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Ex. 50. Translate the words in brackets. Render the story in English.


A great liner stopped some way from the port. The captain said to the passengers: “You (можете) visit the port if you want to, but you (должны) be back on board at 5:30 as the ship (должен) to sail off at 6 o’clock.”

The ship was far too big to dock in the port and all the day the local boatmen (должны были) to take the passengers to and from the liner.

At about 5 o’clock Miss Merryweather made up her mind to return to the liner. “Will you take me over to the liner?” she asked a boatman. “I shall, for 5 dollars.” “Isn’t it a bit too expensive? I (могу) pay you 3 dollars. If you don’t agree, I (могу) always take another boat.” After a good deal of arguing the boatman agreed to take her over for 3 dollars.

When they were about two hundred yards from the liner, the boatman stopped. “Is anything the matter?” asked Miss Merryweather. “Nothing at all,” the boatman answered. “Either you pay me 5 dollars, or you (можете) sit here and watch the ship sail away.”

She (была вынуждена) to pay the money as she didn’t want the ship to sail away without her.

Ex. 51. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мы все умеем читать и писать. 2. Она не может идти так быстро, она пожилая женщина. 3. После лечения он смог вернуться на работу. 4. Раз решите мне задать вам вопрос? 5. Нам разрешат навестить ее завтра в больнице. 6. Вам необходимо прекратить так много работать. 7. Мне часто приходится долго ждать автобус. 8. Кто должен убирать в комнате завтра? 9. Вам не следует так волноваться. 10. Вам не нужно ничего покупать. 11. Ему приходится много ездить (travel) по стране. 12. Хотя они никогда не были в этом городе, они смогли найти дорогу. 13. Нам не пришлось звонить в дверь: она была открыта. 14. Вам не нужно ехать так поздно, можете поехать утром.

Ex. 52. Translate this joke, using modal verbs.

Дама заходит в автобус с бульдогом на поводке (on a leash). Кондуктор говорит ей: «Вы не можете (не разрешается) войти в автобус, если вы не возьмете собаку на руки (carry).»


Read & Speak English

Дама отвечает: «Конечно. Я могу это сделать. Должна я купить билет для своей собаки?»

Кондуктор: «Нет, вы не должны, так как вы несете собаку на руках (carry).»

Дама: «Если я возьму билет, моя собака может сесть на отдельное место (vacant seat)?»

Кондуктор: «Конечно, может. Но она может сидеть на этом месте, только, если она не будет класть свои грязные лапы (paws) на сиденье.»

The Use of Articles With Geographical Names Артикль с географическими названиями

1. Артикль не используется перед названиями континентов, стран, городов, горных вершин, отдельных островов.

Australia, Europe*, Central Asia*.

Russia, England, Western Canada.

London, Moscow.

Elbrus, Everest.

Sicily*, Madagascar*.

(but: the Congo, the Sudan*, the Netherlands*, the Crimea)

Определенный артикль the употребляется с этими названиями, когда: a) название страны включает в себя слова Union, State(s), Republic,


The United States of America

The United Kingdom of Great Britain

b) с названиями горных цепей и архипелагов.

The Alps, the Urals*

The Bermudas*, the Bahamas*

2. Определенный артикль the ставится перед названиями океанов, морей, озер, рек, регионов.

The Atlantic, the Pacific*

The Baltic Sea, the Black Sea

The Baikal, the Ladoga

The Nile*, the Volga

The Far East, the Middle East, the North of England

* см. стр. 204



Ex. 53. Find in the text all the geographical names and explain the use of articles.

Ex. 54. Fill in the articles where necessary.

1. ... Elbrus is the highest peak of ... Caucasus Mountains*. 2. ... Crimea* is surrounded by ... Black Sea. 3. He lived in ... South. 4. ... England imports wool from ... Australia, timber from ... Sweden* and ... Finland, cotton and petroleum from ... United States. Wine and fruit are imported from ... France, Italy, Spain; dairy products from ... Denmark and ... Holland*. 5. There is a strong tide from

... Atlantic Ocean. There is also a strong tide which goes round ... north of Scotland, then into ... North Sea, and then south, toward ... Dutch* and Belgian* coast. 6. Fleet Street is named after a river called ... Fleet. It now runs underground. 7. ... Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 8. Washington is the capital of ... USA. 9. Where is ... Mediterranean Sea?

