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Каширский 434-2004

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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Воронежский государственный технический университет"

Кафедра иностранных языков и технологии перевода




к учебному материалу на английском языке для студентов специальностей 210302 «Радиотехника», 090105 «Комплексное обеспечение информационной безопасности автоматизированных систем», 090102 «Компьютерная безопасность», 090106 «Информационная безопасность телекоммуникационных систем» очной формы обучения

Воронеж 2004

Составители: канд. филол. наук А. А. Авдеев, ст. преп. С. Н. Каширский, преп. И. В. Мухина, преп. С. Р. Соловьёва ББК 81.432.1-9

Радиотехнический факультет: Методические указания к учебному материалу на английском языке для студентов специальностей 210302 «Радиотехника», 090105 «Комплексное


информационной безопасности автоматизированных






«Информационная безопасность телекоммуникационных систем» очной формы обучения / Воронеж, гос. техн. ун-т; Сост. А. А. Авдеев, С. Н. Каширский, И. В. Мухина, С. Р. Соловьева. Воронеж, 2004. 30 с.

Методические указания предназначены для проверки и развития грамматических навыков, лексического запаса и навыков чтения студентов. Упражнения способствуют закреплению

правильных навыков в использовании различных





представляющих трудности для студентов, изучающих английский язык. Предназначены для студентов первого курса.

Рецензент канд. филол. наук, доц. О. Е. Сафонова

Ответственный за выпуск зав. кафедрой канд. филол. наук, доц. Л. В. Квасова

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Воронежского государственного технического университета

ОВоронежский государственный технический университет, 2004


1. Read the text and single out its main ideas:

Radio Engineering Faculty.

Radio Engineering Faculty was founded in 1960. It trains specialists in radio, electronics, computer control systems, information security, radio design equipment, etc. It has more than 700 students. The teaching staff consists of Doctors of science, Professors, Candidates of science, assistant professors. The faculty has got all the necessary facilities for teaching including computers, displays, robots, closed-circuit T.V., language and technical laboratories. The students study Radio Engineering, Design and Production of Radio Equipment, Information Security Systems.

The students master such specialities as Radio Engineering, Automated Control Systems, Computer Systems, Designing and Manufacturing of Radio Electronic Devices and Computing Apparatus.

The first-year students study physics, higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, social sciences. Later they acquire profound knowledge in electronics, cybernetics, computing machinery, signaling systems, robots, etc.

Special attention is given to such subjects as impulse technique, analog and digital computers, theoretical fundamentals of electric - engineering, information security systems. The students get skills in different laboratories equipped with modem apparatus and devices. There is a computing center at the university where students are taught to work with computers. Advanced students carry out their research under the guidance of supervisors.

The course of study lasts 5 or more years. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. The first term runs from September to February, the second one - from February to June. Terminal exams

are held in January and June. The faculty provides good engineering education. The graduates of the University work at computing centers, design offices, industrial enterprises, research labs, etc.

2. Answer the questions:

1. When was the Radio Engineering faculty founded?

2. How many students study at the faculty?

3. Which facilities has the faculty got?

4. What subjects do the students study?

5. What specialties do the students master?

3. Say whether the statements are true or false. Use the following phrases: yes, you are right; you are quite right; I’m afraid you are mistaken; you are wrong.

1. Faculty was founded in 1960.

2. Students study fundamentals of medicine.

3. The university provides a good engineering education. 4. The graduates of the University work only at industrial


4. Ask the partner about the following: a) what subject he gives special attention to; b) where the students get practical skills;

c) if the academic year is divided into two terms (four quarters); d) where the students work after graduating from the University.

5. Complete the following sentences:

1.The Radio Engineering faculty was founded in ...

2.The faculty has got...

3.The students study ...

4.The course of study lasts ...

5.They get practical skills in ...



1. Study the text and find the information about:

1)the history of the Department of Radio Engineering;

2)the teaching staff;

3)the students scientific work.

Department of Radio Engineering.

Like the faculty, the Department of Radio Engineering was founded in 1960. The founder of the faculty is Professor Kanevsky Z. M. Since 1960 it has been staffed by highly qualified teachers in different fields of science. The teaching staff includes Doctors and Candidates of science, and assistant professors.

Since 1963 the Department of Radio Engineering has been training specialists in such areas as Fundamentals of Radio Engineering, Theory and Design of Data Transmission, Systems and Devices of Radio Navigation and T.V. At present the Department has got its subsidiary on the basis of the Voronezh Scientific Research Institute of Communications. Specialists are trained here in such areas as Information Security in Channels of Special and General Purposes.

Students carry out research working under the guidance of supervisors. Some students also cooperate with industrial enterprises which help them in their future activities. Special attention is given to efficiency transmission communications and signal interference. Today the Department is developing the theory of digital processing latency signals for the purpose of rising efficiency of radio devices and systems. The Department is doing research in different fields of radio engineering, in close contacts with industrial enterprises of Voronezh and scientific centers of Russia. The head of the Department of Radio Engineering is Professor Makarov G.V.


2. Ask all types of questions to the following statements:

1.The Department of Radio Engineering was founded in 1960.

2.Students carry out research working under the guidance of supervisors.

