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RN$IDENTIFIER seeds a random number stream with a distinct system default value. This entity specifier would need to be changed.

5.Do not call a Random Function from a Random Function. Replace any such statements.

6.Replace all fractions, occurring in TRANSFER Blocks, with parts-per-thousand integers.

7.Make sure Random GPSS Function Entities do not allow any

Function Follower pair to be associated with a probability of 1/n, where n is the number of pairs. For example, if a Function is defined by

4 points, do not allow any probability to be .25. You can do this by adding additional points until 1/n is a repeating fraction, or is not associated with any of the Function Follower Pairs. FN$SNORM and FN$XPDIS do not have to be changed.

A special DOS program, named PCAID.EXE, has been provided to help you modify your GPSS/PC Program File. It will correct line numbers and remind you if you have GPSS FUNCTION Statements that need to be examined. You can start this program in a DOS Window.

1.5.4 Creating the GPSS World


In either case, keep in mind that Model Objects are not simple text files. They contain Settings, Bookmarks, and Result Lists which cannot be read by external word processing programs.

For this reason, when you have finished modifying your

GPSS/PC Program File, you should use a word processing program to copy it to the Windows clipboard. Then, in GPSS

World, open a new Model Object


File / New

and paste the text into place using

Select Edit / Paste

This process creates a valid GPSS World Model Object based on your original model. You should now be able to get corresponding results for simulations run under GPSS/PC and

GPSS World.

Chapter 2 - Operating GPSS World

This chapter contains a discussion of the organization of the features available in GPSS World and how to operate them. The first part goes through the installation procedure and the second part discusses the normal operation of an installed GPSS World package. Specific windows are discussed only briefly. For a more thorough treatment of each window type please turn to Chapter 5.

2.1. Installation

Normal installation of GPSS World places a copy of the executable files, the help file, and the GPSS Sample Models into folders on your computer. Online HTML Documentation, such as this Reference Manual and the GPSS World Tutorial Manual reside on GPSS World compact disks, but are not included in the installation and must be downloaded and/or copied separately.

2.1.1. Overview

Before you begin, we recommend that you remove any older version of the same GPSS World Product. Do this though the Add / Remove folder in the Control Panel of your system. You can have distinct versions of GPSS World installed at the same time. For example, you may install the Student Version of GPSS World even if you already have the Commercial Version installed.

After any old installation has been removed, you are ready to install GPSS World. If you are installing from a CD into a system with the autorun capability enabled, simply inserting the CD will start the Setup program. Otherwise, open the CD icon in your My Computer folder and double click on the Setup icon.

It's even easier if you are installing from a World.exe or Student.exe self-extracting file. Just double click on it's icon and the GPSS World setup program will begin.

2.1.2. Installation Requirements

Configuration Requirements

1.The use of the GPSS World Package requires an IBM compatible computer running a 32 bit Windows compatible operating system.

2.We recommend an Intel Pentium III CPU, or better.

3.Floating point math coprocessor capabilities are strongly recommended, but not required. Most CPU chips marketed today have floating point processors.

4.A mouse is strongly recommended. Although simulations can be built and run without a mouse, some optional operations require the use of one.

5.At least 32 megabytes of RAM memory is recommended.

6.At least 10 megabytes of hard disk space is required for installation of all components. More is recommended for holding Model Files. In addition, adequate swap space must be available to the Windows Virtual Memory Manager.

7.CD drive is required only if installation is from CD medium.

8.Except for the Student Version of GPSS World, a numeric user key is required for the operation of the software. This numeric key must be obtained after the basic installation process has completed.

Version Restrictions

1.The Student Version of GPSS World is limited to models containing no more than 150 GPSS Block Entities.

2.The Student Version cannot open simulations saved by other GPSS World versions.

3.Only the Commercial Version of GPSS World includes the Advanced Entity Snapshot Windows and the GPSS/PC Compatibility Mode.

2.1.3. File Folders/Directories

The operation of GPSS World results in the creation of several different files on your computer. Files for notices, registration information, and user keys (not used by Student Version) are created in the GPSS World module directory (i.e. where the GPSSW.EXE file resides). Other file placements are controlled by you when you open and save GPSS Wolrd Objects. You might want to use a separate hierarchical folder for each project and/or model you are working on. Just as with GPSS World Objects, Data Streams can be directed to specific directories in your GPSS Open Statement. If you specify only a filename and not a path, the directory containing your Simulation Object is used.