Ex. 55. Fill in the articles where necessary.

... British Isles

... British Isles lie off ... north&west coast of ... continental Europe*. They are made up of ... Great Britain (... England, ... Scotland and ... Wales) and ... Ireland* (... Northern Ireland and ... independent Irish Republic) and some 5,500 smaller islands. On ... whole, territory of ... British Isles is 244,000 square kilometres.

We will not find ... high mountains or ... large plains in Britain. Everything occupies ... little place. ... nature, it seems, has carefully adapted ... things – ...

mountains, ... plains, ... rivers, ... lakes – to ... size of ... island itself. ... mountain 12,000 feet high would be ... wonder there. So would be ... plain 400 miles long, ... river as wide and deep as ... Mississippi*.

Most of ... plains lie to ... east; ... west is hilly or mountainous. ... mountains even in ... highest part of England are only ... little over 3,000 feet high. ...

highest mountain in ... British Isles* is ... Ben Nevis in ... Scotland, 4,406 feet high. ... longest river is ... Severn, about 2000 miles long. ... highest waterfall is 370 feet high.

Too often ... visitor who has only ... few days to spend sees only ... Lowland England, and so he cannot see ... contrasts between ... wild fiords of ... Scotland,

... rocks of ... North Wales, ... smiling orchardland of ... Kent, and ... open moorland of ... Sutherland*. These contrasts are often not far from ... big cities.

... climate of ... British Isles is influenced by ... Atlantic Ocean.

... winters are not so cold as they can be on ... continent, but ... summers are not so warm as they usually are on ... other side of ... Channel*. In ... other


Read & Speak English

words, ... Great Britain has ... mild climate, but because of ... length of ... British Isles ... temperatures differ from ... district to ... district.

... North is certainly colder than ... South*, but in ... winter ... coldest districts are ... eastern ones. ... climate here is more like that in ... Central Europe. On ...

whole ... weather changes very often and there are ... few sunny days. Britain has ... rain in every month of ... year. ... rainiest months in Britain are ... November,

... January* and ... February*. Usually there is ... little snow in ... winter.


Europe xDамикийz

Sweden xDëïgÇèåz

Asia xDÉfpèz

Holland xDÜläèåÇz

Sicily xDëfëfäfz

Belgian xDÄÉädfèåz

Madagascar x?гсЗиDЦслвиz

Dutch xÇ^`z

the Sudan xDëeÇoåz

Isles xD~fäòz

the Netherlands xDеЙaидиеЗтz

Ireland xD~fидиеЗz

the Crimea xâê~fDãfèz

the Mississippi xãfëfDëféfz

the Urals xDамикидтz

Sutherland xDл^aидиеЗz

the Bermudas xÄtDãàeÇèëz

the Channel xD`ñåäz

the Bahamas xÄèDÜoãèòz

South xë~ìqz

the Pacific Ocean xéèDëfÑfâ==Dçìpåz

January xDdсеамикfz

the Nile xå~fäz

February xDСЙДкмикfz

the Caucasus Mountains xDвiвилил=Dг~менfетz


Ex. 56. Topics for essays.

1.Give the geographical survey of the region you live in.

2.Tell about the geography of the place you spend your summer/winter vacations in.



Sybil1: Sidney!2 Sidney! Wake up! Sidney: Eh! What? What’s the matter?

It can’t be eight o’clock already! Sybil: No, it’s half past one. It’s those people next door again. Listen!

Sidney: Oh, yes. They must be having another party.

Sybil: Listen to that! They must be waking up the whole street. And they’ve got three young children.

They can’t be sleeping through that noise. It’s disgusting! Somebody should call the police! Sidney, wake up!

Sidney: Eh? I wasn’t asleep, dear. They’re all laughing. They must be having a good time! They never invite us, do they?

Sybil: Sidney!

Sidney: Yes, dear. What is it now? Sybil: Listen! They must be leaving.

Sidney: Thank goodness for that! Maybe we’ll get some sleep. Sybil: I hope so. It’s nearly three o’clock. Good night, dear. Sidney: Oh, hell! They’re having a row, now.

