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Consolidation Units 13-14

I. Complete the sentence using the right item.

1. He was … for breaking the law.


a) employed

b) fired

c) appreciated


She was … by the failure at the exam.


a) pleased

b) glad

c) upset


What was the … of the conflict?


a) cause

b) reason

c) item


The car is so … it can hardly move.


a) failed

b) loaded

c) fulled


The … of the negotiations has made the situation worse.

a) success

b) situation

c) failure

6.One of the factors that we should … is the size of the market.

a) take into account

b) presume

c) arrange

7. I have made all the … for my journey.


a) responses

b) arrangements

c) items

8. You can’t … a word he says.


a) realize

b) afford

c) trust

9. Different … are said to be effective in resolving conflicts.

a) techniques

b) responses

c) problems

10.She finally … her goal.


a) adopted

b) resolved

c) realized

II. Open the brackets using Conditionals.

1.If he (work) better, he (not fire).

2.The conflict (not occur) if both sides (make) compromises.

3.I (be) upset if they (not come) tomorrow.

4.If you (can afford) to hire a professional lawyer when you started your business, you (not have) financial problems.

5.If this company (use) new sales techniques, the volume of sales (be) higher.

6.If you (make) all the arrangements in advance, you business trip (be) a failure.

7.If they (take into account) his ideas every time he expresses them, they (resolve) this problem more quickly.

8.If this company (use) more expensive advertising, it (cause) the increase in prices.

III. Put the verbs into the right form.

1.We expected him (take) the blame.

2.We watched the ship (load).



3.She would like the Sales Manager (make) arrangements for the


4.He was made (adopt) a new method.

5.The manager let the employee (realize) his plan.

6.They made him (cut down) the expenses.

7.We want the conflict (resolve) as soon as possible.

8.I saw her (fail) the exam.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences using Complex Subject.

1.We appreciated their help. (to say)

2.This task is feasible. (to think)

3.Now they are making arrangements for the trip. (to believe)

4.Two people were fired last month. (to know)

5.The expenses are rather high. (to estimate)

6.They have already implemented the agreement. (to suppose)

7.The private enterprise was a failure. (to say)

8.Conflicts occur at all levels of interaction. (to know)


Resource File


Activate your Grammar


Grammar: Present Simple; Much/Many/A lot of;


Reading: Jobs

Ex.1. Make up the list of the jobs you know arranging them in the following table.







Which of the jobs wouldn’t you like to do? Why not?

Ex.2. Guess the jobs.

1.This person catches thieves.

2.This person teaches you English.

3.This person is the boss on a ship.

4 This person works with machines or engines.

5.This person checks your teeth.

6.This person writes books.

7.This person sells meat.

8.This person repairs cars.

9.This person plays a musical instrument.

10.This person looks after patients in hospital.

11.This person treats patients.

12.This person sings songs.

13.This person designs houses.

14.This person studies science.

15.This person paints pictures (or walls).

16.This person works on board a ship.

Ex.3. What’s my job?

Think of some job you don’t really do.

Your partner asks you 10 yes/no-questions to find out what your job


For example:

Do you work with your hands?

Do you wear a uniform?

Do you work at weekends?




Grammar: Present Simple vs Present Continuous; It takes…; Possessive Case

Reading: A working day of a Sales Manager

Ex.1. Ask and answer questions about these people and their daily routine. Use the listed word combinations in your answers.


Peter and Paul

1. secretary

1. students

2. 18

2. 19

3. the office/5 days a week

3. university/5 days a week

4. 7.30

4. 8.00

5. nothing

5. cornflakes

6. orange juice

6. milk

7. parents

7. mother

8. the office/8.15

8. university/8.15

9. in the canteen

9. at university

10. home/5.30

10. home/4.00

11. evening classes

11. television

12. 11.00

12. 9.00

Ex.2. Work with your partner.

1. Ask about your partner’s daily routine using the following words get up, have breakfast, go to university, have lunch, go out.

The question starts with: When…? Where…? What…? How…?

2. Tell the group about your partner’s daily routine. Use the following expressions:

Always, never, usually, as a rule, sometimes, from time to time, often.

Ex.3. A telephone conversation.

Call your partner and find out what all members of his/her family are doing now. (Don’t forget to ask about the pet!)

Find out if they always do these activities at that time. Example

-What is your uncle doing now?

-Does he always do it at this time?

-How often does he do it?

Ex.4. Answer the questions.

1.How long does it take you to

a)get to the university

b)do your homework

c)translate an English text

d)prepare for a test

e)cook dinner for five people?


