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Вопрос 15.1. Определите, является ли утверждение:

The Bank of England tightly controls and monitors all British operations.

  1. Истинным

  2. Ложным

  3. В тексте нет информации

Вопрос 15.2.Определите, является ли утверждение:

The value of sterling against the American dollar is the same at any time the transaction takes place in London, Germany, Tokyo or San Francisco.

a. Ложным

b. Истинным

c. В тексте нет информации

Вопрос 15.3.Определите, является ли утверждение:

Natural disasters affect the market more significantly than any other factors.

  1. В тексте нет информации

  2. Ложным

  3. Истинным

Вопрос 15.4.Укажите, какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая идея:

International market is seen as an interaction of many dealers.

  1. 3

  2. 1

  3. 4

  4. 2

Вопрос 15.5.Укажите, какому из абзацев текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая идея:

The impact of exchange rate control on the member countries of the International Monetary Fund.

  1. 2

  2. 1

  3. 4

  4. 3

Вопрос 15.6.Ответьте на вопрос

Where could the speculation against the dollar in favour of other currencies lead to?

  1. The brokers’ yield will grow.

  2. It could lead to the sale of dollars.

  3. The currency of the country with a constant surplus will be in demand.

  4. There could be money flows from one foreign centre to another.

Вопрос 15.7.Определите основную идею текста.

  1. The major controlling factors of global money market.

  2. Differences in interest rates.

  3. The interaction of major financial centers of the world.

  4. Tight control strengthens the world money operations.

Задача 16. Bulling

Has anyone ever criticized you all the time, ignored you or made you feel small in front of other people? Then you have experienced bulling. We often think that bulling only happens in school, but it is very common in the workplace as well. In fact studies show that about one in five people have been bullied at work. Bullies are often managers but they can be co-workers. They make their victims look incompetent, feel a failure and lose all belief in themselves.

Bulling consists of threatening or offensive behaviour, constant criticism, unrealistic or changing goals and not being included in work and social events. It is a form of psychological and emotional violence which affects people’s health and career prospects and can cause depression.

Bulling reduces companies’ profits. There are huge losses each year due to absenteeism and resignations, all the result of bulling. Eighty-two percent of people who are bullied leave their workplace. Companies need to make sure they have policies to fight bulling.

Firstly, you need to get support from a colleague or a trade union. Secondly, keep a written record of what is happening to you. Then you need to confront the person and say you don’t like the way you are being treated. This is best done with someone else present or in writing. Nowadays bullying is recognized as a problem, and there are many organizations that can help. So if you are bullied, just remember you are not alone.

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