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1Reviews and everything / If children grew up to early indications we should have nothing but geniuses

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Alex Kvartalny @ flamedragon27.blogspot.com

Group 501

If children grew up to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses (Goethe)

Presenter (Alexander Schmyga): That is what Goethe said when he probably meant that every child can develop his or her potential. But what prevents children from becoming smart and conscientious. Today we have invited the distinguished professor of McKinnon institute of Psychology Allen Wolfram. Welcome, professor. So what is your opinion on that? Why does not every child become a genius and probably you know what parents should do in order to make their kids really smart?

Professor (Alex Kvartalny): Hello, Betty. Not every child becomes a genius because not everyone wants to become one. So the first thing any parent should do is motivate a child to be what they want him to be. But first of all, let us just agree on what a genius is. Many scholars think that a gifted child, or a genius, we shall equate those two in our program today, possesses exceptional talent, natural ability, has exceptional intelligence, possesses the ease of learning, a higher level of intuition, is extremely creative and has the ability to read quickly. Geniuses are more likely to have retentive memory, ask a lot of questions, learn more quickly that others, are extremely curious, can concentrate for long periods of time, have wide general knowledge, enjoy problem-solving, have an unusual imagination, show strong feelings and opinions, set high standards.

Now that we have roughly defined what a genius is we can continue with the issue. We now see declining achievement in schools and a lot of difficult adolescents. Many factors are to blame for that. First of all, it’s sheer negligence of behalf of the parents. A lot of parents are way too permissive nowadays. Consequently, many children lack support and motivation, become confused and embittered, are unable to set controls on themselves. Children come out of control, there is growth of juvenile delinquency, and also there are difficulties adjusting to society among those kids. They also lack decision-making skills.

On the other hand, many parents are too authoritative and because of that a lot of kids don’t become gifted either because of the traumatic experiences caused by strict rules and spanking. Kids brought up by authoritative parents lack self-esteem and social skills. Strict rules and discipline leave no place for creativity. The complexes of guilt and punishment are also developed.

These finding mean that parents should not be either too authoritative, or too permissive. There should be a unity of all the best that the two theories of child-upbringing have to offer, for example development of child’s independence, creativity and originality but at the same time of discipline and responsibility.

Some point out that violence on TV is the main source why children grow up irresponsible. My advice is this: motivate your children to do other things, make them interested in self-development and your kids will be much less likely to be affected by violence on TV.

Presenter: Thank you very much, professor. That was professor Allen Wolfram of McKinnon institute of Psychology. Do join us on our next programme.

Professor: It’s been a pleasure. Thank you and good-bye.