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It was just before the end of the war that she fell out of love with him.

She was pregnant at the time. Michael had judged it imprudent to have a

baby just then, but she was nearly thirty and thought that if they were going

to have one at all they ought to delay no longer; she was so well established on

the stage that she could afford not to appear for a few months, and with the

possibility that Michael might be killed at any moment — it was true he said

he was as safe as a house, he only said that to reassure her, and even generals

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were killed sometimes — if she was to go on living she must have a child by


The baby was expected (ребенок должен был родиться: «ожидался») at the end

of the year (в конце года). She looked forward to Michael's next leave (она с

нетерпением ожидала следующего увольнительного Майкла; to look forward

to — предвкушать, ожидать с удовольствием) as she had never done before

(как никогда раньше: «как она никогда не ожидала/делала/ раньше»). She was

feeling very well (она себя очень хорошо чувствовала), but she had a great

yearning (но она испытывала страстное желание) to feel his arms around her

(почувствовать объятия его рук: «его руки вокруг нее»), she felt a little lost

(она ощущала себя чуть-чуть потерянной), a little helpless (немного

беспомощной), and she wanted his protective strength (и она хотела

/почувствовать/ его защищающую силу). He came (он вернулся), looking

wonderfully handsome (/выглядел он/ удивительно красивым) in his well-cut

uniform (в своей хорошо скроенной униформе), with the red tabs (с петлицами

штабного офицера на воротнике; red tab — штабист, штабной офицер,

«красные петлицы») and the crown on his shoulder-straps (и коронами на

погонах; shoulder-strap — воен. погон, shoulder — плечо, strap — ремень,

полоска). He had filled out a good deal (он довольно поправился; to fill out —

расширяться, толстеть; to fill — наполнять, заполнять) as the result of the

hardships of G.H.Q. (в результате трудностей /которые он испытывал/ в

ставке) and his skin was tanned (и загорел: «его кожа была загорелой»). With

his close-cropped hair (с его коротко стриженными волосами), breezy manner

(беззаботными манерами) and military carriage (и военной выправкой) he

looked every inch a soldier (он выглядел настоящим военным; every inch —

весь, с головы до пят, настоящий, истинный, inch — дюйм).

expect [Ik'spekt] yearning ['jq:nIN] strength [streNT, strenT]

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The baby was expected at the end of the year. She looked forward to

Michael's next leave as she had never done before. She was feeling very well,

but she had a great yearning to feel his arms around her, she felt a little lost, a

little helpless, and she wanted his protective strength. He came, looking

wonderfully handsome in his well-cut uniform, with the red tabs and the

crown on his shoulder-straps. He had filled out a good deal as the result of the

hardships of G.H.Q. and his skin was tanned. With his close-cropped hair,

breezy manner and military carriage he looked every inch a soldier.

He was in great spirits (он пребывал в великолепном расположении духа), not

only because he was home for a few days (не только потому, что он был дома на

несколько дней), but because the end of the war was in sight (но /и/ потому, что

конец войны был близок; to be in sight — быть поблизости, под рукой). He

meant to get out of the army (он собирался уйти из армии) as quickly as possible

(как можно скорее). What was the good of having a bit of influence (какой прок

в том, что имеешь чуть влияния) if you didn't use it (и не пользуешься им)? So

many young men had left the stage (так много молодых актеров: «людей»

оставили сцену), either from patriotism (или из-за патриотизма) or because life

was made intolerable for them (или из-за того, что жизнь сделалась

невыносимой для них) by the patriotic who stayed at home (из-за тех патриотов,

что остались дома), and finally owing to conscription (и, в конце концов,

благодаря воинскому призыву), that leading parts had been in the hands (что все

главные роли оказались в руках) either of people who were inapt for military

service (либо актеров: «людей» которые были непригодны для военной

службы) or those who had been so badly wounded (или тех, кто был настолько

тяжело ранен) that they had got their discharge (что они были демобилизованы:

«получили увольнение из армии»).

influence ['InflVqns] patriotism ['px trIqtIz(q)m, "peI| -]

conscription [kqn'skrIpS(q)n] wounded ['wu:ndId]

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He was in great spirits, not only because he was home for a few days, but

because the end of the war was in sight. He meant to get out of the army as

quickly as possible. What was the good of having a bit of influence if you

didn't use it? So many young men had left the stage, either from patriotism or

because life was made intolerable for them by the patriotic who stayed at

home, and finally owing to conscription, that leading parts had been in the

hands either of people who were inapt for military service or those who had

been so badly wounded that they had got their discharge.

