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Ex. 39. Supply the required articles in the following text. (Revision).

... man once built ... house for his dwelling. ... house was pretty, but very small. He invited ... friends to visit him, as he wanted them to see ... house.

... friends came and looked at ... house. All of them said something bad about it:

... front of ... house is very bad.

There are not enough ... windows.

... windows are very small.

... roof is not ... good one.

... doors are too narrow.

... ceilings are too low.

... rooms are not big enough for anyone.

... man heard everything ... friends said about his home and then answered:

– Indeed, it may be true. ... house is small; but I have not enough true friends to fill even this small house.

Ex. 40. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Вчера в театре я смотрел пьесу. Пьеса была очень смешная. 2. Я вошел в комнату и увидел незнакомую девушку. Девушка разговарива ла с моей сестрой. 3. Я собираюсь на лекцию. Лекция будет в большом зале. 4. Осенью многие театры едут на фестиваль. Фестиваль проходит в Эдинбурге. 5. Он опять пишет новую книгу. Я надеюсь, книга будет, как всегда, интересной. 6. Мы купили новый телевизор. Экран телевизора очень большой и плоский. 7. После делового визита необходимо напи сать письмо. Письмо должно быть коротким и вежливым. 8. Мы едем на семинар в Японию. Семинар будет очень интересным. 9. Анна стояла на остановке с юношей. Юноша держал ее за руку. 10. Завтра я сдаю экза мен. Экзамен будет трудным. 11. Из окна автобуса я увидел мост. Я узнал мост. Мост находится недалеко от Тауэра. 12. Она показала мне картину. Картину подарила ей бабушка. 13. В комнате стояло пианино. Он сел поиграть. Пианино оказалось расстроенным. 14. Они попросили меня написать статью. Статья будет опубликована во французском жур нале. Журнал очень популярный.


Read & Speak English



by D. H. Barber

The latest book of my poems has not been selling very well – in fact 122 of my personal friends and relations tell me they’ve bought it, but the publishers say only 84 copies have been sold.

“The trouble is,” said Edith1, “that nobody has ever heard of you. What you need is a little advertisement2. Let people know that you exist and that you write poetry, and they will rush along to the libraries and ask for your latest book.”

“But I can’t just put an advertisement in the newspaper saying I’m a poet.”

Edith thought for a moment and then she said she had a bright idea. “Why not put an advertisement in ‘The Times’3,” she said, “saying that you

recommend as butler in a small family a man who has been in your employment for twenty years?”

“But I haven’t had anybody in my employment for twenty years,” I said. “And I’ve never kept a butler of any sort, as you know very well. And how can I sell more copies of my poems by pretending that I wanted to find work for a nonexistent butler who hasn’t been in my employment for twenty years?”

“You’re not very bright this morning,” said Edith. “Don’t you know that the most successful sort of advertisement is the sort that doesn’t look like an advertisement? You ought to do something like this.”

She got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote the following: “Mr L. Conkleshill4, the poet (author of Raspberry Bushes5 and Other Poems), strongly recommends as butler in a small family his present head man, who has been with him for twenty years.”

“The idea is not bad,” I said. “but I refuse to do anything so dishonest. I absolutely forbid you to do it ...”

As a matter of fact I secretly rather liked the idea; and I thought that when I absolutely forbade Edith to do it, she would pay the money herself and send in the advertisement.

For some days, however, she did nothing, although I was careful to keep reminding her that I absolutely forbade her to send the advertisement.

Nearly always this sort of treatment produces the desired effect. Although I looked in “The Times” every morning, the advertisement didn’t



appear. Edith went away to stay with a sick aunt, and I forgot all about the matter.

Then came the event of The Man With The Dog.

He was a big man, and the dog was a big dog, and they both stood outside the front door and made noises at me.

“I’ll take the money now,” said the man in a bad tempered voice.

“What money is this?” I said politely. “Something due for milk supplied?” “Nonsense,” said the man. “Two pounds I want for the dog.”

“I don’t want a dog,” I said uncertainly. Ours was a lonely sort of road, and the man was a big sort of man, and it would perhaps be wiser to buy the dog.

