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Вариант 7

  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык

We like games, but in winter we like to ski and to skate too. We don’t play volleyball or table tennis in our yard in winter, but sometimes we skate there. W« have two big skating-rinks. One is in our schoolyard, and the other is in the park. We have a little skating-rink in our yard too.

My friend Pete likes to go to the big skating-rink there in winter after school. I don’t skate well, but I like to be in the forest in winter. I often go there and skate on river. My friend Mike skates well, but he doesn’t like the big skating-rink in the park. He goes with me to the river in the forest.

My mother and father often go there with us on Saturday and Sunday.

1 ski well, and Pete skis well too. The other boys and girls often go with us to the forest to ski. Sometimes I take my dog with m£. He likes to run in the forest. I ski, and he runs with me. My friends look at. him and say, “Your dog skis well, Victor!*’

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What do children like to do?

  2. What do they like to do in winter?

  3. How many skating-rinks have they?

4'. Where are the skating-rinks?

  1. Who Skates wel 1 ?

  2. .Where does Mike skate?

  3. When does mother and father go to skate?

  4. Do children often go to ski to the forest?

  5. What is the boy’s name?

  6. Does Victor take his dog with him?

  1. Выберите правильный ответ (проверьте по тексту)

  1. In winter we like ■ j a) games b) to ski and to skate

  2. In our yard we have a) two big skating-rinks b) a little skating-rink.

  3. I a) skate well b) don’t skate well

  4. My mother and father a) often go with us b) sometimes go with us

  5. Victor a) takes the dog with him

b)doesn’t take his dog with him

  1. Поставьте вопрос к выделенным словам:

  1. In winter we like to skate

  2. Pete likes to ski .

  3. They have two big skating-rinks

  4. The boy’s name is Victor

  5. Children often go to the forest

  1. Составьте предложения:

  1. a, Mike, in, skies, forest

  2. Is, in our, yard, a, skatmg-rinks?

  3. Friend, my, Pete, well, states, wefl

  4. Me, with, I, take, my, dog

  5. Don’t, play, volley-ball, in, we, winter

  1. Замените утвердительные предложения на вопросительные н Л утвердительный и отрицательный краткие ответы

  1. Pete is a student

  2. They have two skating-rinks

  3. Mike often goes to the river

  4. You see many boys and girls ot the skating-rink

  5. Mother and father are in the forest on Sunday ^

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Петя и Виктор на катке? да

  2. Ты любишь кататься на коньках?—нет

  3. У нас нет катка во дворе

  4. Мой друг Петя студент

  5. Мы любим играть в волейбол и теннис

Вариант 8

  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык

We are at school in the morning. We learn English at school. Today we have an English lesson. Pete is at the table. We ask him questions in English, and he answers them. Then he asks us questions, and we answer them in English. Olga doesn’t answer his questions well. She wants to answer them in Russian, but Pete says, “Don’t speak Russian! Answer my questions in English. We speak Russian at our other lessons, let’s speak English at our English lessons.”

In the afternoon we do our lessons, and then we go to the yard to play I like to be with my friends in the yard or in the park. The park is very nice in April and May, and in June we sometimes go swimming there

In the evening I like to be at home. My big brother is at home in the evening too, and sometimes he plays chess well. I don’t play chess well, but I want to learn.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Are they at school in the morning or in the evening?

  2. Have we the English lesson? ,

  3. Who is at the table?

  4. Does Olga answer Pete’s questions well?

  5. When do we do the lessons?

  6. What do children do in the yard?

  7. Is the park very nice in April and May?

  8. Are children nt home in the evening?

  9. What do they do?

  10. Who plays chess well?

  1. Выберете правильный ответ (проверьте по тексту)

  1. We learn a) French, b) English at school

  2. Pete says a) don’t speak Russian b) don’t speak English

  3. In the afternoon they a) go to the park b) go to the yard

  4. My brother is a) at home in' the evening

  1. in the yard in the everting

  1. I a) play chess well b) don’t play chess

  1. Поставьте вопрос к выделенным словам:

  1. We learn English at school;

  2. Pete is at the table

  3. In the afternoon we do our lessons

  4. The park is very nice in April

  5. Mv brother plays chess well

  1. Составьте предложения:

  1. At, English, leam, we, school

  2. Olga, the, answers, questions

  3. Brother, my, is, home, at, evening, in, the?

  4. Don’t, I, well, play, chess

  5. To play, go, we, in, yard, the

  6. Замените утвердительные предложения на вопросительные утвердительный и отрицательный краткие ответы.

  1. I like to be at home in the evening

  2. He plays chess well

  3. Today we have an English lesson

  4. Olga answer Pete’s questions

  5. We go to the yard to play

  1. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Петя учит английский в школе

  2. Ольга отвечает на вопросы хорошо? - нет

  3. Петя в школе утром? - да

  4. Мой брат хорошо играет в шахматы

  5. После обеда они делают уроки