Sybil: I’m not surprised. They always have rows after parties. Oh, they must be throwing the pots and pans again.

Sidney: No, I think that was a plate, dear, or maybe the television. They will be sorry in the morning.

Sybil: Sidney! Wake up! Sidney: Eh? Oh, what’s that?

Sybil: He can’t be hammering at this time of night. Sidney: What time is it?

Sybil: Four o’clock. What can they be doing at four o’clock in the morning? Sidney: I can’t hear any voices. Go back to sleep, Sybil.

Sybil: Sidney! Listen. There’s someone in the garden next door. Sidney: Eh? It must be the milkman.

Sybil: No, it can’t be. It’s too early. It’s only quarter to five. Who could it be? You’d better have a look.

Sidney: All right. Ooh! It’s Mr Sykes, and he’s carrying a spade. Sybil: Oh, no! You don’t think he’s killed her, do you?

Sidney: Well, we haven’t heard her voice for a while. No, she’s probably sleeping.


Read & Speak English

Sybil: But what can he be doing at this time of night? Sidney: If he had killed her, he might be burying the body! Sybil: What? You don’t think so, do you?

Sidney: Well, he can’t be planting potatoes, can he? I suppose you want me to phone the police?

Sybil: No. Ask him what he’s doing first!

Sidney: Hello, there, Mr Sykes. You’re up early this morning.

Mr Sykes: I haven’t been to bed yet. We had a party last night. I hope we didn’t keep you awake.

Sidney: Oh, no. We didn’t hear anything, nothing at all.

Mr Sykes: Well, it was a pretty noisy party. My wife knocked over the goldfish tank while we were clearing up. The poor fish died. I’m just burying them before the children wake up.

(from Streamline English III by B. Hartley)


1 Sybil [DëfÄfä]

2 Sidney [DëfÇåf]


next (adj)

1.coming after in order or time – следующий

Take the next turning to the right.

I’ll go there next Friday.

Mr Green was the next to come.

2.рядом с кем&либо, чем&либо

Come and sit down next to me.

3.next door – not far from – по соседству, рядом

The people next door were very noisy.

4.next to nothing – almost nothing – почти ничего

She eats next to nothing, no wonder she is often ill. wake [ïÉfâ] (v) (woke, woken)


What time do you usually wake up?

I woke late yesterday.

2.wake smb up – будить

This noise can wake up the dead.

The incident woke up the memories of his childhood.



3. keep smb awake – мешать спать

I hope we didn’t keep you awake.

call (v)

1.cry, shout – звать

She called to her father for help.

2.call on smb/at a place – pay a short visit – зайти, «заглянуть», «заскочить»

Mr Green was out when I called on him.

I called at Mr Green’s house.

3.give a name – назвать

His name is Richard, but we call him Dick.

4.send a message – вызвать

Please, call a doctor/a taxi.

The doctor was called away to an accident.

5.telephone smb – звонить

My brother called me up from Leeds last night.

leave (v) (left) – go away – уходить, покидать, оставлять leave alone – оставить в покое

leave a lot to be desired – оставлять желать лучшего sleep (slept)

1.(v) спать, (n) сон

He sleeps well/badly.

Do you ever talk in your sleep?

2.go to sleep – fall asleep – уснуть

I couldn’t go to sleep last night.

3.put smb to sleep – усыпить, уложить спать

His voice put me to sleep.

It’s late, put the baby to sleep. carry (v)

1.take from one place to another – нести, переносить

He was carrying a box on his shoulder.

The boat was carried by the waves to a small island.

2.have, possess, wear – иметь при себе, брать/носить с собой

Do you always carry an umbrella?

3.carry smth out – fulfil, complete – выполнить, провести

carry out a promise/plan/threat

carry out an experiment/a test

Every possible test was carried out to decide the nature of her illness. plant (v)

1.put in the ground to grow – сажать

He planted his garden with rose&bushes.

The monument was planted round with flowers.

2.take up a position – занять место, позицию, «усесться»He planted himself in front of the fire.


Read & Speak English

plant (n)

1.– растение

garden plants, tobacco plant.