“Don’t want the dog!” said the man in an unpleasant voice.

At last I bought the dog for thirty shillings. I was weak, perhaps, but Edith had been saying for a long time that we ought to have a dog.

I gave the dog some meat and locked him in the kitchen, and went back to my poem. Then the bell rang again, and I found two men on the step, both with large dogs.

This time I didn’t argue. I just shut the door and went and looked at myself in the glass. I was worried. Were the dogs real, or were they the result of that last glass of whisky?

I went up to my bedroom and looked down the long road that leads to the station. I could see six men with six dogs.

Then the solution of the problem came to me, and I looked at “The Lost and Found advertisements”6 in “The Times”. “Mr L. Conkleshill offers £2 reward for the return of faithful dog Ogo, who first awakened the ideas in Faithful Eyes in his new book of poems.”

Edith said afterwards that I hadn’t told her she mustn’t put in an advertisement about a dog.


1 Edith [DgÇfq]

2 advertisement (ad) [иЗDоtнfлгиен] – рекламное объявление

3 The Times – eжедневная лондонская газета

4 Conkleshill [Dâlåâäèpfä]

5 Raspberry Bushes [DêoòÄèêfDÄìpfò]

6Lost and Found advertisements – специальная колонка объявлений об утерян ных вещах


Read & Speak English


receive (v)

1.get – получать

When did you receive the letter?

2.welcome, entertain (guests) – принимать

Lady Snooks receives on Monday afternoons. rather [Dêoaè] (adv) – somewhat – довольно

This book is rather difficult for him. exist (v) [fÖDòfëí] – be real – существовать

Do you believe that life exists on Mars? existence (n) – существование

He leads a happy existence. existent (adj) – существующий

bright [Äê~fí] (adj) 1. shining – яркий

She loves bright colours.

2.clever, talented – умный, талантливый

He is a bright boy, he learns quickly. brightly (adv) – ярко

see the bright side of things – видеть все в розовом свете

forbid (v) (forbade, forbidden) – not allow – запрещатьThe parents forbade the girl to marry him.

keep (v)

1.remain in a specific position or place – держаться, сохраняться

This autumn the weather keeps fine.

2.держать, удерживать

They kept him in prison for murder.

You may keep the book for a month.

3.continue doing smth – продолжать делать что либо, поддерживать

He kept laughing the whole evening.

4.hold, possess – хранить, сохранять

She kept her things in order.

keep in mind – запомнить

remind (v) (of smb) cause to remember or think of smth – напоминатьPlease, remind me to post the letter.

obey (v) – do what one is told – слушаться, повиноватьсяThe children didn’t obey the teacher.

treat (v)



1.act or behave towards smb – относиться

He treats his friends well.

2.consider – рассматривать, считать

We’d better treat it as a joke.

3.give medical care – лечить

Which doctors are treating her?

treatment (n) – 1) отношение; 2) лечение catch (v) (caught)

1.capture, seize – поймать

The police caught the thief.

2.be in time for – успеть

We took a taxi and caught the 5 o’clock train. solve (v) – find the answer, way out of – решать

He helped me to solve the problem.

offer (v) – say what one wants to give/pay/exchange – предлагать

They offered $200,000 for the house.

(syn. suggest, propose)

Mind the difference:

offer – smth real

He offered them two tickets to the theatre. suggest [ëèDdÉëí] – an idea; doing smth

He suggested going to the country.


Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1.How did the public receive the author’s latest book?

2.How did Edith explain his failure?

3.What kind of advertisement did Edith advise him to put in “The Times”?

4.What objections did the author have to the plan?

5.What were the author’s secret hopes?

6.Why did he get worried when he saw a man with a big dog on his door step?

7.What made the author think of looking up the Lost and Found advertisements in “The Times”?

8.Who put that advertisement in “The Times”?


Read & Speak English

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences from the text.

1.You are not very bright this morning.

2.Don’t you know that the most successful sort of advertisement is the sort that doesn’t look like an advertisement?

3.Nearly always this kind of treatment produces the desired effect.

