- •Contents
- •Introduction
- •1.1 Scope
- •Figure 1-1: Main system blocks
- •1.2 Summary
- •See Chapter 2, Memory Map.
- •Level sensitive interrupts.
- •Programmed interrupt source available
- •See Chapter 3, Interrupt Controller.
- •Free-running or periodic timer modes.
- •See Chapter 4, Timer.
- •See Chapter 5, Communications Channel.
- •"Wait for Interrupt" Pause mode.
- •See Chapter 6, Remap and Pause.
- •Memory Map
- •2.1 Introduction
- •2.2 Memory Map Base Addresses
- •Interrupt Controller
- •3.1 Introduction
- •Figure 3-1: FIQ and IRQ interrupts
- •3.2 Interrupt Control
- •Figure 3-2: Interrupt Controller Bit Slice
- •3.3 Interrupt Controller Register Descriptions
- •3.5 Interrupt Controller Memory Map
- •Timer
- •4.1 Introduction
- •4.2 Timer Operation
- •Figure 4-1: Timer Block Diagram
- •Figure 4-2: Timer Pre-scale Unit
- •4.3 Timer Register Descriptions
- •4.3.1 Load Register
- •4.3.2 Value
- •4.3.3 Clear
- •4.3.4 Control Register
- •Figure 4-3: Timer Register Bit Positions
- •1—Timer Enabled
- •1—Periodic Timer Model
- •Clock
- •Divided by
- •Stages of
- •Pre-scale
- •Undefined
- •Table 4-1: Bits 3 – 2: Prescale bits
- •4.4 Timer Memory Map
- •Address
- •Read Location
- •Write Location
- •TimerBase
- •Timer1Load
- •Timer1Load
- •TimerBase + 0x04
- •Timer1Value
- •Reserved
- •TimerBase + 0x08
- •Timer1Control
- •Timer1Control
- •TimerBase + 0x0C
- •Reserved
- •Timer1Clear
- •TimerBase + 0x10
- •Reserved
- •Reserved
- •TimerBase + 0x20
- •Timer2Load
- •Timer2Load
- •TimerBase + 0x24
- •Timer2Value
- •Reserved
- •TimerBase + 0x28
- •Timer2Control
- •Timer2Control
- •TimerBase + 0x2C
- •Reserved
- •Timer2Clear
- •TimerBase + 0x30
- •Reserved
- •Reserved
- •Table 4-2: Timer Address Map
- •Communications Channel
- •5.1 Introduction
- •Remap and Pause
- •6.1 Introduction
- •6.2 Pause
- •6.4 Reset Status
- •6.5 Clear Reset Memory Map
- •6.6 Remap and Pause Memory Map
- •Address
- •Read Location
- •Write Location
- •RemapBase
- •Reserved
- •Pause
- •RemapBase + 0x10
- •Identification
- •Reserved
- •RemapBase + 0x20
- •Reserved
- •ClearResetMap
- •RemapBase + 0x30
- •ResetStatus
- •ResetStatusSet
- •RemapBase + 0x34
- •Reserved
- •ResetStatusClear
- •Table 6-1: Remap and Pause Memory Map
Remap and Pause
The Remap and Pause control is the combination of four separate functions, Pause, Identification Register, Reset Status and Reset Memory Map, which are described in this chapter.
6-2 |
Reference Peripherals Specification |
ARM DDI 0062D |
Open Access
Remap and Pause
The Pause control simply defines a method of allowing the processor system to enter a lowpower “wait for interrupt” state, where the system does not require the processor to be active.
The Pause location is write only. Writing to the Pause location causes the system to enter the "wait for interrupt" state.
The exact effect of writing to this location is not defined, but typically it would prevent the processor from fetching further instructions until it recieves an interrupt.
Reference Peripherals Specification |
6-3 |
ARM DDI 0062D |
Open Access
Remap and Pause
6.3Identification Register
The Identification (ID) register provides an indication of the system configuration.
The ID register is read only. Only a single bit implementation is required, bit 0, which is used to indicate whether there is any further ID information.
ID Bit 0 is the Identification Bit which may be set to:
•0—no Further ID Information
•1—further ID Information is available
If the bottom bit of the ID register is set, then further bits are required to provide more detailed system identification information.
6-4 |
Reference Peripherals Specification |
ARM DDI 0062D |
Open Access
Remap and Pause
6.4Reset Status
The Reset Status Register indicates the cause of the most recent reset condition—a minimum implementation is defined below.
The Reset Status Register is read only. Only one bit of this register defined in this specification, the Power On Reset bit. This bit may be used to determine if the most recent reset was caused by initial power on, or if a warm reset has occurred. The Power On Reset bit is bit 0 of the Reset Status Register, and may take the values:
•0—no POR since flag was lasted cleared
Further bits in the reset status register may be implemented to provide more detailed reset information.
The status register has a dual mechanism for setting and clearing bits, allowing independent bits to be altered with no knowledge of the other bits in the register.
The Reset Status Clear location is write only. This location is used to clear Reset Status flags. When writing to this register each data bit which is high will cause the corresponding bit in the Reset Status register to be cleared. Data bits which are low have no effect on the corresponding bit in the Reset Status register.
The Reset Status Set location is write only. This location is used to set Reset Status flags. When writing to this register each data bit which is high will cause the corresponding bit in the Reset Status register to be set. Data bits which are low have no effect on the corresponding bit in the Reset Status register.
The Reset Status set location has no function in the minimal Reference Peripherals specification, because the Power On Reset status bit cannot be set by software. This register is included in the specification to ensure expandability of the reset status functionality.
Reference Peripherals Specification |
6-5 |
ARM DDI 0062D |
Open Access