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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 395

Ten Keys to Writing the TWE Essay

You have only a half-hour in which to complete your work. You should use your time more or less as shown below:

Reading and thinking about the prompt

2 minutes

Planning and taking notes

3 minutes

Writing the essay

22 minutes

Checking the essay

3 minutes

As with all parts ofTOEFL, be familiar with the directions forTWE so that you don't have to waste time reading them.

You must write on the prompt exactly as it is given, so be sure you understand it. If you write about another topic, you won't receive a score at all. If you don't completely address the topic, you will receive a lower score.

Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two just "brainstorming."Just think about the prompt and the best way to approach it. Remember: there is no "correct" answer forTWE. You can choose any position as long as you can adequately support it. While you're brainstorming, jot down your ideas in the section marked "NOTES".

You don't have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing.

Wben making notes, don't worry about writing complete, grammatical sentences; use abbreviations if possible. The point of taking notes is to simply get your ideas down on paper as quickly as possible.

Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading your essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large.

396 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE)

AlllWE essays should consist of three basic parts: an introductory paragraph, a body that consists of two or three paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. You need to include all of these elements in your essay. The introduction states the main idea of the essay in one sentence called the thesis statement and may provide some background about that idea. The body develops the main idea brought up in the introduction. Specific examples are given to make the thesis statement seem stronger and more believable to the reader. The conclusion evaluates and summarizes the material that is in the body. It provides the reader with a sense of closure-the feeling that the essay is really finished, not that the writer simply ran out of time.

The exact plan of organization you use depends on the type of prompt you are given. The following patterns could be used for the two main types of prompt commonly given. Of course, these are not the only patterns that could be used in writing 1WE essays, but they are effective plans for organizing your ideas.

Prompt Type A: Contrast/Opinion


Paragraph 1:

Present the two sides of the issue; give a brief amount of background





Paragraph 2:

Discuss the negative side of the issue; give examples.


Paragraph 3:

Discuss the positive side of the issue; give examples.


Paragraph 4:

Express you own opinion about the issue; give specific reasons for



your decision.

Prompt Type B: Explain the Importance of a Development,

Invention, or Phenomenon


Paragraph 1:

Explain what development you have chosen to write about, and why.


Paragraph 2:

Discuss one aspect of why this development is important; give





Paragraph 3:

Discuss another aspect of why this development is important; give





Paragraph 4:

Summarize the points made in paragraphs 2 and 3.

Now look back at the two 1WE sample essays to see if they follow these patterns of organization.

Whenever you make a general statement, you should support it with specific examples. Don't just say, "Computers are important to modern business." Give specific examples of how computers can benefit businesses. If you state an opinion, give reasons. Don't just say, "I believe television is harmful to children." Explain exactly why you think television hurts children.

Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 397

Signal words can be used to join paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence. These words make your essay clearer and easier to follow. Some of these expressions and their meanings are given below.

Expressions Used to List Points, Examples, or Reasons

First example or reason

First, ...

The first example is ...

The first reason for this is that ...

Additional examples or reasons

Second ... (Third, Fourth)

A second (third, fourth) example is that ...

Another example is .. .

Another reason is that .. .

In addition, .. .

Furthermore, .. .

Moreover, ...

Final examples or reasons

Finally, ...

To give individual examples

For example, .. .

For instance, .. .

To give a specific example, ...

X is an example of Y.

To show contrast

However, ...

On the other hand, ...

Nevertheless, ...

To show a conclusion

Therefore, ...

Consequently, ...

To show similarity

Likewise, ...

Similarly, . . .

To begin a concluding paragraph

In conclusion, .. .

In summary, .. .

398 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE)

Examples of the Use of Signal Words

I agree with the idea of stricter gun control for a number of reasons. First, statistics show that guns are not very effective in preventing crime. Second, accidents involving guns frequently occur. Finall); guns can be stolen and later used in crimes.

I believe that a good salary is an important consideration when looking for a career. However, the nature of the work is more important to me. Thus, I would not accept a job that I did not find rewarding.

For me, the reasons for living in an urban area are stronger than the reasons for living in a rural community. Therefore, I agree with those people who believe it is an advantage to live in a big city.

Look back at the sample essays again. Did the authors use signal words to show transitions?

Good writing in English consists of a more or less equal balance between short, simple sentences consisting of only one clause and longer sentences containing two or more clauses. Therefore, make an effort to use sentences of various lengths.

You should also vary sentence structures. Begin some sentences with prepositional phrases or subordinate clauses.

Examples of various sentence types

Instead of ...

I agree with this idea for several reasons.

Try ...

For several reasons, I agree with this idea.

Instead of ...

I support Idea A even though Idea B has some positive attributes.

Try ...

Even though Idea H has some positive attributes, I support Plan A.

Allow a few minutes to proofread the essay. However, don't make any major changes at this time. Don't cross out long sections or try to add a lot of new material. Look for obvious errors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalization, as well as common grammatical mistakes: subject-verb agreement, wrong tense use, incorrect use of plurals, incorrect word forms, and so on. If you have ever taken a writing class in English, look at the corrections the teacher made on your papers to see what types of mistakes you commonly make, and look for these.

Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 399

Three Practice TWE Tests

The following exams are very similar to actual TWE tests. Time yourself carefully while taking these practice tests. You can use the scoring chart on page 388 to estimate your score. If you are taking an English course, you may want to ask your English teacher to score your test and to make recommendations for improving your essay.

Practice TWE Directions


1.When you are ready, turn the page and carefully read the essay prompt.

2.Before you begin writing, think about the prompt. You will probably want to make some notes to organize your thoughts. Use only the space marked NOTES to write notes or an outline.

3. Write on only one topic. If you do not write on the topic given, you will not receive a score.

4.Your essay should be clear and precise. Support your ideas with facts. The quality of your writing is of more importance than the quantity, but you will probably want to write more than one paragraph.

S.Begin your essay on the first line of the essay page. Use the next page if you need to. Write as neatly as possible. Don't write in large letters. Don't skip lines or leave large margins.

6.Check your essay after you have finished. Give yourself enough time to read over your essay and make minor revisions before the end of the exam.

7.After 30 minutes, stop writing and put your pencil down.

400 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE)

TWE Essay Prompt 1

Some people believe that advertising on television is generally beneficial to viewers. Others take the position that television advertising has primarily negative effects. Which position do you agree with? Explain your decision, using specific examples.


Use this space for essay notes only. Write the final version of your essay on the next two pages.

Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 401

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Write your essay here.

402 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE)

Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE) 403

TWE Essay Prompt 2

Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own field of study, and that all the classes they take should be closely related to that subject. Others believe that university students should get a general education, taking classes in many fields before concentrating on a single field.

Discuss both points of view, using concrete examples. Which view do you support? Give reasons for your choice.


Use this space for essay notes only. Write the final version of your essay on the next two pages.

404 Guide to the Test of Written English (TWE)

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Write your essay here.

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