4.Something due for milk supplied?

5.Ours was a lonely sort of road, and the man was a big sort of man.

6.Then the solution of the problem came to me.


Ex. 3. Give the translation and the three forms of the following verbs.

Buy, sell, hear, know, write, rush, put, say, look, mean, think, forbid, stand, come, tell, catch, ring, shut, go.

Ex. 4.

Find in the text the equivalents for the following words and phrases. Use them in the sentences below.

Фактически; издатели; вся беда в том, что; реклама; пусть люди узна ют; рекомендовать в качестве; категорически запретить; не подчинить ся указаниям; полагаться на кого либо; событие; недовольным голосом; предлагать вознаграждение.

1. Фактически никто никогда не слышал о таком поэте. 2. Издатели сказали ему, что продано только 84 экземпляра. 3. Вся беда в том, что мистер Конклешил ничего не понимал в рекламе. 4. Пусть люди узнают, что издана твоя книга. Тогда они будут спрашивать ее в ма газинах и библиотеках. 5. Его рекомендовали как отличного издате ля, но он ничего не смыслил (не знал) в рекламе. 6. Он категоричес ки запретил своей жене посылать такое объявление. 7. Он знал, что жена не подчинится его указаниям. 8. Я ничего не слышал об этом событии. 9. Человек говорил недовольным голосом. Я понял, что он рассержен (angry). 10. Он предложил вознаграждение тому, кто най дет его собаку.



Ex. 5. Match the words in column A with the translation in column B.
































the latest book





a. не повиноваться


the publishers





b. притворяться










c. появляться




bright idea






d. последняя книга


be in employment




e. замечательная идея


keep a butler





f. отказываться










g. отношение












h. существовать










i. издатели










j. работать у кого либо










k. держать дворецкого










l. желаемый







































































Ex. 6. Translate the words in the brackets.

1. He (получил) a good education. 2. The idea (существует) only in the minds of poets. 3. The leaves on the trees are (ярко) green in spring. 4. He (видел все в розовом свете). 5. If your hands are cold, (держи) them in your pockets. 6. Please, (поддержи) the fire burning. 7. The hotel is now open (принять) guests. 8. He arrived very late last night or (до вольно) early this morning. 9. The teacher (запретил) the students to use dictionaries during the test. 10. Will you (сохраните) these things safe for me? 11. She (хранила) all her papers in great order. 12. He (напомина ет) me of his brother. 13. He could not (решить) the problem the teacher gave them. 14. You must (обращаться) them with great care. 15. We’d better (рассмотреть) the problem seriously and find (решение). 16. It was about midnight and I (предложил) going home. 17. I threw the ball to him and he (поймал) it. 18. I want (успеть) the 5 o’clock train. 19. How would you (лечить) a person ill with influenza? 20. She (предложила) me a cup of tea but I refused.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Use a dictionary and study the phrases with the verb keep.

1. Who keeps house for you? 2. That was a fine piece of work! Keep it up! 3. You can always depend on her to keep a secret. 4. Promises are usually made to be kept, not broken. 5. Where have you been keeping yourself? I haven’t seen you for ages! 6. Surprisingly enough he kept his head. He never gave way to fear or panic. 7. The neighbour promised to keep an eye on our place while we were away. 8. It’s a constant wonder to me how he keeps all those facts and figures in his head.

Ex. 8. Give a word for the definition.

1.a clever, talented person

2.hold in a definite place

3.find a way out of a difficulty

4.be in time for a bus, train

5.do what you are told

6.behave in a definite way toward smb

7.propose smth, give smth

8.capture smb

9.not allow to do smth

10.live, to be real

Ex. 9. Translate the following sentences into English using the words keep, treat, bright.

