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Анатомия. Английский язык.docx
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75. Join the parts of the table to make up sentences about the role of famous scientists in the history of medicine.

  1. Harvey

(1578 – 1657)

  1. Fleming

(1881 – 1955)

  1. Freud

(1856 – 1939)

  1. Lister

(1827 – 1912)

  1. Pasteur

(1822 – 1895)

  1. Roentgen

(1845 – 1923)

  1. Jenner

(1749 – 1823)

  1. Vesalius

(1514 – 1564)

was the first

    1. to lay the foundation of microbiology.

    2. to discover X-rays.

    3. to discover blood circulation.

    4. to write the textbook of anatomy based on dissections of corpses.

    5. to discover penicillin.

    6. to invent vaccination.

    7. to use antiseptics.

    8. to found the analytical school of psychiatry.

76. Answer the questions.

1. What does Anatomy study?

2. When did you begin to study Anatomy?

3. How do you study Anatomy? Speak about your classes in Anatomy.

4. Is it difficult to remember the names of the bones of the human body? How do you overcome this difficulty?

5. What language is used in Anatomy?

6. Why is it necessary to study Anatomy?

7. What is the difference between gross and microscopic Anatomy?

8. What sciences are closely connected with Anatomy?

9. What famous anatomists of the past do you know?

77. Prepare a report (10 – 12 sentences) about life and work of one of the great anatomists.

78. Read and reproduce the jokes.

1. - What has four legs and flies1?

- I don’t know.

- Your dinner table.


2. - How did you break your arm?

- Do you see those stairs over there?

- Yes.

- Well, I didn’t.


3. - My son is in bed, a victim of football.

- But I didn’t even know he played the game.

- He doesn’t. But he is a football fan, he sprained his larynx2 at the match last Saturday.


1 flies – 3 лицо ед. ч. от to fly – летать

flies – мн. ч. от fly – муха

2 sprained his larynx – сорвал голос

79. Practice reading the tongue-twisters.

1. A kiss is the anatomical juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in a state of contraction.

2. Last year I could not hear with either ear.

3. I see Isis’s icy eyes.

4. There is something fresh in that thin familiar face.

5. Humble Hairy Herbert has his hand on his heart.

6. No nose knows like a gnome’s nose knows.

7. The soldier’s shoulder surely hurts!

8. Moses supposes his toes are roses,

But Moses supposes erroneously.

For nobody’s toes are posies of roses

As Moses supposes his toes to be.

9. We have a dinosaur named Dinn.

Dinn’s thin. Dinn doesn’t have much skin.

And the bones fall out of his left front shin.

Then we have to call in Pinner Blinn,

Who comes with his handy shin-pin bin.

And with a thin Blinn shinbone pin

Blinn pins Dinn’s shinbones right back in.

Well, when Blinn comes home tired

From his work pinning shins,

The happiest hour of old Blinn’s day begins.

Mr. Blinn is the farther of musical twins

Who, tucking twin instruments under twin chins,

Lull their daddy to sleep with twin Blinn violins.