There was a wonderful opening (это была удивительно благоприятная

возможность; opening — отверстие, начало, удобный случай), and Michael

saw (и Майкл видел) that if he were available quickly (что если он сможет

быстро предложить себя /импресарио/: «он будет доступным в ближайшее

время») he could get his choice of parts (он сможет получить на выбор много

ролей). When he had recalled himself to the recollection of the public (когда он

напомнит публике о себе: «когда он напомнит о себе в воспоминаниях

публики») they could look about for a theatre (они смогут начать подыскивать

театр), and with the reputation Julia had now acquired (и с той репутацией,

которую теперь приобрела Джулия) it would be safe to start in management

(будет безопасно начинать собственное дело).

They talked late into the night (они проговорили до поздней ночи) and then they

went to bed (и затем отправились спать; to go to bed — ложиться спать). She

cuddled up to him voluptuously (она прижалась к нему сладострастно) and he

put his arms round her (и он обнял ее: «положил свои руки вокруг нее»). After

three months of abstinence (после трех месяцев воздержания) he was amorous

(он был настроен на любовный лад; amorous — влюбчивый, эротический).

"You're the most wonderful little wife (ты /моя самая/ удивительная женушка),"

he whispered (прошептал он).

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available [q'veIlqb(q)l] acquire [q'kwaIq] abstinence ['xbstInqns]

There was a wonderful opening, and Michael saw that if he were available

quickly he could get his choice of parts. When he had recalled himself to the

recollection of the public they could look about for a theatre, and with the

reputation Julia had now acquired it would be safe to start in management.

They talked late into the night and then they went to bed. She cuddled up to

him voluptuously and he put his arms round her. After three months of

abstinence he was amorous.

"You're the most wonderful little wife," he whispered.

He pressed his mouth to hers (он прижался своими губами к ее: «своим ртом к

ее»). She was filled (она испытала: «ее переполнило»; to be filled with — быть

в каком-либо состоянии, испытать какое-либо чувство) on a sudden

(внезапно) with a faint disgust (неясное отвращение). She had to resist an

inclination (ей пришлось сопротивляться желанию) to push him away

(оттолкнуть его). Before (раньше), to her passionate nostrils (для ее

чувственных ноздрей) his body, his young beautiful body (его тело, его

молодое красивое тело), had seemed to have a perfume of flowers and honey

(казалось пахло: «имело запах» цветами и медом), and this had been one of the

things (и это был один из тех элементов: «вещей») that had most enchained her

to him (что сильнее приковывали ее к нему; chain — цепь, узы, оковы; to

enchain — заковывать, сажать на цепь, связывать), but now in some strange

way (но теперь, каким-то странным образом) it had left him (он /запах/

оставил его). She realized (она осознала) that he no longer smelt like a youth

(что он больше не пахнет, как юноша), he smelt like a man (он пахнет, как

мужчина). She felt a little sick (она почувствовала легкую тошноту). She could

not respond to his ardour (она не могла отвечать на его страсть), she was eager

(она с нетерпением ждала) that he should get his desire satisfied quickly (чтобы

он удовлетворил свое желание побыстрее), turn over on his side (повернулся

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на бок), and go to sleep (и заснул).

disgust [dIs'gAst] nostril ['nOstrIl] perfume ['pq:fju:m]

He pressed his mouth to hers. She was filled on a sudden with a faint disgust.

She had to resist an inclination to push him away. Before, to her passionate

nostrils his body, his young beautiful body, had seemed to have a perfume of

flowers and honey, and this had been one of the things that had most

enchained her to him, but now in some strange way it had left him. She

realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. She felt a

little sick. She could not respond to his ardour, she was eager that he should

get his desire satisfied quickly, turn over on his side, and go to sleep.

For long she lay awake (долгое время она лежала без сна; awake —

бодрствующий, проснувшийся). She was dismayed (она пребывала в

смятении). Her heart sank (у нее упало сердце) because she knew (так как она

знала) she had lost something that was infinitely precious to her (что она

потеряло нечто, что было бесконечно драгоценным для нее), and pitying

herself (и, жалея себя) she was inclined to cry (она чувствовала желание: «была

склонна» заплакать); but at the same time (но в тоже самое время) she was

filled with a sense of triumph (она была переполнена радостью победы:

«чувством триумфа»), it seemed a revenge (это казалось отмщением) that she

enjoyed (которым она наслаждалась) for the unhappiness he had caused her (за

все то несчастье, которое он ей причинил; to cause — быть причиной,

вызывать, побуждать) she was free of the bondage (она была свободна от

зависимости; bondage — рабская зависимость, рабство, неволя) in which her

senses had held her to him (в которой ее чувства держали ее к нему) and she

exulted (и она ликовала). Now she could deal with him on equal terms (теперь

она могла иметь с ним дело на равных началах: «условиях»). She stretched her

legs out in bed (она вытянула ноги в постели) and sighed with relief (и

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вздохнула с облегчением).