1. Она хранила свои вещи в старом сундуке (the trunk). 2. Не держите руки в карманах. 3. Вы сохраните эти вещи для меня? 4. Ребенок продолжал плакать всю ночь. 5. Сильный ветер продолжал свирепствовать (дуть) не сколько дней. 6. Врачи держали его в больнице целый месяц. 7. Он пре красно относится к своей приемной дочери. 8. Его лечили от гриппа, а у него было воспаление легких. 9. Лечение было неправильным, и он долго болел. 10. Я могу рассматривать эти слова как угрозу (threat). 11. Для нее не существует проблем, она видит все в розовом свете. Это значит, или что она оптимист, или что она не очень умна. 12. Туземцы (natives) одевают ся в очень яркие одежды. 13. Огонь в камине (fireplace) ярко горел. 14. Я не получил вашу телеграмму. 15. Он пришел довольно поздно вчера. 16. Лис тья и трава весной ярко зеленые. 17. Ты веришь, что феи (fairies) существу ют? 18. Она довольно умна и талантлива. 19. Мы любим принимать гостей. 20. Он получил хорошее образование. 21. Отель открыт и принимает гос



тей. 22. Мы не можем существовать без воды и еды. 23. Солнце сегодня светит ярко. 24. Это напоминает мне о нашем детстве в деревне. 25. Вы солдат и должны повиноваться моему приказу (order). 26. Он задержался на работе (detain) и не успел на последний поезд. 27. Папа всегда помогает мне решать задачи. 28. Мне предложили работу в Японии.

Ex. 10. Choose the right word and insert it in the proper form.

offer – suggest

(For reference see I. Vocabulary)

1.He ... to help me.

2.I ... going to the theatre.

3.What did you ... to the manager?

4.They ... them the car for $20,000.

5.Can you ... where we could have dinner?

last – latest

latest” – recent, that recently was – последний (самый новый, самый свежий)

Mr Green’s latest novel (the mostly recently published). Mr Green said that his latest novel will be his last (he will write no more).

The latest news/fashions.

last” – coming after all others in time order – последний, прошлый

The last month of the year; the last Sunday in June; The last time I saw you; the last minute.

1.December is the ... month of the year.

2.You looked wonderful when I saw you ... .

3.We met the ... Sunday of every month.

4.Have you heard the ... news?

5.He was the ... person to arrive.

6.Have you got the ... edition of the book?

alone – lonely

alone” (adv) – without the company or help; один; только сам

The house stands on the hill all alone.

Smith alone knows what happened.

lonely” (adj) – without companions; sad or melancholy – одинокий

We saw a lonely looking girl.

I feel lonely lately.

They lived in a lonely mountain village.


Read & Speak English

1.He likes travelling ... .

2.We met nobody on the road but a ... traveller.

3.You can’t lift the piano ... .

4.I feel ... lately.

5.They spend their summer vacations in a ... mountain village.

6.Leave me ... , I’d like to think about it.

Ex. 11. Translate into English using last or latest according to the sense.

1. Вы слушали последние известия по радио? 2. Список неправильных глаголов находится на последней странице учебника. 3. Показ после дних мод состоится во вторник. 4. Он истратил последние деньги на букет цветов. 5. Теперь бы только успеть на последний автобус! 6. Это была ее последняя надежда. 7. «Вы читали последнюю повесть молодого автора?» «Вы имеете в виду ту, что была напечатана в последнем номе ре журнала “Юность”?» 8. Как всегда, последнее слово осталось за ним. 9. Машина сделана по последнему слову техники. 10. Это была наша последняя встреча.

Ex. 12. Translate into English using suggest and offer according to the sense (For reference see Vocabulary).

1. Насколько я знаю, после окончания института ему предложили очень интересную работу. 2. Председатель комиссии предложил сначала вни мательно изучить все документы, а затем уже начать обсуждение. 3. На собрании было предложено шире использовать новые методы работы на практике. 4. Врач предложил ему прийти через несколько дней для вторичного осмотра. 5. Могу я вам предложить чашку кофе? 6. Молодой ученый предложил очень интересное третье решение задачи. 7. Он пред ложил пойти в кино.


13.Translate the following into English using accept, receive or take according to the sense.

accept – to receive a gift/invitation/proposal

He asked her to marry him and she accepted his proposal. take – accept, receive money, decision, medicine

take to heart – to worry about smth

Will you take $3,000 for the car?

You must take us as you find us.


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