3.The Department is doing research in different fields of radio engineering.


1. Read the text and find out the information about the following

1.the foundation of the Department;

2.the industrial enterprises of the Department;

3.the recent research and development of the Department;

4.the present layout of the Department.

The Department of Radio Construction.

The Department of Radio Construction was established on November 9, 1961. Since its foundation, it has been training specialists in the field of design and production of radio devices. Department of radio electronic materials was organized in 1981, and the Department of Automated Design Systems was opened three years later. In 1986, the Department of Radio Construction opened its subsidiary at the

“Elektrosignal” industrial complex so as to enhance quality of radio engineers preparation. Between 1961 and 1991, the Department prepared over 2700 engineers. The graduates of the Department mainly work at different enterprises of Voronezh, among them are:

-The “Elektrosignal” industrial complex;

-The “Polyus” industrial complex;

-The Scientific and Research Institute of Communication;

Some graduates are assigned to enterprises, scientific and research institutions and other organizations of Central and Black Soil Region. The peculiarity of the graduates industrial activity is their


rapid career progress. Nowadays, many graduates stand at the head of laboratories, departments and shops. Some of them occupy key positions at industrial enterprises.

Since the time of its organization, the teaching staff of the Department has been constantly renewed at the expense of young specialists and due to the establishment of new departments. One of the basic trends of the departments personnel policy is the attraction of highly qualified specialists, having scientific degrees, to the educational process. For this purpose, the Department created favourable conditions for its teachers to prepare Candidates and Doctors dissertations.

In recent years, the Department has made a great progress in strengthening partnership with enterprises. The money, allocated by enterprises, allowed the Department to purchase the computers and other kinds of equipment.

At present, the Department of Radio Construction houses two lecture halls, and two laboratories, equipped with all installations, necessary for carrying out laboratory experiments and conducting practical classes.

In 2000, the Department opened its subsidiary at the “Videofon” joint-stock company. The head of the Department of Radio Construction is Doctor of Science, Professor Muratov A.V.

2. Mark the statement as true or false:

1.The Department of Radio Construction was opened on November


2.In 1986, the Department of Radio Construction opened its subsidiary at the “Polyus” industrial complex so as to enhance quality of radio engineers preparation.

3.Since the time of foundation, new specialists of the Department have been joining the staff of the Department.

4.After graduation all the students continue to work at University.

5.The money, borrowed from a charity fund, allowed the Department to purchase the computers and other kinds of equipment.



1. Read the text and dwell on the following:

1)the foundation of the Department;

2)the specialities provided by the Department;

3)the activities, the students are involved in at the Department;

4)admission to the Department.

Information Security Systems Department

In November of 1997 the speciality “Organization and Technology of Information Protection” (now “Computer Security”) was opened, then followed the creation of Regional Educational Scientific Centre, dealing with information security issues in December of 1997. The Doctor of Technical Science, professor Ostapenko A.G. was put at the head of the Centre. A month later speciality named “Complex Provision of the Automated Systems Information Security” was founded. In June of 1998 the Dissertation Council was created. Besides, in December of 1998 the speciality “Protected Telecommunication Systems” (known today as “Telecommunication Systems Information Security”) was introduced. The Department “Information Security Systems”, with professor Ostapenko A.G. at the head, was formed and began to function at the same time.

To dwell on each of the specialities provided by the Department, it’s necessary to note that: a) speciality “Complex Provision of the Automated Systems of- Information Security” provides the qualification of an information security specialist, It covers a set of issues, concerning construction investigation and operation of systems and technologies of the automated systems information security provision, b) “Computer Security” speciality provides the qualification of mathematician. It deals with the problems connected with construction and demonstrative analysis of the protected computer systems, c) graduates of


“Telecommunication Systems Information Security” speciality are the specialists in information protection area. This speciality embraces a set of problems focusing on construction, investigation and operation of telecommunication systems and their information security provision.

The teaching staff of the Department comprises Doctors and Candidates of Science. Every year the students of the Department, led by their scientific supervisors, take an active part in the students’ scientific conference. The regional scientific journal “Information and Security”, issued by the Department, publishes scientific articles of teachers, students, and postgraduates.

The students of the Department enjoy the opportunity to conduct their scientific research and solve their educational tasks in the well-equipped laboratories, provided by the Department: laboratory of information protection technical means, computing networks laboratory, laboratory of computing technical appliances and programming, laboratory of accepting and processing of signals.

Admission to the Department is by examination and selection. To bring professional inclinations of applicants to light, professionally oriented interviewing is conducted with them and their parents. The results of the interviewing help future students not to err when choosing a speciality.

2. Answer the following questions to the text:

1.What was the original name of the speciality “Computer Security”?

2.Regional Educational Scientific Centre was opened in November of

1997, wasn’t it?

3.Was the Dissertation Council founded in June or July of 1998?

4.Who was put at the head of the Department of Computer Security Systems?

5.Does the speciality “Complex Provision of the Automated Systems of Information Security” provide the qualification of an accountant?


6.Usually students refuse to participate in the conference, don’t they?

7.What does the regional scientific journal publish?

8.Are the applicants admitted to the Department by examination , by accident or by mistake?