"By God (ей-богу), it's grand to be one's own mistress (это здорово, быть самой

себе хозяйкой)."

dismay [dIs'meI] infinitely ['InfInItlI] precious ['preSqs] bondage ['bOndIdZ]

For long she lay awake. She was dismayed. Her heart sank because she knew

she had lost something that was infinitely precious to her, and pitying herself

she was inclined to cry; but at the same time she was filled with a sense of

triumph, it seemed a revenge that she enjoyed for the unhappiness he had

caused her; she was free of the bondage in which her senses had held her to

him and she exulted. Now she could deal with him on equal terms. She

stretched her legs out in bed and sighed with relief.

"By God, it's grand to be one's own mistress."

They had breakfast in their room (они завтракали в своей комнате), Julia in bed

(Джулия в кровати) and Michael seated at a little table (и Майкл /восседал/ за

маленьким столиком) by her side (рядом с ней: «с ее стороны»). She looked at

him (она смотрела на него) while he read the paper (пока он читал газету). Was

it possible (было ли это возможно) that three months had made so much

difference in him (что три месяца настолько изменили его: «создали столько

много разницы в нем»), or was it merely (или просто потому) that for years (что

многие годы) she had still seen him with the eyes (она все еще видела его теми

глазами) that had seen him when he came on the stage (какими она увидела его,

когда он вышел на сцену) to rehearse at Middlepool (на репетицию:

«репетировать» в Миддлпуле) in the glorious beauty of his youth (в

сверкающей красоте молодости) and she had been stricken (и она была

поражена /им/) as with a mortal sickness (как смертельной болезнью)? He was

wonderfully handsome still (он все еще был удивительно красив), after all he

was only thirty-six (в конце концов, ему было всего тридцать шесть лет), but

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he was not a boy any more (но он больше не был юношей: «мальчиком»); with

his close-cropped hair (с его коротко стриженными волосами) and weather-

beaten skin (и обветренной кожей; weather — погода; дождь, гроза, непогода;

beaten — битый, избитый), little lines (маленькие морщинки: «линии»)

beginning to mark the smoothness of his forehead (начинают обозначаться на

его гладком лбу) and to show under his eyes (и проявляются: «показываются»

под глазами), he was definitely a man (он определенно был /зрелым/


glorious ['glO:rIqs] weather-beaten ['weDq"bi:tn] forehead ['fOrId, 'fO:hed]

They had breakfast in their room, Julia in bed and Michael seated at a little

table by her side. She looked at him while he read the paper. Was it possible

that three months had made so much difference in him, or was it merely that

for years she had still seen him with the eyes that had seen him when he came

on the stage to rehearse at Middlepool in the glorious beauty of his youth and

she had been stricken as with a mortal sickness? He was wonderfully

handsome still, after all he was only thirty-six, but he was not a boy any more;

with his close-cropped hair and weather-beaten skin, little lines beginning to

mark the smoothness of his forehead and to show under his eyes, he was

definitely a man.

He had lost his coltish grace (он утратил свою юношескую: «жеребячью»

грацию; colt — жеребенок) and his movements were set (в его движениях

чувствовалась скованность; set — неподвижный, застывший, твердый). Each

difference was very small (каждое различие было очень небольшим), but taken

altogether (но, взятые все вместе) they amounted (они были равносильны;

amount — величина, количество; to amount — равняться /чему-л./;

составлять /какую-л. сумму/; доходить до /какого-л. количества/), in her

shrewd, calculating eyes (в ее проницательных, оценивающих: «расчетливых»

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глазах), to all the difference in the world (всем различиям в мире). He was a

middle-aged man (он был мужчиной средних лет; middle — середина, age —


They still lived in the small flat (они все еще жили в той маленькой квартире)

that they had taken (которую они сняли) when first they came to London (когда

они приехали в Лондон в первый раз). Though Julia had been for some time

(хотя Джулия в течение определенного времени) earning a good income

(зарабатывала хорошие деньги; income — доход, поступления, прибыль) it had

not seemed worthwhile to move (казалось, что не имеет смысла переезжать;

worthwhile — стоящий, дающий результат) while Michael was on active

service (пока Майкл участвовал в боевых действиях: «был на действующей

военной службе»), but now that a baby was coming (но теперь, когда и ребенок

был на подходе) the flat was obviously too small (квартира была очевидно

слишком мала). Julia had found a house in Regent's Park (Джулия нашла дом на

Риджент Парк) that she liked very much (который ей очень понравился). She

wanted to be settled down (ей хотелось вселиться /и обжиться/) in good time

(заранее) for her confinement (перед /ее/ родами; confinement — тюремное

заключение, уединение, разг. роды).

coltish ['kqVltIS] calculating ['kxlkjVleItIN] confinement [kqn'faInmqnt]

He had lost his coltish grace and his movements were set. Each difference was

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