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Задание n 24 Тема: Выдающиеся личности англо-говорящих стран

  1. An English musician one of the founding members of The Beatles is …

    John Lennon

    Freddi Mercury

    Michael Jackson

    Phill Collins

  2. A Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics is …

    Adam Smith

    Jonathan Swift

    Michael Faraday

    Charles Darwin

  3. A famous American humorist and author of popular and outstanding autobiographical works, travel books and novels, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is …

    Mark Twain

    Daniel Defoe

    Ernest Hemingway

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. The greatest playwright and poet of all times whose works are still being staged is …

    William Shakespeare

    Robert Burns

    Stephen King

    Jonathan Swift

  5. The Prime Minister who used to say to the Cabinet of Ministers: «When I want your opinion, I`ll give it to you!» is …

    Margaret Thatcher

    Winston Churchill

    Quentin Bryce

    Hillary Clinton

  6. The most prolific of all inventors in history, who patented 1,093 different inventions in the USA including the incandescent electric lamp, the motion-picture projector and the phonograph is …

    Thomas Edison

    James Prescott Joule

    Henry Fielding

    Lord Kelvin

  7. An American film producer, director and animator who made the first full-length animated musical cartoon is …

    Walt Disney

    Jerry Springer

    Stephen Spielberg

    Robert Zemeckis

  8. The present Prime Minister of the UK is …

David Cameron

Anthony Blair

Nicholas Clegg

Gordon Brown

  1. A handsome English actor who has made his career playing romantic roles (starring in «Bridget Jones’s Diary») opposite many divine leading ladies is …

    Hugh Grant

    Nicolas Cage

    Mel Gibson

    Leonardo Di Caprio

  2. A famous American writer of wit short stories with clever twist endings is …

    O. Henry

    Graham Green

    Ernest Hemingway

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

  3. A Scottish biologist and pharmacologist whose best-known achievement is the discovery of the antibiotic substance penicillin in 1928 is …

    Alexander Fleming

    Francis Bacon

    Isaac Newton

    Oscar Wilde

  4. An American civil rights leader who fought through nonviolent action is …

Martin Luther King

John Kennedy

Thomas Paine

Henry Ford