Resource File


Grammar: Past Simple

Reading: The History of the Ford Motor Company

Ex.1. Guess who the person is. Student A:

Prepare a story about a famous person of the past everyone knows but do not give his/her name and tell it to the group.

The group:

Guess who the person is. If you fail, ask yes/no-questions.


Grammar: Present Perfect, Past Simple

Reading: Travelling on Business.

Ex.1. Find out what the person has already done in his/her life

Have you ever … ? When did you…?

Ex.2. Tell the group

-what you haven’t done today

-you did yesterday

-you didn’t do yesterday

-you have done recently


Grammar: Modal Verbs

Reading: The Work of a Sales Manager

Ex.1. Answer the questions:

1.What can you do?

2.What could/couldn’t you do when you were four years old?

3.What should/shouldn’t you do to be a successful student?

4.What can/can’t you do at university?

5.What must you do at university?

6.What mustn’t you do in the library? on the bus? in class? in the canteen? during a test? during exams?


Grammar: Comparisons, Past Perfect, Equivalents of Modal Verbs

Reading: Hospitality Industry

Ex.1. Compare the following items using comparatives and superlatives:

E.g. Volga, Don, Nile (length)

The Volga is longer than the Don, but the Nile is the longest.



1.Finland, China, Russia (size, population).

2.Plane, car, bicycle (speed, comfort).

3.Ford, BMW, Kia (price).

4.cat, dog, snake (as a pet to keep).

5.the Volga, the Neva, the Thames (length).

Ex.2. Job prestige.

Here is the list of 14 occupations.


university professor

taxi driver












1)Arrange them in the order in which these jobs are paid for in our society.

2)Make a list in which you show how important you think each job should be.

Work with your neighbour. Try to reach agreement in both rankings. Where you can not agree, mark the difference of opinion on your list.

Present the results to the group.


Grammar: Future Forms

Reading: Starting your own business

Ex.1. Make some predictions about your friend’s future. Add some conditions to your predictions (…if…). Try to sound optimistic. Use the expressions listed below:

E.g. – pass the English exam

You will pass the English exam if you study hard.

-graduate from the university

-find a job

-get married

-have children

-earn money

-take up extreme sport

-become famous


-travel the world

-buy a house

… Anything else you can think of.


Resource File

Ex.2. Talk about your plans for the future. Use I will, I am going to, I am doing. Talk about:

E.g. after this lesson

I am going to have lunch after this lesson.


2.next week

3.next summer

4.when you graduate

5.when you are 66.

Ex.3. Give full answers to the questions.

1. What will happen

if people can get a driving licence at 14? if girls have to do military service?

if children over 10 can vote? 2. What will you do

if it rains tomorrow?

if you break an expensive vase at a friend’s house? if you can not sleep at night?

if you get a bad mark at your exam?


Grammar: Reported Speech, Past Perfect

Reading: Participating in International Exhibitions

Ex.1. Fortune-telling.

Work in groups.

Student A is the fortune-teller. Tell the fortunes of the other students. Tell them about:

1.the kind of people they are

2.their past life

3.their future.

Student B: when you have visited the fortune-teller, tell the others what she/he told you using reported speech.

Ex.2. Look at the sentences and think what had happened previously. E.g. When I opened the door I could hardly believe my eyes.

-My friends had removed the furniture.

-The carpet had disappeared.

1.When I saw my cousin I could hardly recognize him.

2.I returned home after a long holiday abroad and found out that my parents had changed everything in my room.

3.When I entered my office yesterday I was really surprised.

4.I was almost ready to start my presentation.

5.When I returned home yesterday I was really exhausted.

6.We tried not to panic, but nothing was ready for the party.




Grammar: Complex Object, Complex Subject, So/Such

Reading: Interpersonal Conflict and Effective Communication

Ex.1. Looking for a job

Procedure: The class is divided into groups of three to five members. The handout is distributed to the groups and the task explained.


Experienced social worker; preferably full-time to work in Fairview Estate. Needs car. Some evening and weekend work. Council flat available.

Fairview Council Estate.

Many high-rise flats, large number of one-parent families, no youth club, widespread vandalism; large proportion of old-age pensioners; one pub; secondary school; two primary schools.


1. Freda Hastings, 35

Divorced with 2 children aged 8 and 6; trained as a social worker 10 years ago; no employment in the last eighf years; no car; would like half-time job; cannot work evenings or weekends; bad health; cheerful personality; likes children; needs a bigger flat.