2.factory – завод (AmE)

His father worked at a plant.

knock (v)

1.(at) hammer – стучать, бить, колотить (в дверь)Listen! Somebody is knocking at the door.

2.knock down – сбить (с ног), снести (дом)

He was knocked down by a bus.

The old houses are being knocked down now.

3.knock smth in – hammer in – вбивать, забивать (гвоздь)He took a nail and began knocking it into the wall.

while [ï~fä] (n)

1. a period of time – некоторое времяWe are going away for a while.

once in a while – occasionally – иногда, время от времени

He didn’t drink, but once in a while he had a glass of beer at dinner.

2.(conj) during the time that; at the same time as – во время, в течение того времени, что...

He fell asleep while watching TV.

While in Paris he studied art.

3.(conj=although) в то время, как

Jan was dressed in brown while Mary was dressed in blue.

Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “have”

have breakfast/dinner/lunch/a meal/a drink/tea/a cup of tea, coffee, etc. have a walk/a rest/a holiday/a party/a good time

have a wash/a shower/a bath/a swim/a shave/a haircut/a headache, etc. have a row/a quarrel/trouble/an idea/a look, etc.

She had a glass of hot milk before going to bed.

He had a swim before breakfast.

Do you usually have dinner at 7?

Where did you have your haircut? The style is very nice.




Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. Who is talking? 2. What time is it? 3. Why are Sybil and Sidney awake? 4. What are they listening to? 5. What are they discussing? 6. Where do they think this noise is coming from? 7. What are they afraid of? 8. Why did Mr Sykes carry a spade?

Ex. 2. Agree or disagree with the following using the words:

I agree (with you)

I don’t agree (with you)

I think so too

I don’t think so

That’s right

That’s wrong

1.Sybil and Sidney were listening to their neighbours having a lunch party.

2.Sybil and Sidney never pay attention to what is going on in the apartment next door.

3.The Sykes are a very nice and quiet couple.

4.It was the husband who kept waking his wife up.

5.They wanted the neighbours to invite them to the party.

6.It happened at 4 o’clock in the morning.

7.Mr Sykes was burying the fish.

8.It was not the television, it was the goldfish tank that was broken.

9.They called the police and it settled things down.


Ex. 3. Find in the text the equivalents to the following phrases.

1. Что случилось? 2. соседи; 3. устраивать вечеринку; 4. вся улица; 5. спать при таком шуме; 6. прекрасно проводить время; 7. уходить; 8. ссориться; 9. удивляться; 10. кастрюли и сковородки; 11. жалеть; 12. забивать что&либо/стучать молотком; 13. голоса; 14. молочник; 15. взглянуть/посмотреть; 16. лопата; 17. хоронить; 18. сажать картош& ку; 19. аквариум с золотыми рыбками; 20. убирать.


Read & Speak English

Ex. 4. Make up pairs of words associated in usage area.


wake up








a friend















at the door





























































an old barn












an experiment













the post&office













a basket





call on















carry out








a while















a taxi







knock down














call up






























































































Ex. 5. Translate the words in brackets.

1. He ran as fast as his legs could (нести) him. 2. He decided (осу&ществить) his plan alone. 3. I never (имею) much money with me. 4. The girl gracefully (несла) a basket on her head. 5. The party was so noisy that the people (рядом в квартире) (позвонили) and asked what was going on. 6. The police were looking for the witnesses who had seen the accident when a man (был сбит) by a run&away car. 7. Her house was full of green (растений) which made it very cosy. 8. The hostess put him (рядом) to Mrs Ramsey. 9. His name was Mr Kellada but everybody (называли) him Mr Know&all. 10. She asked the maid (вызвать) the doctor immediately, she (позвонила) but the doctor was out visiting his patients. 11. My father works at (заводе). 12. The child usually (будит) her at 6 o’clock but it again (засыпает) at 10 o’clock.

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English using the words: call, throw, leave.

1. Мальчик заблудился в лесу (lose one’s way) и звал маму. 2. Я заскочу к тебе по дороге в институт и принесу книгу. 3. Никто не называл мальчика его настоящим именем, все звали его «Чук». 4. Позвони в гараж и вызови


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