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4.3. Study the table of loans of Greek and Latin origin.

Table 1

Loans of Greek and Latin origin

  1. Analysis – analyses

  2. Antenna – antennae

  3. Appendix - appendices

  4. Axis – axes

  5. Hypothesis – hypotheses

  6. Basis – bases

  7. Synopsis – synopses

  8. Thesis – theses

  9. Crisis – crises

  10. Datum – data

  11. Diagnosis – diagnoses

  12. Stimulus – stimuli

  13. Stratum – strata

  14. Nucleus – nuclei

  15. Alumnus – alumni

  16. Alumna – alumnae

  17. Radius – radii

  18. Medium – media

  19. Memorandum – memoranda

  20. Curriculum – curricula

  21. Phenomenon – phenomena

  22. Criterion – criteria

  23. Vortex – vortices

  24. Matrix – matrices

  25. Index – indices

  26. Formula – formulae

  27. Syllabus – syllabi

анализ – анализы

антенна – антенны

приложение – приложения

вал, ось – валы, оси

гипотеза – гипотезы

база, основа – базы

краткое содержание

тезис – тезисы

кризис – кризисы

данная величина – данные

диагноз, установление причин – диагнозы

стимул – стимулы

слой, пласт – слои, пласты

ядро – ядра

выпускник – выпускники

выпускница (ы)

радиус (ы)

средство (а)

меморандум – меморандумы

программа – программы

явление, феномен – явления

критерий – критерии

вихрь – вихри

матрица – матрицы

индекс – индексы

формула – формулы

программа - программы

4.4. Put the sentences into the plural.

  1. This phenomenon is very interesting from its origin point of view.

  2. The professor asks to explain this thesis.

  3. An alumnus of our University is well known in the world.

  4. Is a crisis in computing possible?

  5. I have not a stimulus to do this research.

  6. The index of this matrix is unknown.

  7. You can find an appendix at the end of the book.

  8. Is there any medium to enhance this development?

  9. Any student can derive this formula.

  10. They offered a hypothesis that can’t be disproved.

4.5. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Это явление сейчас изучают.

  2. Причины поломки еще не установлены.

  3. Анализ показал, что операционная система является ненадежной и незащищенной.

  4. Я считаю, что гипотеза о возможном возвращении к микроядрам в операционных системах вполне оправданна.

  5. Эти формулы были выведены еще в прошлом веке.

  6. Каковы критерии надежности операционной системы?

  7. Эти данные были получены до того, как их запросили.

  8. Меморандум подписали неделю назад.

  9. Это средство не может быть применимо в данной ситуации.

  10. Тезисы по данному научному труду напишут к концу месяца?


Study the material about interviewing (See Supplement 2)

Paul is 24. He has a Higher National Certificate in Computing and a Higher National Diploma in Computing Support which he completed two years ago. He has been working for a company providing support services for the last eighteen months.

5.1. Listen to Part 1 of the recording to find the answers to these questions:

  1. What subject areas does Paul mention?

  2. Why did he choose to do his Diploma in support?

  3. What practical work was included in the course?

  4. Which subject did he particularly enjoy?

5.2. Listen to Part 2 of the recording to answer these questions:

  1. What suggestions does Paul have for improving the course? Note

  1. his suggestions for improvement

  2. the reasons he gives.

  1. Which of the subjects he studied has he found useful in his work? Note

  1. the subjects

  2. examples in work situation.

5.3. Listen to Part 2 of the recording to answer these questions:

    1. In which situations does Paul have to learn fast?

    2. What sources does he use for help?

    3. What advice did the college provide on source of information?

    4. What was the problem with the set book?

    5. How does he feel about going back to college?


Study the C.V. of Paul who was interviewed in Task 1.6. Then write your own C.V. in the same way. For the purpose of this task, you can invent experience and assume you have passed all your examination! (See Supplement 1)

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