2. Harold Winter, 23

Single; just finished training as a social worker; some experience in running a youth club; has a motorbike; not many friends; spends more than he earns; insecure personality; likes working evenings.

3. Sue and Mike Darrel, 28 and 32

Married, three children aged 6, 4 and 1; both trained social workers; went to work in Africa for six years after training; would like to share the job because of the children; no car; would like a house; very interested in political work; no experience in working with old people; do not want to work weekends.

4. Robert Ludlow, 49

Married; no children; has a car; worked as lorry driver, barman and night watchman before training as a social worker 10 years ago; has had five jobs in the last four years; suffered from alcoholism, not cured after therapy; marriage problems; a bit short-tempered; wants to make a new start; gets in well with older people; very strict with children and youngsters.

Each group imagines that they are members of the local council who have to select somebody for the vacant post of social worker from the four applications they have received.

As a first step the groups decide on their criteria for selection based on the advertisement and the background information on the handout as well as their own judgment.

They then discuss the four applicants and rank them according to their suitability. Then each group selects a speaker who has to explain and


Resource File

defend the choice of his group using the specified grammar. All the group speakers meet in the middle to discuss the applicants.

If one of the other members of the group feels that he/she has some better way of arguing the group’s position he/she may replace the speaker of the group.

Unless a consensus has been reached among the speakers after a given time (15 minutes) a vote is taken by all the participants.


Grammar: Conditionals

Reading: Legal Aspects of Business

Ex.1. Aims in life

Procedure: Each student chooses the area of his/her aims, i.e. family, job, travel and makes notes on what he/she would like to achieve within this area. When everybody is ready small groups are formed. The students discuss and defend their aims in the groups.

Ex.2. Desert island

Procedure: The teacher sets the task:

“You are on a desert island in the Pacific. All you have is the swim-suit and the sandals you are wearing. There is food and water on the island but nothing else. Here is the list of things you may find useful. Choose the eight most useful items and rank them in order of usefulness.

A box of matches A magnifying glass An axe

A bottle of whisky

Amirror An atlas

Anylon tent

Acamera and five rolls of film

Atransistor radio with batteries Some metal knitting needles Ointment for cuts and burns 20 meters of nylon rope




Apencil and paper


Work with a partner. You have 8 minutes.”

Students present their solutions and defend their choices against the others’ arguments.




Unit 1.

Read and translate the text. Get ready to summarise it.

Boris Baker is an engineer in electronics. He works for the Browns’ company. They design and manufacture electronic equipment. Boris is responsible for its technical supervision. He is always very busy. He’s got a lot of work to do every day. To put it another way he’s head over ears in work. He comes to work in the morning and stays there practically all day long. He is satisfied with his job but he dislikes the fact that he works long hours. Very often he stays at work till nine o’clock in the evening. Another bad thing is that his holiday is only 25 days a year. But he enjoys the work he does and the salary he gets.

Alex O’Hara is his friend and colleague. He is in sales. He is Export Sales Manager. At the office Alex writes business letters, looks through the mail, reads cables, talks business on the telephone. He also receives visitors, mostly clients. Sometimes Alex meets foreign businessmen and discusses with them prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. He also takes part in organizing trade fairs and exhibitions. Alex O’Hara finishes his work at 6 o’clock p.m. and goes home. He is always tired after work but he likes it and does it with pleasure.

Unit 2.

Read and translate the text. Get ready to summarise it.

Mr. Brown is a sales manager in a manufacturing business. The company «Farmco» produces high quality farming equipment. It meets up-to-date international standards and now the company is increasing the export of its goods to African countries.

«Farmco» consists of three departments: production department – its manager is in charge of production and service, finance department – its manager is responsible for finance and accounting and marketing and sales department. As a Sales manager Mr. Brown is in charge of selling and advertising.

Mr. Brown works hard and has a lot of things to do during his working day. He looks through the mail; plans and watches every step in the supply of his customers with the goods; employs salesmen, wholesalers and retailers to sell the goods. He sees that the system of distribution works efficiently and economically. Also during the day there are business matters which need his immediate attention. It takes Mr. Brown from two to three hours daily to discuss the questions of prices and discounts with his travelling salesmen. The company covers several countries. Mr. Brown chooses the method of distribution, the frequency of visits to customers, the method of travel by salesmen and solves many other issues.

Each department works to a common end, but sometimes there are arguments about the distribution of responsibilities. Mr. Brown and two other managers regularly hold meetings to discuss the questions of