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Influence of Product Characteris7cs on Rate of Adop7on

Influence of Product Characteris7cs on Rate of Adop7on

•  Rela&ve advantage: The degree to which the innova&on appears superior to exis&ng products.

HDTV o ers substan7ally improved picture quality. This speeded up its rate of adop7on.

•  Compa&bility: The degree to which the innova&on fits the values and experiences of poten&al consumers.

HDTV, for example, is highly compa7ble with the lifestyles of the TV-watching public. However, in the

early years, HDTV was not yet compa7ble with programming and broadcas7ng systems, which slowed adop7on. Now, as more and more high defini7on programs and channels have become available, the rate of HDTV adop7on has increased rapidly.

•  Complexity: The degree to which the innova&on is di cult to understand or use.

HDTVs are not very complex. Therefore, as more programming has become available and prices have fallen, the rate of HDTV adop7on is increasing faster than that of more complex innova7ons.

•  Divisibility: The degree to which the innova&on may be tried on a limited basis.

Early HDTVs and HD cable and satellite systems were very expensive, which slowed the rate of adop7on. As prices fall, adop7on rates increase.

•  Communicability: The degree to which the results of using the innova&on can be observed or described to others.

Because HDTV lends itself to demonstra7on and descrip7on, its use will spread faster among consumers.

Thank you for aWen&on!

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