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Active vocabulary Unit 6. Health Matters

Make sure you know how to pronounce and translate the words and expressions on subtopics: Health Problems, Office Solutions, Bad Habits Die Hard, Maladies of the XXI Century1. Practice using them in meaningful contexts.

abuse, v/n

drug / alcohol abuse

abusive, adj

syn. insulting

addict, n

a drug / alcohol addict

addicted, adj

to be addicted to sth

addiction, n

an addiction to sth

adjust, v

adjustable, adj

ache, v/n


allergy, n

allergic, adj

to be allergic to sth

appoint, v

appointment, n

to have/ fix/ make an appointment with sb

to keep/ break/ ask for appointment

by appointment

appointment diary/ calendar

breath, n

to hold one’s breath, to take one’s breath, to be out of breath, to be short of breath

breathe, v

to breathe in / out

breathless, adj

breathtaking, adj

case, n

just in case

check-up, n

to go for/ have a check-up

cold, n

complain, v

to complain of a pain

complaint, n

complication, n

to develop ~

to avoid/ cause ~

complications may set in

compression, n

nerve/ muscle/ tendon compression

condition, n

to be in good/ poor/ no / out of condition

working conditions – syn. working surroundings, working environment

under/ in such conditions

conscious, adj

ant. unconscious

consciousness, n

to lose consciousness – syn. to faint, to pass out

to recover/ regain consciousness – syn. to come round

consult, v

to consult sb about sth

cough, v/n

to have a bad/ heavy/ dry/ persistent cough

cure, v/n

to cure sb of sth

a cure for sth

curable, adj

ant. incurable

damage, v/n

deficient, adj

to be deficient in sth

deficiency, n

deficiency in/of sth

diagnose, v

diagnosis, n

to make a diagnosis

die, v

syn. pass away

death, n

to cause death

dizzy, adj

to be/ feel dizzy

syn. to be giddy

disease, n

acute/ common/ incurable/ serious/ rare/ chronic/ infectious disease

to catch/ pick up a disease

to go/ come down with a disease

to cure/ prevent a disease

to recover from/ get over a disease

doctor, n

syn. medical man, practitioner, GP

drug, n

to take/ use/ be on drugs

drug addiction

ergonomics, n

ergonomics requirements

examine, v

to examine sb for sth

to have sth examined

faint, v/n/adj

syn. to pass out

feel, v

fever, n

to feel a high/ slight/ constant fever

fit, adj

ant. unfit

to keep fit

to be fit for/ to sth

habit, n

bad habits

eating/ drinking/ sleeping habits

to be in / fall into / get into the habit of doing sth

to cure sb of the habit of doing sth

to get out of/ break the habit

habitual, adj

syn. regular, usual

harm, v/n

syn. damage, injury

to do / cause harm to sb/sth

harmful, adj

ant. harmless

hazard, n

occupational hazard

hazardous, adj

hazardous to sb/sth

heal, v

hurt, v/n

it hurts me to do sth

Where does it hurt?

to hurt one’s feelings

illness, n

syn. disease, sickness, ailment, malady

infection, n

infectious, adj

syn. contagious, catching

inflammation, n

injection, n

an injection against sth

to give an injection

injure, v

syn. to hurt, harm

to injure badly/ seriously/ severely/ slightly

to injure one’s health by smoking, drinking, etc.

injury, n

layout, v/n

cellular / open-plan layout

malinger, v

syn. to feign a sickness

malingerer, n

medicine, n

medicine chest, n

medical, adj

medical service

medicinal, adj

to be used for medicinal purposes

numbness, n

numbness in arms/ hands

ointment, n

to rub ~ on/ in(to)

operate, v

to operate on sb for sth

operation, n

syn. surgery

to undergo/ have/ perform an operation for sth

pain, n

an acute/ constant/ severe/ sharp/ dull/ steady/ sudden pain

to be in pain

to ease/ soothe/ relieve/ kill a pain

painful, adj

ant. painless

painkiller, n

patient, n

pill, n

syn. tablet

to take pills

side-effects of the pill

prescribe, v

to prescribe for sth

prescription, n

to write out/ fill/ make up a prescription

prevent, v

prevention, n

preventable, adj

recover, v

syn. to get over

recovery, n

to make a quick/ speedy/ slow/ good recovery

to be on the road/ way to recovery – syn. to be on the mend

reduce, v

syn. to cut down on sth

remedy, n

a remedy for sth

shiver, v

syn. to tremble, shudder

to shiver with sth

to feel shivery

sick, adj

syn. ill

to feel sick – syn. to vomit

to be air-/ sea-/ motion-/ travel-/ carsick

to be on sick leave

to be off sick

sneeze, v/n

sore, adj

syn. painful, aching

sound, v

to have one’s chest/ lungs sounded

stiff, adj

stiffen, v

strain, v/n

stress, n

to be under stress

stressful, adj

swell, v

syndrome, n

temperature, n

to get/ have/ run a temperature

to take sb’s temperature

to bring down/ reduce the temperature

test, v/n

treat, v

to treat sb for sth with sth

treatment, n

a treatment for sth

to have/ undergo a course of treatment

vital, adj

vitally, adv

workstation, n

X-ray, v/n

to have one’s chest X-rayed

Phrasal verbs

to come / go down with sth

to get over

to pick up

to get through

to cut down on

to cut out

to put on

to take up

to pass out

to come round

Idiomatic Expressions

to be as fit as a fiddle

to feel low

to take it easy

to feel off colour

to feel out of sorts

to feel under the weather

to be/ feel worn out

to be/ feel run down

His/ her life is hanging by a thread

to burn the candle at both ends

to be out of danger / to be off the danger list

to be on the mend

to be as right as rain

to be as good as new

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