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Do you see change as a danger, an opportunity or a challenge

To my mind, change is a difficult social process, and we can’t state with sure it is dangerous or not. Let’s imagine, that you have lost all your money or become a bankrupt. Such changes are of great dangerous. But if you have promoted or launched a new project, these changes will be good for you. But I think that every

change is an opportunity for you or your company to become better, to obtain something new. Every experience is useful, even if it is negative.

What is considered to be a key to success in a company?

An organization’s most precious asset may well be its people, and above all what they know. A company's accumulated knowledge and experience is part of company culture and is increasingly seen as a key to success. Many now believe that this collective knowledge and accumulated years of experience is something to cultivate and develop. Some companies have appointed a chief knowledge officer who creates systems to make this knowledge available to the company as a whole in a process of knowledge capitalization.

What trends do you see emerging in the strategy of a large company?

Nowadays, when the world is developing every day, large companies

-have chosen a strategy of changing to become more efficient. So, what are main trends in a strategy of a large company? Firstly, companies

-downsize and delayer, getting rid of levels of middle-management in order to become leaner, flatter ,more efficient.

Another trend

is re-engineering, the idea that an organization should not change incrementally, but should start again from scratch with no preconceptions about how things should be done, not just in manufacturing but in all the processes that contribute to what an organization does, hence business process re-engineering, or BPR.

Thirdly. large companies consider that its people and corporate culture are the most important assets. And after all many large companies try to use the Internet to develop and change.

To sum it up, I would like to say that changes emerging in large companies are likely to make all the business more efficient, profitable and progressive.

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