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3A Match the sentence halves.

  1. Australia is the least densely populated continent, g

  2. People who live in close proximity to Los Angeles airport

  3. Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing spent fifteen minutes at the summit of Everest

  4. Cape Town is about half-way between Santiago, Chile

  5. Part of Hong Kong is an island, and part is

  6. The Caribbean island of Haiti was once heavily forested,

  7. The most remote and unspoilt place in the UK is Foula,

  8. Lake Baikal is located on the edge of Siberia

  1. before heading back down the southern slope.

  2. but it’s now almost completely barren.

  3. an island just off the coast of northern Scotland.

  4. on a peninsula connected to mainland China.

  5. were found to have higher than normal blood pressure.

  6. and contains twenty percent of the world’s fresh water.

  7. with just 2.6 people per square kilometre.

  8. and Perth, Australia as the crow flies.

B Which of the expressions in bold in Exercise 3A:

  • talk about location/distance?

  • are the names of geographical features?

describe the character of a place


4,iral noun%


pricing and l'nkin9



Giving reasons/causes

.sKills Functions

Introducing each





Functional Phrato«

IS7 , - SecondW ~thirdly

Let s start with ...

Let s move on to ..

This leads me to ...

That brings us to ...

Let’s leave that...

That covers ...

Let’s go back to ...

Let me turn now to ...

Finally/Lastly let's deal with Therefore, ...

So. ...

As a result, ...


That's why ...

This is because of...

This is largely due to ...

It could lead to...

It ^gy^Rgult in ...

Butt­on the other hand,

Although ...

In spite of this, ...


_ . • —■ » | 9 9 0

Both (technologies)... Similarly,...

In the same way,...

In fact,... Actually, ...


...in particular. ... especially ..

.Before going on, I’d just like to say By the way,...



... in passing ...


For example,...

Giving examples

For instance,...

A good example of this is ...

To illustrate this point,... Take ... for instance.

In particular,...

3 GO'; in(omla.ion -

for organising

presentation below

, an oral Presentation


Functional Phrases


Opening a



Greeting and introducing yourself

presenting the title/subject

Good morning. My name s —/1 a^

Let me introduce myself.

Good afternoon. Let me start by say^ few words about... ^

YheluJbject of my presentation is...

The focus of my paper (academic) is I’d like to talk today about.

I’m going to present the recent...

going ‘ '


We are here today to decide/

Specifying the



Outlining the presentation

agree/learn about...

The purpose of the presentation is to

The talk /presentation is designed to...

• • • ■ ■ ■ • .

My presentation will be in ... parts.

I’ve divided my presentation into ... sections. They are ...

First/ Firstly/ First of all, I’d like to give you (an overview of)... Second/Secondly/Next/Then, I’ll focus on ...

Lastly/Finally, we’ll consider...

I’ll be developing ... main points.

The first point will be.... Second,... Lastly, ...

Referring to questions

Feel free to interrupt me during the talk you have any questions.

III be happy to answer your questions at

the end.


2Speakout Upper Intermediate

Writing Reference Unit 1

  • Writing an informal email

Informal emails contain colloquial language and contracted forms. They often contain informal punctuation, such as exclamation marks (!) and dashes (-).

  1. Which of these email phrases are informal (I) and which are formal (F)? Match each informal phrase to its formal equivalent.

  1. Hi Mike,

  2. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  3. All the best,

  4. Be in touch soon.

  5. Yours sincerely,

  6. Dear Sir,

  • Learn to write an informal email

  1. Read the email and answer the questions.

  1. Where is Erin and why is she there?

  2. What does Erin like most about her classes?

  3. What is Erin going to do now?

Hi Louis,


How are you? Thanks for your email. Sorry it's taken so long for me to reply, but I've been really busy!



I've been in London for a week now, and the language school I'm going to is great! There are people from all over the world there, and I'm making lots of friends. The school is quite near the centre of London, so it's easy to go shopping and sightseeing. The problem is that it's quite far from where I live, so it takes ages to get there in the morning!

I'm getting on really well with a girl from Italy called Valeria. We often work together in class, and in the afternoon she's been showing me the sights - she's been to London before, so she knows it quite well.



The best thing about the school is our teacher, Martin. He's a really good laugh! He's originally from the north of England but he's been living in London for years. The classes go by really quickly and I think my English is improving.

Well, I have to go now as I'm meeting Valeria - we're going to the British Museum. Hope to hear from you soon, Louis.

Preparing the close

All the best, Erin


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