such factors as low purchasing power and mild punishments f or offenders, could help push up the number of factories making pirated CDs and DVDs.

Russia has become the world’s leading exporter of illegal disks and has the biggest domestic market for pirated music after China.

But while the West often criticizes Russia for not doing enough to root out piracy, it does little to help. The “paradoxical situation” is that all the sophisticated machines needed to mass-produce CDs and DVDs come from abroad.

Pirates use false documentation to bring in the machines. If the Customs authorities had some pre-emptive information from the West, they would already be waiting for the equipment at the customs.

Deputy director of the Russian anti-piracy Organization said that the state – and not Western governments – should be faulted for the import of disk-copying equipment. Licensed DVDs – which retail for up to 500 rubles but cost 10 rubles to make – have been priced out of the market, opening the way for counterfeiters. Furthermore, those pirates who are caught often get off much too easily.

Last year, 446 people were found guilty of violating intellectual property rights and trademark law, but only 11 of them were sentenced to time in jail. The rest got away with fines and suspended sentences.

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