Although you can choose otherwise, the GPSS World setup program normally installs the software in the Minuteman Software folder in your computer's Program Files folder. The Commercial Version of GPSS World will be placed in a folder named Commercial GPSS World in the Minuteman Software folder. The Samples folder, which holds all the Sample Models, is then placed in that. Files pertaining to the operation of GPSS World are normally placed in the "module directory", i.e. the one containing the GPSS World executable files. Other sharable executables may be place in one of your computer's system directories if they are not already present.

Unless you direct otherwise in the File / Save As menu item, Simulation Objects

will be placed with their parent Model Objects, and Report Objects will be place with their parent Simulation Objects. Similarly, the search for Text Objects begins with the Model Object's folder for INCLUDE files, or in the Simulation Object's folder for Data Stream Text Objects.

When you begin to build your own models you should create directories which make sense with respect to the projects you are working on. For example, if you are investigating two very different inventory control strategies that need two very different models to simulate them, you may find advantages in placing them in separate directories. On the other hand, variants on a theme may best be organized in subfolders with the same parent.

2.1.4. The Installation Procedure

The use of all GPSS World Family products is governed by the Minutemen Software Program License Agreement, a copy of which prefaces this manual. In addition, a "Read Me First" file may be part of the installed file set. If so, it contains timely information concerning procedures and the state of the software.

Once you begin the installation, the GPSS World setup program directs you through the process. After a short initialization, the first GPSS World Setup Window appears.

Figure 21. GPSS World Setup Window 1

After reading the information in this window



Figure 22. GPSS World Setup Window 2

The MINUTEMAN Software Program License Window appears. If you agree to it,


Figure 23. GPSS World Setup Window 3

When your name and company is correct in window 3,


Figure 24. GPSS World Setup Window 4

Window 4 lets you select the target directory for the installation. The Browse button is available to navigate to a new target folder.

When the target directory is correct,


Figure 25. GPSS World Setup Window 5

Setup Window 5 lets you select a program group in your start menu for placement of the GPSS World menu command. A default is provided. When it is correct,


Figure 26. GPSS World Setup Window 6

Setup Window 6 summarizes the choices you have made and allows you to go back to previous windows in case you want to make any last minute changes. When you are ready to finish up the installation,


Now you will see a short series of message boxes giving status as the GPSS World files are being copied onto your computer. Then the last installation window appears.

Figure 27. GPSS World Setup Window 7

Setup Window 7 is the last of the installation windows. It allows you to immediately invoke GPSS World after the installation completes. You can use this to begin work in GPSS World now, or you can always do so at a later time by using your Start menu.

Unless you are using the Student Version of GPSS World, you will need to register the software before you can begin working with models. Now is a good time to get that step out of the way. To perform the registration step go ahead and check the box which invokes the GPSS World program.



2.1.5. Software Registration

If you are using the Student Version of GPSS World, skip on to Section 2.2, The GPSS World Environment. Student users do not need to register. Other users must acquire a numeric key to unlock the software. If you have already registered the software, and your key is valid for the newly installed version, you can avoid this step by copying the old GPSSW.key and GPSSW.rgs files into the new GPSS World module directory.

Begin the Registration process by starting GPSS World. You can select from the Start / Programs menu. After GPSS World begins, if you do not see the Registration Window, below, you can open it from the GPSS World Main Menu. To do so,

SELECT File / Register Software

Figure 28. The GPSS World Registration Window

The purpose of the Registration Window is to create an encrypted message you can send to Minuteman Software in order to obtain a numeric user key. If your method of payment is by credit card, this information is safely inserted into the encrypted message.

The Registration Window gives you the option of having GPSS World send its own registration message by email, or of placing the whole message on the clipboard so you can use your own mailing procedure. In either case you should send the registration ciphertext to registration@minutmensoftware.com. If your registration information and payment are in order, your numeric key will be sent via email to the address you entered into the Registration Window.

Once you have successfully generated a Registration Message you should immediately exit from the GPSS World Environment.

SELECT File / Exit

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